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Homework Assignments for the Week of September 19, 2011

Monday Practice your memory verse (Titus 3:1 and 2). Be ready to say it Wednesday morning. Practice spelling words. Spelling test is Friday. o Regular Words: can cat back dad am bat mad ran sack at o Bonus Words: way come o Fancy Nancy Word: university Read with someone in your family for 15 minutes. Tuesday Practice your memory verse. Be ready to say it tomorrow morning. Put your chapel offering in the little blue envelope. Put it in your OK Notebook. This weeks offering is designated for the families effected by the fires in Central Texas. Practice spelling words. Math homework Stamped with the homework stamp and in the green pocket folder. Read with someone in your family for 15 minutes. Look for a yummy apple. You will need to bring an apple to school on Thursday. Wednesday Practice your memory verse (John 1:29) Read with someone in your family for 15 minutes. Practice spelling words. Make sure your apple is in your backpack! Thursday Practice your memory verse. Be ready to say it Friday morning. It is library tomorrow. Be sure that your library books are in your backpack. Read with someone in your family for 15 minutes. Practice your spelling words. The spelling test is tomorrow. Friday Enjoy your long weekend!

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