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Dear respondent,
I am conducting a research in telecom sector. Please fill the fair and correct information. This study will be used for academic purpose only.

Demographic profile:

Please rate these statements according to your satisfaction level. Here H.D.-Highly dissatisfied, D-Dissatisfied, NNeutral, S-Satisfied, H.S.-Highly satisfied.
Before the service After the service

1. AGE 15-20 ( ) 20-25 ( ) 25-30 ( ) ABOVE 30 ( ) 2. GENDER Male ( ) Female ( ) 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION Under Graduate ( ) Graduate ( ) Post Graduate ( ) 4. OCCUPATION Student ( ) Business ( ) Professional ( ) Govt. Employee ( ) Others ( ) 5. MONTHLY EXPENDITURE PER MONTH IN MOBILE SERVICES Below Rs. 500 ( ) Rs.501-1000 ( ) Rs.1001-2000 ( ) Above Rs.2001( ) 6. WHICH CELLULAR SERVICE YOU ARE USING? Prepaid ( ) Post-paid ( ) 7. TECHNOLOGY GSM ( ) CDMA ( )

Expectat ion (Rank b/w 1-5) 4 5 4 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 5



H. S.

1. Employees perform the

service right the first time.

2. Provides

the services at the promised time.

3. You are kept well-informed

about the progress of your complaints. 4. Billing system is accurate and error free. 5. Bills are received in time.
6. Employees gives you

prompt service. 7. Your complaints/queries are taken seriously.

8. Your complaints are

5 5 5 4 5 5 4 5 4

resolved quickly. 9. They are always willing to help you. 10. Employees are friendly and polite while handling your complaints. 11. They have the adequate knowledge of tariffs and plans of service providers. 12. The behaviour of contact employees instils confidence in you. 13. You feel safe in your transactions with your service provider. 14. For lodging the complaints, service provider is easily accessible. 15. They have your best interests at heart. 16. Gives you individual attention. 17. Understands your specific needs. 18. Retailer network of your service provider is easily located. 19. Service providers physical facilities are visually appealing. 20. Employees appear neat. Materials associated with the service (such as pamphlets etc.) are visually appealing.

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