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esh Quality: Orthogonal Quality ranges from 0 to 1, where values close to 0 correspond to low quality.

Minimum Orthogonal Quality = 0.00000e+00 Warning: minimum Orthogonal Quality below 0.01. Maximum Aspect Ratio = 1.32268e+17

Fluent can try to improve the mesh quality via the TUI command /mesh/repair-improve/improve-quality Domain Extents: x-coordinate: min (m) = -5.400000e-02, max (m) = 2.731784e-15 y-coordinate: min (m) = -2.000000e-01, max (m) = 7.000000e-02 z-coordinate: min (m) = 0.000000e+00, max (m) = 5.850000e+00 Volume statistics: minimum volume (m3): 5.746226e-13 maximum volume (m3): 4.574266e-07 total volume (m3): 2.713266e-02 Face area statistics: minimum face area (m2): 4.133305e-10 maximum face area (m2): 1.163934e-04 Checking mesh.......... WARNING: left-handed faces detected on zone 2: 8353755 right-handed, 65 left-handed........ WARNING: The mesh contains high aspect ratio quadrilateral, hexahedral, or polyhedral cells. The default algorithm used to compute the wall distance required by the turbulence models might

produce wrong results in these cells. Please inspect the wall distance by displaying the contours of the 'Cell Wall Distance' at the boundaries. If you observe any irregularities we recommend the use of an alternative algorithm to correct the wall distance. Please select /solve/initialize/repair-wall-distance using the text user interface to switch to the alternative algorithm. ........ Done.

WARNING: Mesh check failed.

To get more detailed information about the mesh check failure increase the mesh check verbosity via the TUI command /mesh/check-verbosity. Fluent can also try to fix the mesh check problems via the TUI command /mesh/repair-improve/repair. adapt/ close-fluent define/ display/ file/ mesh/ parallel/ plot/ report/ solve/ surface/ views/

> /mesh/repair-improve/repair invalid command []

> mesh

/mesh> repair-improve

/mesh/repair-improve> repair Trying to repair mesh: Handling of degenerated cells. .. Improving poor quality cells. . Enabling alternative algorithm to correct the wall distance. Done. Please perform mesh check again. If problems persist you can try and repair again. If you enable the adjustment of boundary nodes via the TUI command /mesh/repair/allow-repair-at-boundaries then a successful repair is more likely. /mesh/repair-improve> Mesh Quality: Orthogonal Quality ranges from 0 to 1, where values close to 0 correspond to low quality. Minimum Orthogonal Quality = 4.10233e-03 Warning: minimum Orthogonal Quality below 0.01. Maximum Aspect Ratio = 1.67742e+03

Fluent can try to improve the mesh quality via the TUI command

/mesh/repair-improve/improve-quality Domain Extents: x-coordinate: min (m) = -5.400000e-02, max (m) = 2.731784e-15 y-coordinate: min (m) = -2.000000e-01, max (m) = 7.000000e-02 z-coordinate: min (m) = 0.000000e+00, max (m) = 5.850000e+00 Volume statistics: minimum volume (m3): 5.746226e-13 maximum volume (m3): 4.574266e-07 total volume (m3): 2.713266e-02 Face area statistics: minimum face area (m2): 4.133305e-10 maximum face area (m2): 1.672508e-04 Checking mesh......................... Done.

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