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Question 1

An MP3-Player is specified as follows.

• Power switches the device on and off.
• When the device is switched on at first, its display shows the play list (see the figure below);
however no music is played yet.
• One can start and stop playing the music with the play button. When music is played, the
display shows detailed information about the played title.
• With the menu button, you can switch between the play-list and the title-display.
• With forward button, one can wind a title, when the player is paused.
• The adjustment can be done with the volume buttons: + and -. There are only three volume
levels: quiet, medium and loud. When music starts to play, the volume level is quiet.
• When the reset button is pressed, the system goes in the initial state.
• Pressing – when the player is quiet doesn’t change the volume. Similarly pressing + in the
state loud does not change the volume.
Model this device using UML State Machines.


play forward

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