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Exercise to be completed after exercise 2 of Guide

Basics Exercise To replicate (copy) a formula:
Drag from the bottom right hand corner, as
Charity Spreadsheet you did to copy the contents of a cell.
Open a new spreadsheet and enter the data as shown below: You will notice that the formula is copied
rather than the results and Excel
automatically changes the cell references to
the ones you want

1. Enhance all headings by making them bold

2. Widen columns if necessary to display all data
3. Centre the headings; Qtr 1, Qtr 2, Qtr 3 and Qtr 4
4. Save the file into your MyDocuments area. Name the file Charity
5. Close the file
6. Open your Charity file and continue with the exercise
7. Enter a formula in cell B6 to add the numbers in cells B3 to B5
8. *Replicate the formula in cell C6 to cells D6 and E6
9. Save your work and close the file

Revision Exercise 1
Enter the data as shown below.

Save the file to your own area with the name Revision Exercise 1
Make the title Style Wise Store bold and increase the font to size 12
Make the following headings bold; Qtr 1, Qtr 2, Qtr 3, Qtr 4, Total, Sales and Total Sales
Centre the headings Qtr 1, Qtr 2, Qtr 3 and Qtr 4. Right align the Total heading
Widen column A so that Total Sales is fully visible
Insert a blank row between rows 1 and 2
Format cell B5 to F9 to currency with no decimal places
In cell B9 use Auto Sum to total the sales for Qtr 1. Replicate the formula across to cells C9 to E9
In cell F5 use Auto Sum to total the sales for Clothes. Replicate the formula down to cells F6 to F9
Make the following changes to the data:
Change the contents of B5 to 51,500 change D7 to 23,000 and change E6 to 12,800
Insert a new row between rows Jewellery and Boots, enter the following data:
Accessories 15,000 12,500 14,500 13,000 replicate total from above
Insert a Header with your name on the right hand side, the date in the centre and the filename on the left
Set the sheet to print with Gridlines and Row and Column headings showing
Check in Print Preview and Print one copy
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