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Boer War
The Canadian perspective
Information by: Mr. Cronin PowerPoint by: Syed Kamran

General Information
Where: South Africa Who and Why: British in conict with settlers When: 1899 French Canadian did not want to send troops, while English speaking did.

Lauriers Compromise
French do not want to go to war. Issue damages relations between French and English. Laurier sends 1000 voluntary troops (Britain paid them) Total number of Canadians ended up going: 8300

Issues with Britain and US Alaska Dispute

When: 1989 Where: Western Canada; Alaska, Yukon, BC region The US had bought Alaska from Russia. The Americans interpreted the border to be further inland.

Gold discovery
Alaska dispute became huge due to gold discovery. Joint commission established (US, Canada, Britain) US sent 800 troops to show strength in area.

Britains decision against Canada

Tribunal ruled against Canada, US given pan handle. Weakened Canadian-British bond. Promoted Canadian Nationalism Fostered anti-US sentiment

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