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sales dist mgt

question the key to successful leaders is their non-commitment.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question management should view the recruitment and selection process as a sub-system of :-

correct answer sales force management.

your answer sales force management.

multiple choice single answer

question this view's slogan is " enjoy the wealth by renouncing it" :-
correct answer trusteeship view
your answer capitalist view

question merchandising policies for key accounts at the retail outlets display layout and point of
sale material.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question specific objectives of distribution logistics are :-
correct answer order - delivery cycle time , consistency & reliability of delivery , inventory availability

your answer order - delivery cycle time , consistency & reliability of delivery

multiple choice single answer

question the 'sales call plan' is used to measure :-
correct answer efficiency in selling activities
your answer efficiency in selling activities

multiple choice single answer

question it is a process of two way communication between the account manager and key account :-

correct answer business rapport

your answer business rapport

multiple choice single answer

question attracting recruits is usually an ongoing task of the :-
correct answer sales manager.
your answer sales manager.

question accuracy of forecasts are not analysed to determine how forecasting techniques can be
improved & & better forecasts obtained in the future months.
correct answer true
your answer true

match the following

question correct answer your answer

manufacturer's representative. manufacturer's agents, who are paid commission on sales they
generate. manufacturer's agents, who are paid commission on sales they generate.

technical specialists work with sales representative to provide technical advice & information before,
during & after the purchase. work with sales representative to provide technical advice & information
before, during & after the purchase.

customer service representative. assist in installation, maintenance & regular servicing of products.
assist in installation, maintenance & regular servicing of products.

inside sales person. sell from office via telephone. sell from office via telephone.

multiple choice multiple answer

question the sales force can be remunerated in the following ways :-
correct answer salary and commission on sales. , salary and share in the profits.
your answer salary and commission on sales. , salary and share in the profits.

multiple choice multiple answer

question a leader must fulfill the following functions :-
correct answer provide the people with a set of beliefs. , provide a social organization in which people feel
your answer provide a social organization in which people feel secure. , provide independence.

multiple choice multiple answer

question steps in selection techniques of intermediaries are :-
correct answer collecting relevant information , analyzing the information , negotiating the agreement

your answer credibility in the society , collecting relevant information , analyzing the information

select the blank

question realistically sales are associated with several ________ variables, such as advertising
expenditures etc.
correct answer independent.
your answer independent.

question a 'sales territory' is a configuration of current and potential accounts, for which
responsibility has been assigned to a particular sales representative.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question account manager must also ________ to allow time to work on priorities and key result
correct answer delegate
your answer delegate

multiple choice single answer

question it is essential to understand the dimensions of both verbal and non-verbal expression, to
overcome barriers of :-
correct answer communication.
your answer communication.

select the blank

question selection of ________ is an important activity of sales management because it decides the
type of volume of business, one will have on the future.
correct answer intermediaries
your answer intermediaries

select the blank

question the commissions, are paid on ________ achievements.
correct answer measurable
your answer measurable

multiple choice single answer

question management process is described as a :-
correct answer learned process.
your answer learned process.

multiple choice multiple answer

question costs of goods sold includes what all heads?
correct answer product cost , administrative cost , marketing cost
your answer product cost , administrative cost , marketing cost

multiple choice single answer

question the objective of "volume" for an industrial buyer is achieved by :-
correct answer profit from trading opportunities
your answer profit from trading opportunities

question there has to be a reciprocal relationship between the leader and his followers.
correct answer true
your answer true

question compensation levels for sales personnel are related to external supply and demand
correct answer true
your answer false
select the blank
question the retail outlets have location advantage in that they save the consumer's ________.

correct answer travelling time

your answer travelling time

multiple choice multiple answer

question trends in organizing distribution network :-
correct answer globalization or one market , territories , minimum number of warehouses
your answer territories , minimum number of warehouses , warehousing capacity

multiple choice single answer

question in the absence of training, job performance improves with :-
correct answer experience.
your answer experience.

question quality of display influences consumer purchasing decisions.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question organizational ________ includes the shared beliefs, values and attitudes towards ethics
and social responsibility.
correct answer culture
your answer culture

multiple choice single answer

question the most important function in any organisation is :-
correct answer recruitment.
your answer marketing.

select the blank

question social responsibility towards ________ is by providing direction to the economic and
business life.
correct answer state
your answer state

multiple choice multiple answer

question various market representation options can be :-
correct answer foreign market subsidiary , independent export company , foreign branch office network

your answer foreign market subsidiary , independent export company , foreign branch office network

multiple choice single answer

question in 'assumption close' technique :-
correct answer the sales person assumes that prospect will purchase & conveys this assumption through
his actions.
your answer the sales person assumes that prospect will purchase & conveys this assumption through
his actions.

multiple choice multiple answer

question for effective code of ethics across the company, it should :-
correct answer be communicated to all employees , have solid backing by top management , be consistent
with corporate culture
your answer be communicated to all employees , have solid backing by top management , be consistent
with corporate culture

select the blank

question to achieve ________ objectives, effective sales presentation is required.
correct answer price
your answer price

match the following

question correct answer your answer

to facilitate performance evaluation.set daily / weekly / monthly goals. set daily / weekly / monthly goals.

sales territories. provide intensive market coverage. provide intensive market coverage.
inadequate sales territories. split territories. split territories.

selling cost variations. review cost figures. review cost figures.

multiple choice multiple answer

question partnership marketing means :-
correct answer reducing conflicts, common strategies & objectives , sharing of information , developing
integrated marketing plan
your answer reducing conflicts, common strategies & objectives , sharing of information , developing
integrated marketing plan

select the blank

question ________ develop greater product loyalty.
correct answer product usage
your answer product usage

multiple choice multiple answer

question the primary role of a sales manager is :-
correct answer to monitor the sales force. , to ensure that profits meet projected goals.
your answer to motivate the sales people. , to monitor the sales force. , to ensure that profits meet
projected goals.

