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QUESTIONS: Great Expectations

1. Why did Pip steal food from his sisters kitchen?

a) Because he was hungry. b) Because a prisoner asked him. c) Because he needed money and then he sell the food.

2. Who was Mr Jaggers? a) A London lawyer. b) A lawyers clerk. c) A convict.

3. What was the aim/goal of Miss Havisham? a) Miss Havisham wanted Pip and Estella fall in love. b) Miss Havisham wanted that Estella become a famous woman. c) Miss Havisham wanted that Estella hurts Pips heart because she had a bad experience with men.

4. Why did Pip want to be a gentleman? a) Because he was tired and sick of learning on her sisters house.
b) Because of Estella who made him feel a miserable and common

c) Because he wanted to make her sister feel proud of him.

5. Why did Pip and Joe not being best friends? a) Because Pip was so far away of the village and finally they lost the contact. b) Because Joe married with Biddy, the girl that at least Pip wanted to married with.

c) Because they where now from different world.

6. How Pip recognized the convict in the village pub? a) With the file that he use for the coffee. b) Because he recognize the face. c) Because he recognize the voice.

7. Who did Pip think that killed his sister?

a) Orlick b) The convict c) Biddy

8. How did Miss Havisham know she was not going to marry with his fiance? a) Estella said it to her. b) She knew it by a letter. c) She knew it by a messenger.

9. Herbert fall in love with a) Estella b) Clara c) Biddy

10. Which type of company did Herbert want to invest in?

a) In a tavern

b) In a prison-ship c) In a ship company

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