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What do we learn from Ruth?

Principle of Sacrifice

The Judgment of God

Matthew 13:47-50

Ministry in the Bible Belt

Parable of the Dragnet Bible Belt cities These are all


Courtesy of Bible and Science (

Ministry in the Bible Belt

These are all Bible Belt cities

Ministry in the Bible Belt

These are all Bible Belt cities

Courtesy of

Parable of the Dragnet

The Judgment of God


God is too loving to judge anybody

The Gospel

On the Cross Jesus Endured the Hell that I Deserve!

The Judgment of God is


Judgment of God

How does one reconcile the loving God of the Old Testament with the harsh God of the New Testament?
David Lamb

Judgment of God

Bind him hand and foot and cast him into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Jesus Christ

The Judgment of God is

Certain Literal

The Judgment of God is

Certain Literal Punitive

The Judgment of God is Their problem in hell will not be separation from God, it will be the presence of God that will torment them. In hell, God will be present in the fullness of His divine wrath. He will be there to exercise His just punishment of the damned. They will know Him as an all-consuming fire.
R.C. Sproul

The Judgment of God is

Certain Literal Punitive Final and Eternal

The Judgment of God is

Certain Literal Punitive Final and Eternal Painful

Jesus described Gods judgment as

the fiery furnace the eternal fire the darkness outside weeping and gnashing of teeth

Brownlow North

The one thing that can add agony to the agony of the lost is, the being shut up for ever in hell with those they have helped to bring there.

J.M. Boice

You godless fathers, be warned! If you lead your sons along the path you have chosen, they will be present to condemn and curse you in that day. Your agony will be greater because of it.

A New Beginning

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