select the blank

question the service motive is ________ oriented.
correct answer customer
your answer customer

multiple choice multiple answer

question tangible benefits of merchandising to distributor are :-
correct answer balance stock holding , influence on retail buying
your answer balance stock holding , influence on retail buying

question extended socialization involves long term training, job rotation and corporate social
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question the interest rate for the credit period is expressed in terms of :-
correct answer libor
your answer libor

select the blank

question corporate dirty tricks takes sometimes the form of ________ that can damage products.

correct answer rumour

your answer rumour

question direct costs allocation to various product groups should be done in a logical fashion.

correct answer false

your answer false

question in semi structured interviews, the interviewer has a pre-planned list of major questions
but allows time for interaction and discussion.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question the factors to be considered by management while recruiting are :-
correct answer nature of the product. , recruiting budgets.
your answer nature of the product. , recruiting budgets.

question marketing & sales have been revolutionized by the concepts like unitization, palletisation
& containerization.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question through ________, the sales of individual items can be tracked & appropriate action taken
based on the sales trends, fast or slow movement.
correct answer bar-coding
your answer product coding

question the sales potential is the minimum sales that can be attained with perfect selling
correct answer false
your answer true

question the retail chain observe how the product will appeal to the customer in the showroom - the
appearance, the aesthetic, the merchandising & the packaging
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question manufacturing cycle is made up of :-
correct answer production ordering , production scheduling , material requirement, requisitioning

your answer production ordering , production scheduling , material requirement, requisitioning ,

inventory management

match the following

question correct answer your answer

labour relations option of flexible working hours public seats on board of directors

consumerism product warranty and service product warranty and service

community needs service in voluntary groupspollution cleanup and prevention

government relations business control through political action business control through political

question distribution points are independent vending centers rather than buying centers.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question various issues dealt in code of ethics are :-
correct answer accepting business gifts , using company property for personal use , attempting to
influence government officials
your answer accepting business gifts , using company property for personal use , attempting to
influence government officials

multiple choice multiple answer

question arguments against corporate social responsibility are :-
correct answer lack of skills , loss of maximisation of economic gains , lack of accountability
your answer lack of skills , loss of maximisation of economic gains , lack of accountability

select the blank

question box-jenkins' is a ________ technique.
correct answer mathematical.
your answer mathematical.

select the blank

question right to freedom of speech is an example of ________.
correct answer theory of rights
your answer theory of rights

select the blank

question ________ agent files bill of entry in the customs.
correct answer stevedoring
your answer stevedoring

multiple choice multiple answer

question major responsibilities of sales are :-
correct answer planning & control , budgeting & control of costs , planning & control of activities
your answer planning & control , planning & control of activities , credit control

list of attempted questions and answers

question marketing & sales have been revolutionized by the concepts like unitization, palletisation
& containerization.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question through ________, the sales of individual items can be tracked & appropriate action taken
based on the sales trends, fast or slow movement.
correct answer bar-coding
your answer product coding

multiple choice multiple answer

question hiring decision is also based on :-
correct answer temperament. , creativity.
your answer temperament. , creativity.

multiple choice single answer

question in 'assumption close' technique :-
correct answer the sales person assumes that prospect will purchase & conveys this assumption through
his actions.
your answer the sales person assumes that prospect will purchase & conveys this assumption through
his actions.

question major accounts are called 'lock accounts'.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question action desired by the supplier from the trade can be achieved through following :-
correct answer image creation , product leadership , advertising and sales promotion
your answer image creation , product leadership , advertising and sales promotion

multiple choice multiple answer

question new sales personnel must be able to recognize :-
correct answer "who" buys the product. , "how" then by it.
your answer what they buy. , "who" buys the product. , when they buy it.

question in centralized training programs, the trainees do not quickly get acquainted with each
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question the "value added" selling approach includes :-
correct answer selling services that exceed customer expectations
your answer selling services that exceed customer expectations

select the blank

question realistically sales are associated with several ________ variables, such as advertising
expenditures etc.
correct answer independent.
your answer interdependent.

multiple choice multiple answer

question arguments in favour of social responsibility are :-
correct answer balance of responsibility and power , long run viability , better environment
your answer long run viability , better environment , balance of responsibility and power

question bonus always appear with one of the three main sales compensation methods.
correct answer true
your answer true
multiple choice single answer
question heavy expenditure on selling & travel to collect the orders, lead-time between receiving
orders, manufacturing & supply, orders do not come in time, non accuracy of forecasts are the drawbacks of
correct answer supplier inventory management system
your answer supplier processing management system

select the blank

question most sales managers appreciate the importance of ________ the sales force planning
efforts over all marketing strategies.
correct answer integrating
your answer integrating

match the following

question correct answer your answer

organizing creating job description & recruiting sales people creating job description & recruiting
sales people

analyzing involves activities of reviewing sales records & sales persons performance involves
activities of reviewing sales records & sales persons performance

planning establishing & transmitting to the sales people objectives & strategies establishing & transmitting
to the sales people objectives & strategies

evaluating creating performance standards & take remedial actions creating performance
standards & take remedial actions

multiple choice single answer

question the modern sales approach like partnering includes :-
correct answer sharing of values between vendors & buyers
your answer sharing of values between vendors & buyers

question in 'salary plus incentive' compensation plan, income includes expense allowance also.

correct answer false

your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question the roll of sales manager as an analyzer includes :-
correct answer reviewing sales records & sales persons performance
your answer reviewing sales records & sales persons performance

select the blank

question other departments in the organization should operate as, check and ________ to market
correct answer balance
your answer balance

multiple choice single answer

question in case of companies selling industrial goods, customers :-
correct answer mostly follow their past buying patterns.
your answer mostly follow their past buying patterns.

multiple choice single answer

question an economic unit which undertakes production/exchange of goods/services to earn a
profit by satisfaction of human wants is :-
correct answer business
your answer company

multiple choice single answer

question seeking "prospect" includes :-
correct answer finding new or potential customers
your answer finding new or potential customers

multiple choice multiple answer

question the sales quota system can be successful, if :-
correct answer the quota is realistically attainable. , the sales quota must be fairly & objectively
your answer the quota is realistically attainable. , the sales quota must be fairly & objectively
determined. , it must not be easily administered.

