Disaster Management: Siddhanta Das

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Disaster Management

Siddhanta Das




Community Civil Society External agencies Government

Before During Immediately after Thereafter

Pre- Super Cyclone Relief Rehabilitation Reconstruction REACTION

Post- Super Cyclone Planning Preparedness Prevention PRO-ACTION

Factors for Vulnerability

Inadequate Knowledge Non-Cyclone Resistant Housing Poor Communication Weak Infrastructure Longer Response Time Lack of Coordination Sub-optimal Resource Utilization Poor Public Health Settlements in vulnerable areas

Awareness Programme: Why

Understand Risk Recognize the factors for Vulnerability Identify antidotes for those factors Prepare contingency Plan

Prevent hazards from becoming Disasters

Awareness Programme: For Whom

The Vulnerable
Individuals Family Community

The Disaster Managers

Govt. PRI Civil Society

For the Vulnerable

Community Based Disaster Management Community Contingency Plan Mock Drills Formation of task forces Safety tips Household preparation Understanding warning/de-warning messages Household check list Handling Communications equipment Identification of vulnerable groups and assets

Role of Disaster Managers (Govt.)

Integration of DM in development planning Training of officials Trigger Mechanism & Command System Failsafe Communication Control Room Management Database on Resources and optimal use Disaster resistant Infrastructure Inter-agency Coordination Educational curriculum Search, Rescue and Medical Aid Public Health Measures Risk Transfer Documentation

Role of Disaster Managers (PRI, Civil Society)

Training Shelter Management Warning Dissemination Trigger Mechanism Inventory of Resources and optimal use Mock Drill Inter-agency Coordination Search and Rescue Trauma Counseling Promotion of a culture of preparedness Sustain the initiatives Public Health Measures Cropping/ Livelihood pattern Alternative Technology

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