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Absolute Reference 1

Enter the data as shown below and save the file with the name Absolute Ref Ex 1
Widen columns as necessary to display all data
Format Row 2 to Wrap Text so that the headings show on 2 lines

Make all the headings in Row 2 bold. Make Grand Total bold
Find the total for Paper Punches by multiplying the Number of Items by the Price per Item
Replicate the formula for all the other items
Find the discount for the Paper Punches by multiplying the total by the discount amount in cell H1
You will need to make the reference to H1 absolute
Replicate the Discount to all the other items
Find the Total Incl. Discount for Paper Punches and replicate to all other items
Use Auto sum in cell F9 to find the Grand Total of all items including discount
Format cell C3 to F8 to Number with 2 decimal places
Format cell F9 to currency with 2 decimal places
Include a Header with the usual details and set to display Row & Column headings and Gridlines

Absolute Reference 2
Enter the data as shown below formatting cells B4 to H10 to number with 2 decimal places
Save the file with the name Absolute Ref Ex 2
Make contents of rows 1, 2 and 3 bold make sure all data is fully displayed

Find the cost of 5 packs of Incense Cones and replicate for the other items
Repeat for 10 packs and 20 packs
Find the discount for 5 packs of Incense Cones using a reference to D2 for the discount make sure the
reference to D2 is made absolute
Replicate for the other items and repeat for the other discounts
Include a Header with the usual details and set to display Row & Column headings and Gridlines
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