select the blank

question the term 'aida' refers to ________, interest, desire and action.
correct answer attention
your answer attention

question prospecting is providing products to customers.
correct answer false
your answer false

question the sales potential is the minimum sales that can be attained with perfect selling
correct answer false
your answer true

question the retail chain observe how the product will appeal to the customer in the showroom - the
appearance, the aesthetic, the merchandising & the packaging
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question manufacturing cycle is made up of :-
correct answer production ordering , production scheduling , material requirement, requisitioning

your answer production ordering , production scheduling , material requirement, requisitioning ,

inventory management

match the following

question correct answer your answer

labour relations option of flexible working hours public seats on board of directors

consumerism product warranty and service product warranty and service

community needs service in voluntary groupspollution cleanup and prevention

government relations business control through political action business control through political

question distribution points are independent vending centers rather than buying centers.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question various issues dealt in code of ethics are :-
correct answer accepting business gifts , using company property for personal use , attempting to
influence government officials
your answer accepting business gifts , using company property for personal use , attempting to
influence government officials

multiple choice multiple answer

question arguments against corporate social responsibility are :-
correct answer lack of skills , loss of maximisation of economic gains , lack of accountability
your answer lack of skills , loss of maximisation of economic gains , lack of accountability

select the blank

question box-jenkins' is a ________ technique.
correct answer mathematical.
your answer mathematical.

select the blank

question right to freedom of speech is an example of ________.
correct answer theory of rights
your answer theory of rights
select the blank
question ________ agent files bill of entry in the customs.
correct answer stevedoring
your answer stevedoring

multiple choice multiple answer

question major responsibilities of sales are :-
correct answer planning & control , budgeting & control of costs , planning & control of activities
your answer planning & control , planning & control of activities , credit control

multiple choice multiple answer

question the follow up, after sale of the product is :-
correct answer consider as the last but not least function after sale. , brings customer satisfaction & helps
in cultivating brand loyalty.
your answer consider as the last but not least function after sale. , brings customer satisfaction & helps
in cultivating brand loyalty.

select the blank

question the disadvantage of 'box-jenkins method' is that it requires a ________ degree of
correct answer high.
your answer high.

multiple choice multiple answer

question various merchandising tools are :-
correct answer stickers , posters , branded racks on display units
your answer stickers , posters , branded racks on display units

multiple choice single answer

question which is a critical success criteria?
correct answer productivity
your answer price

question new recruits need not be taught company's policies.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question the modern marketing concept is based on :-
correct answer customer orientation
your answer customer orientation

multiple choice multiple answer

question job description can be organized into :-
correct answer sales activities. , territory management.
your answer sales activities. , territory management.

multiple choice single answer

question which is an essential part of the total program for motivating sales personnel?
correct answer sales compensation plan
your answer sales compensation plan

multiple choice single answer

question sales quota is :-
correct answer quantitative goal assigned to a unit of sales organization.
your answer quantitative goal assigned to a unit of sales organization.

multiple choice single answer

question this view's slogan is " enjoy the wealth by renouncing it" :-
correct answer trusteeship view
your answer trusteeship view

multiple choice single answer

question after deciding the needed traits, the management must :-
correct answer recruit.
your answer recruit.

list of attempted questions and answers

multiple choice single answer

question after deciding the needed traits, the management must :-
correct answer recruit.
your answer recruit.

question in a relationship of equality, either of the party projects a dominant or submissive role or
attitude towards the other.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question the leads obtained by the sales person must be qualified in terms of :-
correct answer needs , ability to buy
your answer needs , ability to buy

multiple choice multiple answer

question the variable components of a sales compensation plan are :-
correct answer profit sharing , commission
your answer profit sharing , commission , paid vacations

multiple choice multiple answer

question key accounts manager collects information about the buying organisation on subjects like
correct answer buying organisation business , the market environment in which buyer's organisation
operates , buying motives
your answer buying organisation business , the market environment in which buyer's organisation
operates , buying motives

select the blank

question ________ helps to prevent job dissatisfaction but do not add to job satisfaction.
correct answer fringe benefits
your answer fringe benefits

select the blank

question product promotion policies of key accounts are ________.
correct answer centralised
your answer centralised

multiple choice multiple answer

question for industrial and commercial products, relationship should be built and cultivated with
managers involved in :-
correct answer buying , product specification , product use
your answer buying , product specification , product range distribution policies

question ecr is emergency control report.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question the modern sales approach like partnering includes :-
correct answer sharing of values between vendors & buyers
your answer sharing of values between vendors & buyers

question an organisation's socially responsible actions will depend on the moral and ethical value
systems upon which executive decisions are based.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question the modern marketing concept is based on :-
correct answer customer orientation
your answer customer orientation

multiple choice single answer

question informal leadership is the :-
correct answer unofficial exercise of influence through competence.
your answer unofficial exercise of influence through competence.

multiple choice single answer

question in 'standing-room -close' technique :-
correct answer a psychological pressure is applied to the customer, that the product may not be available
later on.
your answer a psychological pressure is applied to the customer, that the product may not be available
later on.
question partnership marketing is the stage in selling where the product is so placed that it can be
seen touched, smelt, heard, tried & finally picked up as a purchase.
correct answer false
your answer true

select the blank

question the sales person should frequently contact the customers to spot ________ & solve them.

correct answer problems

your answer problems

multiple choice single answer

question the "value added" selling approach includes :-
correct answer selling services that exceed customer expectations
your answer selling services that exceed customer expectations

select the blank

question ________ is a major source of customer complaints.
correct answer advertising
your answer personal selling

multiple choice single answer

question this type of sales promotion activity is used where specialist services are being marketed
correct answer introduction incentives
your answer performance allowances

select the blank

question to achieve ________ objectives, effective sales presentation is required.
correct answer price
your answer sales

multiple choice multiple answer

question ways to manage company's ethical standards are :-
correct answer legislation , managerial feedback , adoption of business code of ethics
your answer legislation , managerial feedback , adoption of business code of ethics

select the blank

question a lead can be declared as ________ when it qualifies on all the criterias.
correct answer prospect
your answer prospect

multiple choice single answer

question the roll of sales manager as an analyzer includes :-
correct answer reviewing sales records & sales persons performance
your answer reviewing sales records & sales persons performance

select the blank

question the organizations are trying to reduce raising costs by ________ the sales management
information systems. (smis).
correct answer improving
your answer increasing

multiple choice single answer

question many of the responsibilities listed in job description, must be stated in :-
correct answer quantitative terms.
your answer quantitative terms.

question specialization should to be in skill, e.g. forecasting, merchandising, rather than in
correct answer true
your answer false

question there should be no focus on product innovations by the organization.
correct answer false
your answer false

question the retail chain observe how the product will appeal to the customer in the showroom - the
appearance, the aesthetic, the merchandising & the packaging
correct answer true
your answer true
multiple choice single answer
question it is a systematic study and evaluation of the organization's social performance as
distinguished from its economic performance :-
correct answer social audits
your answer social audits

multiple choice single answer

question it is a process of two way communication between the account manager and key account :-

correct answer business rapport

your answer business rapport

multiple choice single answer

question the word 'scheduling' refers to :-
correct answer good time management.
your answer production.

select the blank

question unitization, palletisation & containerization are concepts which have revolutionized
correct answer distribution & logistics
your answer distribution & logistics

match the following

question correct answer your answer

utilizing loads reduces material handling & transport time reduces material handling & transport time

improvement in weight bulk ratio reduces transportation costs bulk ratio reduces transportation

larger the load less the cost of transportation less the cost of transportation

for effective logistics total cost to be considered total cost to be considered

select the blank

question in recent years more and more companies have tended to rely less on ________ tests.

correct answer psychological

your answer psychological

question integrated logistics management includes transaction systems, short term scheduling
systems, flow planning, network design optimisation.
correct answer true
your answer true

question training programs & seminars don't help in effective performance by sales person.

correct answer false

your answer false

match the following

question correct answer your answer

playing favorites deceptive morality by bribing

managing ethical standards legislation legislation

short weight of products unethical pricing deceptive morality

dewey's framework reflective morality reflective morality

select the blank
question the most important characteristic of sales training program is ________ orientation.

correct answer career

your answer goal

multiple choice multiple answer

question "counting methods" include :-
correct answer test marketing. , surveys of customer's buying intentions and.
your answer test marketing. , moving averages. , surveys of customer's buying intentions and.

multiple choice multiple answer

question functions performed in logistics are :-
correct answer packing & unpacking , breaking bulk , handling and collection / delivery of material

your answer breaking bulk , handling and collection / delivery of material

multiple choice single answer

question it is designed to measure result and effectiveness :-
correct answer control
your answer pyramid

select the blank

question sales is one of the most exciting, financially rewarding and ________ careers.
correct answer challenging
your answer challenging

multiple choice multiple answer

question the approaches to locate the prospect include :-
correct answer center of influence , advertising
your answer center of influence , advertising

multiple choice single answer

question the objective of "volume" for an industrial buyer is achieved by :-
correct answer profit from trading opportunities
your answer profit from trading opportunities

multiple choice single answer

question globalization, territories, warehousing & transshipment points, greater centralization in
planning & control, the levels in the distribution chain are the parameters of organizing :-
correct answer distribution
your answer distribution

multiple choice single answer

question the frequency of purchasing & the source of purchases are the measures to analyse :-

correct answer buying habits of consumers

your answer buying habits of consumers

question posters, stickers, leaflets etc are all merchandising tools.
correct answer true
your answer false

list of attempted questions and answers

question bonus always appear with one of the three main sales compensation methods.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question short run sales forecast cover :-
correct answer one year or less.
your answer one year or less.

select the blank

question ________ is the process of reaching the products / services to the ultimate consumers at
the right time in the cheapest possible manner.
correct answer distribution
your answer distribution

multiple choice single answer

question which motive includes the satisfaction of customer wants through customer satisfaction?

correct answer service motive

your answer service motive

select the blank

question the marketing costs includes direct, indirect, ________ , and variable amounts.
correct answer fixed
your answer fixed

select the blank

question the ________ approach involves two way communication with the prospect.
correct answer question
your answer question

select the blank

question at the strategic control level, it is extremely necessary to identify areas of ________.

correct answer threats

your answer threats

select the blank

question the term 'aida' refers to ________, interest, desire and action.
correct answer attention
your answer attention

select the blank

question obtaining ________ from key players helps promoting sales and other prospects.
correct answer endorsements
your answer endorsements

question no analyzing of situation is required by field sales managers.
correct answer false
your answer false

question the 'forecasting method' must provide results that are not accurate.
correct answer false
your answer false

question as distribution & logistics cost forms a substantial % of the sales volume, credit control is
essential to make sure the organization is getting value for the money paid.
correct answer false
your answer true

question colour blocking' is a tool used by retailers.
correct answer true
your answer true

match the following

question correct answer your answer

econometric models series of regression equations. series of regression equations.

box-jenkins method mathematical technique that uses computer analysis. mathematical technique
that uses computer analysis.

co-relation analysis variables are studied simultaneously. variables are studied


regression analysis study of how one variable affects another. study of how one variable affects

question a sales job is different from other jobs.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question which is an essential part of the total program for motivating sales personnel?
correct answer sales compensation plan
your answer sales compensation plan

select the blank

question for each transaction, the bank imposes ________.
correct answer charge
your answer charge

multiple choice single answer

question power, power to decide & control the decision values of other members is implied by :-

correct answer leadership

your answer leadership

multiple choice single answer

question the only activity in any organization that directly generates income is :-
correct answer sales.
your answer sales.

multiple choice multiple answer

question the advantages of 'jury of executive opinion' are :-
correct answer forecast can be developed easily and quickly. , information can be gathered with less
your answer forecast can be developed easily and quickly. , information can be gathered with less

select the blank

question many companies run ________ on applicants for sales positions.
correct answer credit checks
your answer credit checks

multiple choice multiple answer

question informal approaches towards social responsibility are :-
correct answer organisational culture , whistle blowing
your answer organisational culture , whistle blowing

question the modern marketing concept is based on profit consideration.
correct answer true
your answer false

match the following

question correct answer your answer

materials & physical distribution logistics management logistics management

physical distribution physical network physical network

management of flow of goods & services logistics chain management logistics chain

network of suppliers & customers suppliers chain management suppliers chain management

question to sell products that do not earn reasonable profit is acceptable.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question account goals, organisation structure, procedures etc are which motives?
correct answer business
your answer business
select the blank
question designing sales training program involves identifying ________ between sales forces skills
and firms objectives.
correct answer gaps
your answer gaps

multiple choice single answer

question what is wfm?
correct answer work force management
your answer work force management

question companies usually turn to external expert' help, because of difficulty in constructing large
input - output models.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question the categories of sales forecasting approaches, are :-
correct answer judgement methods. , counting method.
your answer judgement methods. , casual method. , counting method.

multiple choice multiple answer

question the sales person must learn about certain things, which can be strategically used. these
are :-
correct answer buyers educational background & technical knowledge , life style of the prospect
your answer buyers educational background & technical knowledge , life style of the prospect

question selection of subsidiaries has become an important activity of sales management because it
decides the type of volume of business, one will have on the future.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question the performance of the sales force tends to be better, when the sales manager relies on :-

correct answer expert power. , referent power.

your answer expert power. , referent power.

select the blank

question in reference approach, names of ________customers are referred to the prospect.

correct answer satisfied

your answer satisfied

multiple choice single answer

question formal order is forwarded to the :-
correct answer buyer
your answer shipper

multiple choice multiple answer

question partnership marketing means :-
correct answer reducing conflicts, common strategies & objectives , sharing of information , developing
integrated marketing plan
your answer reducing conflicts, common strategies & objectives , sharing of information , developing
integrated marketing plan

multiple choice single answer

question the theory which holds that decision makers should believe in fairness, equality and
impartiality, is :-
correct answer theory of justice
your answer theory of justice

multiple choice single answer

question a 'line - and - staff' structure :-
correct answer adds staff assistants to accomplish many specialized support activities.
your answer adds staff assistants to accomplish many specialized support activities.

multiple choice multiple answer

question various aspects of business ethics are :-
correct answer fair competition , corporate behavior
your answer fair competition , corporate behavior , social responsibility

multiple choice multiple answer

question basic patterns of sales compensation plan are :-
correct answer straight salary , salary plus incentive , straight commission
your answer straight salary , salary plus incentive , straight commission

select the blank

question in 'co-relation analysis', ________ are studied simultaneously.
correct answer variables
your answer variables

multiple choice multiple answer

question the principle of time management, applicable to various organizations includes :-
correct answer principle of delegation. , principle of control of interruptions.
your answer principle of delegation. , principle of control of interruptions.

multiple choice single answer

question the result of formal job analysis is :-
correct answer job description.
your answer job description.

multiple choice multiple answer

question the 'casual methods' include :-
correct answer correlation-regressional analysis. , econometric models.
your answer correlation-regressional analysis. , econometric models.

select the blank

question the commissions, are paid on ________ achievements.
correct answer measurable
your answer measurable

multiple choice multiple answer

question leadership requirement need following points :-
correct answer vision to see the market , setting aims, objectives & strategies , ability to organize
your answer vision to see the market , setting aims, objectives & strategies , ability to organize

select the blank

question ________ is an additional financial reward to the sales person for achieving results
beyond a pre-determined premium.
correct answer bonus
your answer incentive

list of attempted questions and answers

multiple choice multiple answer

question for effective code of ethics across the company, it should :-
correct answer be communicated to all employees , have solid backing by top management , be consistent
with corporate culture
your answer be communicated to all employees , have solid backing by top management , be consistent
with corporate culture

multiple choice multiple answer

question the 'time-series techniques' include :-
correct answer exponential smoothing. , decomposition.
your answer exponential smoothing. , decomposition.

select the blank

question to design an effective sales training program, one should know what is to be ________
with the program.
correct answer accomplished
your answer accomplished

multiple choice single answer

question it is a process of two way communication between the account manager and key account :-

correct answer business rapport

your answer business rapport

multiple choice single answer

question management process is described as a :-
correct answer learned process.
your answer learned process.
question export manager needs to have linguistic skills in addition to other personal skills for better
business performance.
correct answer true
your answer true

question the key accounts manager must work overtime to build business and personal rapport in
terms of respect and equality with his account.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question the most important characteristic of sales training program is ________ orientation.

correct answer career

your answer career

multiple choice single answer

question for firms that experience a high rate of turnover, the recruiting program should be :-

correct answer continuous.

your answer continuous.

match the following

question correct answer your answer

awb aeroplane aeroplane

bl bill of lading (ship cargo) bill of lading (ship cargo)

rr railway receipt railway receipt

lr lorry receipt lorry receipt

multiple choice single answer

question the "value added" selling approach includes :-
correct answer selling services that exceed customer expectations
your answer selling services that exceed customer expectations

question socio human obligation should see that economic consequences of its actions should not
adversely effect public welfare.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question the roll of sales manager as an analyzer includes :-
correct answer reviewing sales records & sales persons performance
your answer reviewing sales records & sales persons performance

multiple choice single answer

question it is the development of overall market for a group of products which can be grouped in
one category :-
correct answer category management
your answer category management

select the blank

question box-jenkins' can provide an ________ forecast over a short run period.
correct answer excellent.
your answer excellent.

multiple choice single answer

question the modern marketing concept is based on :-
correct answer customer orientation
your answer customer orientation

multiple choice single answer

question the sales forecast will be realistic if weightage is given to the company's :-
correct answer proposed marketing plan.
your answer proposed marketing plan.

multiple choice multiple answer

question action desired by the supplier from the trade can be achieved through following :-
correct answer image creation , product leadership , advertising and sales promotion
your answer image creation , advertising and sales promotion , generating more invoices

multiple choice multiple answer

question intangible benefits of merchandising to consumers are :-
correct answer gain information on retailer , increased satisfaction , easier to shop from a logical layout

your answer increased satisfaction , easier to shop from a logical layout

multiple choice multiple answer

question the criteria used for evaluating the forecasting techniques, are :-
correct answer comprehensibility. , accuracy.
your answer comprehensibility. , accuracy.

multiple choice multiple answer

question costs of goods sold includes what all heads?
correct answer product cost , administrative cost , marketing cost
your answer product cost , administrative cost , marketing cost

multiple choice multiple answer

question the 'casual methods' include :-
correct answer correlation-regressional analysis. , econometric models.
your answer correlation-regressional analysis. , econometric models.

select the blank

question ________ is a major source of customer complaints.
correct answer advertising
your answer advertising

multiple choice single answer

question "cold consulting" includes :-
correct answer securing appointments & then calling the prospects
your answer securing appointments & then calling the prospects

multiple choice single answer

question the view acknowledges both the importance of profits and the need for social
responsibility is :-
correct answer pragmatic view
your answer pragmatic view

question accuracy of forecasts are not analysed to determine how forecasting techniques can be
improved & & better forecasts obtained in the future months.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question today sales people & sales manager are involved in :-
correct answer total marketing process , also handling the customer complaints
your answer total marketing process , also handling the customer complaints

multiple choice multiple answer

question planning the use of one's time involves :-
correct answer principle of time analysis. , principle of flexibility.
your answer principle of time analysis. , principle of flexibility.

select the blank

question the 'sales vice-president' ________ sales volume through selling tactics.
correct answer improves
your answer improves

select the blank

question ________ products particularly benefit from advertising and promotional support.

correct answer consumer

your answer consumer

question "roam" denotes return on analysis management.
correct answer false
your answer false
select the blank
question psychological tests are one of the last steps in selection system because of ________
correct answer high
your answer high

multiple choice multiple answer

question for industrial and commercial products, relationship should be built and cultivated with
managers involved in :-
correct answer buying , product specification , product use
your answer buying , product specification , product use

question the fringe benefits do not improve performance of the sales people.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question seeking "prospect" includes :-
correct answer finding new or potential customers
your answer finding new or potential customers

question in business, most ethical questions fall into four levels viz. societal, stakeholders,
customer and competition and which are mutually exclusive to each other.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question ________ availability must be ensured while over stocking must be avoided despite the
changes in the market.
correct answer product
your answer materials

select the blank

question when all techniques fail to close the sale, best way is to ________ for not being able to
satisfy the customer.
correct answer apologize.
your answer apologize.

match the following

question correct answer your answer

organizing creating job description & recruiting sales people creating job description & recruiting
sales people

analyzing involves activities of reviewing sales records & sales persons performance involves
activities of reviewing sales records & sales persons performance

planning establishing & transmitting to the sales people objectives & strategies establishing & transmitting
to the sales people objectives & strategies

evaluating creating performance standards & take remedial actions creating performance
standards & take remedial actions

multiple choice multiple answer

question the sales force can be remunerated in the following ways :-
correct answer salary and commission on sales. , salary and share in the profits.
your answer salary and commission on sales. , salary and share in the profits.

multiple choice single answer

question the modern sales approach like partnering includes :-
correct answer sharing of values between vendors & buyers
your answer sharing of values between vendors & buyers

select the blank

question the sales person should frequently contact the customers to spot ________ & solve them.

correct answer problems

your answer problems
multiple choice single answer
question the word 'scheduling' refers to :-
correct answer good time management.
your answer good time management.

question sales persons must be thoroughly familiar with the client's decision making process.

correct answer true

your answer true

question partnership marketing is the stage in selling where the product is so placed that it can be
seen touched, smelt, heard, tried & finally picked up as a purchase.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question bureaucracy theorists are interested in developing theory based on :-
correct answer set of logical principles.
your answer set of logical principles.

multiple choice single answer

question which motive includes the satisfaction of customer wants through customer satisfaction?

correct answer service motive

your answer service motive

list of attempted questions and answers

question a 'sales territory' is a configuration of current and potential accounts, for which
responsibility has been assigned to a particular sales representative.
correct answer true
your answer false

select the blank

question many companies run ________ on applicants for sales positions.
correct answer credit checks
your answer credit checks

match the following

question correct answer your answer

delphi method modified version of executive opinion approach. modified version of executive
opinion approach.

moving average technique projects the average of the sales over the previous time periods. projects
the average of the sales over the previous time periods.

exponential smoothing weighted sum of all past numbers in time series. weighted sum of all past
numbers in time series.

decomposition method four components of time series data are isolated. four components of time
series data are isolated.

select the blank

question the goods from the producer first go to ________, who in turn sells the products to retail
correct answer distributor
your answer distributor

multiple choice multiple answer

question in overcoming objection from the customer/prospect a sales person :-
correct answer should not immediately argue. , should make true promises.
your answer should not immediately argue. , should make true promises.

multiple choice multiple answer

question various merchandising tools are :-
correct answer stickers , posters , branded racks on display units
your answer stickers , posters , branded racks on display units

multiple choice single answer

question the frequency of purchasing & the source of purchases are the measures to analyse :-

correct answer buying habits of consumers

your answer buying habits of consumers

multiple choice multiple answer

question positions available for p.o.s.and displays are :-
correct answer roofs and canopies , windows , door
your answer roofs and canopies , windows , door

question an organization supplying products on the strength of its performance, quality & demand
is called product leadership.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question the approaches to locate the prospect include :-
correct answer center of influence , advertising
your answer center of influence , advertising

multiple choice multiple answer

question identifying potential of an outlet consists :-
correct answer how much of the competing product sold thought outlet? , what is the sale to similar shops
in the area? , what is the sale of endues equipment?
your answer what is the sale to similar shops in the area? , what is the sale of endues equipment? , how
much of the competing product sold thought outlet?

select the blank

question improved stock management reduces ________.
correct answer outstock situation
your answer outstock situation

question 'too big' shelf display encourages customer approach and thereby purchasing.
correct answer false
your answer false

question marketing & sales have been revolutionized by the concepts like unitization, palletisation
& containerization.
correct answer false
your answer false

question leaders realize that nothing in the world is permanent but change.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question sales force effectiveness can be improved through :-
correct answer training.
your answer training.

select the blank

question the 'box-jenkins' application has been successful in ________, inventory control and
correct answer production.
your answer production.

multiple choice single answer

question sales forecasting in simple terms is :-
correct answer the estimate, how much the company is expected to sell in the coming period.
your answer the estimate, how much the company is expected to sell in the coming period.

multiple choice single answer

question it is a systematic study and evaluation of the organization's social performance as
distinguished from its economic performance :-
correct answer social audits
your answer social audits

select the blank

question ________ management is a system of promoting the sales of a product.
correct answer brand
your answer brand

multiple choice multiple answer

question offer letter contains the following information :-
correct answer country of origin , shipping details , product specification
your answer country of origin , shipping details , product specification

multiple choice multiple answer

question a leader must fulfill the following functions :-
correct answer provide the people with a set of beliefs. , provide a social organization in which people feel
your answer provide the people with a set of beliefs. , provide a social organization in which people feel
secure. , provide independence.

question the lecture sessions should be short and interspersed with other activities to avoid lack of
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question the formulation of ________ begins when the individual is a small child.
correct answer ethics
your answer ethics

multiple choice single answer

question the contents of sales training programmer, derived from specific :-
correct answer aims.
your answer aims.

select the blank

question the ________ approach involves two way communication with the prospect.
correct answer question
your answer question

select the blank

question to achieve ________ objectives, effective sales presentation is required.
correct answer price
your answer price

match the following

question correct answer your answer

playing favorites deceptive morality deceptive morality

managing ethical standards legislation legislation

short weight of products unethical pricing unethical pricing

dewey's framework reflective morality reflective morality

multiple choice single answer

question which is an essential part of the total program for motivating sales personnel?
correct answer sales compensation plan
your answer sales incentive plan

select the blank

question a lead can be declared as ________ when it qualifies on all the criterias.
correct answer prospect
your answer prospect

multiple choice single answer

question the result of formal job analysis is :-
correct answer job description.
your answer job description.

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the supplier's focus of objectives?
correct answer value , profit , distribution
your answer profit , distribution , cost-control

select the blank

question managing key accounts is a ________ function.
correct answer specialist
your answer specialist

multiple choice multiple answer

question measures to be adopted in cost control in distribution & logistics costs :-
correct answer identify the similarities & common features between inbound & outbound logistics , study
materials handling methods at every point of loading & unloading , analyze in cube utilization
your answer identify the similarities & common features between inbound & outbound logistics , study
materials handling methods at every point of loading & unloading , analyze in cube utilization

multiple choice single answer

question in case of companies selling industrial goods, customers :-
correct answer mostly follow their past buying patterns.
your answer mostly follow their past buying patterns.

multiple choice single answer

question the objective of "volume" for an industrial buyer is achieved by :-
correct answer profit from trading opportunities
your answer profit from trading opportunities

multiple choice single answer

question it's main task is to measure profitability and returns in relation to various operational
tasks undertaken :-
correct answer operational control
your answer strategic control

multiple choice single answer

question in a functional organization :-
correct answer each manager is a highly qualified specialist.
your answer each manager is a highly qualified specialist.

question there should be no focus on product innovations by the organization.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question the leads obtained by the sales person must be qualified in terms of :-
correct answer needs , ability to buy
your answer needs , ability to buy

question brand management is a system of promoting the sales of a product.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question multiple ________ is a tool, that can be employed to forecast the effect of sales on several
independent variables.
correct answer regression.
your answer regression.

multiple choice multiple answer

question "directive leadership" means :-
correct answer the subordinates know exactly what is excepted of them. , the leader gives specific
your answer the subordinates know exactly what is excepted of them. , the leader gives specific
directions. , the participation of subordinates is nil.

multiple choice multiple answer

question the sales person must learn about certain things, which can be strategically used. these
are :-
correct answer buyers educational background & technical knowledge , life style of the prospect
your answer buyers educational background & technical knowledge , life style of the prospect

select the blank

question in reference approach, names of ________customers are referred to the prospect.
correct answer satisfied
your answer satisfied

multiple choice single answer

question this view's slogan is " enjoy the wealth by renouncing it" :-
correct answer trusteeship view
your answer trusteeship view

multiple choice multiple answer

question check list for analyzing warehousing are :-
correct answer conditions , safety & security , communications
your answer safety & security , communications , location

list of attempted questions and answers

select the blank

question account manager must also ________ to allow time to work on priorities and key result
correct answer delegate
your answer save

question colour blocking' is a tool used by retailers.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question the "value added" selling approach includes :-
correct answer selling services that exceed customer expectations
your answer selling services that exceed customer expectations

question sales people must not identify key members of the client's buying centre.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question a marketing company is called ________ marketing company, when marketing function is
treated as crucial.
correct answer progressive
your answer progressive

multiple choice single answer

question direct supplies, from manufacturer to supermarkets is beneficial to :-
correct answer both
your answer both

select the blank

question ________ develop greater product loyalty.
correct answer product usage
your answer product usage

multiple choice single answer

question in the absence of training, job performance improves with :-
correct answer experience.
your answer experience.

multiple choice multiple answer

question merchandising aids sales because :-
correct answer it enhances the house- keeping and appearance of the shop , makes stock check easy ,
helps the consumer and increases his pleasure in shopping
your answer it enhances the house- keeping and appearance of the shop , makes stock check easy ,
helps the consumer and increases his pleasure in shopping

select the blank

question the overall purpose of marketing organization is, to facilitate the ________ of
organizational objectives.
correct answer achievement
your answer achievement
match the following

question correct answer your answer

organizing creating job description & recruiting sales people creating job description & recruiting
sales people

analyzing involves activities of reviewing sales records & sales persons performance involves
activities of reviewing sales records & sales persons performance

planning establishing & transmitting to the sales people objectives & strategies establishing & transmitting
to the sales people objectives & strategies

evaluating creating performance standards & take remedial actions creating performance
standards & take remedial actions

multiple choice single answer

question the roll of sales manager as an analyzer includes :-
correct answer reviewing sales records & sales persons performance
your answer reviewing sales records & sales persons performance

multiple choice single answer

question seeking "prospect" includes :-
correct answer finding new or potential customers
your answer finding new or potential customers

multiple choice single answer

question the contents of training programmers will depend on :-
correct answer type of sales force.
your answer type of objectives.

multiple choice single answer

question it is a collection of principles and rules of conduct based on beliefs about what is right and
wrong business behavior :-
correct answer business ethics
your answer business ethics

select the blank

question the most important characteristic of sales training program is ________ orientation.

correct answer career

your answer career

match the following

question correct answer your answer

fixed assets plant, land plant, land

sales total number of units sold * price total number of units sold * price

capital employed working capital + fixed assets working capital + fixed assets

costs of goods sold administrative costs + product cost + marketing cost administrative costs +
product cost + marketing cost

multiple choice single answer

question it is designed to measure result and effectiveness :-
correct answer control
your answer control

multiple choice single answer

question "cold consulting" includes :-
correct answer securing appointments & then calling the prospects
your answer securing appointments & then calling the prospects
multiple choice single answer
question the frequency of purchasing & the source of purchases are the measures to analyse :-

correct answer buying habits of consumers

your answer buying habits of consumers

multiple choice single answer

question the modern marketing concept is based on :-
correct answer customer orientation
your answer customer orientation

multiple choice single answer

question we say organizational structure is successful in bringing about efficient marketing or
products when :-
correct answer the organizational structure is flexible and adaptable to the changing environment in the
your answer the organizational structure is flexible and adaptable to the changing environment in the

select the blank

question when all techniques fail to close the sale, best way is to ________ for not being able to
satisfy the customer.
correct answer apologize.
your answer apologize.

select the blank

question an organization supplying products on the strength of its performance, quality & demand
is called ________.
correct answer product leadership
your answer product leadership

multiple choice multiple answer

question the primary role of a sales manager is :-
correct answer to monitor the sales force. , to ensure that profits meet projected goals.
your answer to monitor the sales force. , to ensure that profits meet projected goals.

multiple choice multiple answer

question some of the tools used for selection process, are :-
correct answer in depth interviews. , physical examination.
your answer in depth interviews. , physical examination.

select the blank

question leadership is the activity of ________ people and strive willingly for group objectives.

correct answer influencing

your answer influencing

multiple choice multiple answer

question informal approaches towards social responsibility are :-
correct answer organisational culture , whistle blowing
your answer organisational culture , whistle blowing

multiple choice multiple answer

question when a number of outlets already exists, the factors to be analysed for distribution are :-

correct answer what is competition doing? , is there an opportunity for competition to be created ? , is
technical selling & after sales service critical?
your answer what is competition doing? , is there an opportunity for competition to be created ? , is
technical selling & after sales service critical?

multiple choice single answer

question the modern sales approach like partnering includes :-
correct answer sharing of values between vendors & buyers
your answer sharing of values between vendors & buyers

multiple choice single answer

question in any organization the marketing team consists of :-
correct answer two basic groups,' the field sales force' & the 'head quarters marketing team'.
your answer all the people from the organization.

multiple choice multiple answer

question the 'judgement methods' include :-
correct answer jury of executive opinion. , delphi method.
your answer jury of executive opinion. , delphi method.

multiple choice multiple answer

question features of product promotion policies for the key account at the retail outlet are :-

correct answer centralised , branch promotions

your answer centralised , branch promotions

multiple choice single answer

question market potential is the :-
correct answer highest possible industry wide sales of product.
your answer highest possible industry wide sales of product.

question the modern marketing concept is based on profit consideration.
correct answer true
your answer true

question the efficiency in selling activities is measured from the sales call plan.
correct answer true
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question in 'assumption close' technique :-
correct answer the sales person assumes that prospect will purchase & conveys this assumption through
his actions.
your answer the sales person assumes that prospect will purchase & conveys this assumption through
his actions.

question favoritism is an unethical issue in business dealings.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question in recent years more and more companies have tended to rely less on ________ tests.

correct answer psychological

your answer psychological

multiple choice multiple answer

question the sales force can be remunerated in the following ways :-
correct answer salary and commission on sales. , salary and share in the profits.
your answer salary and commission on sales. , salary and share in the profits.

question specialization should to be in skill, e.g. forecasting, merchandising, rather than in
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question in overcoming objection from the customer/prospect a sales person :-
correct answer should not immediately argue. , should make true promises.
your answer should not immediately argue. , should make true promises.

question the 'top-down approach' is also called the 'breaking down' approach.
correct answer true
your answer true

question in business, most ethical questions fall into four levels viz. societal, stakeholders,
customer and competition and which are mutually exclusive to each other.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question the continuing training needs usually arise due to change in :-
correct answer products and markets. , work of sales personnel.
your answer products and markets. , work of sales personnel.

multiple choice single answer

question sales force effectiveness can be improved through :-
correct answer training.
your answer training.

select the blank

question star performance can also give an organization a unique ________ in the market.
correct answer niche
your answer niche

list of attempted questions and answers

question favoritism is an unethical issue in business dealings.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question buying habits of customers are analysed by studying :-
correct answer the frequency of purchasing & the source of purchases
your answer the frequency of purchasing & the source of purchases

multiple choice single answer

question in the 'success story close' technique,-
correct answer the sales person cites examples where other prospects have benefited using that
particular product & has succeeded.
your answer the sales person cites examples where other prospects have benefited using that
particular product & has succeeded.

multiple choice single answer

question company information, is knowledge in relation to :-
correct answer image of company.
your answer image of company.

multiple choice single answer

question when approaching a prospect, sales person needs to understand :-
correct answer total buying situation
your answer total buying situation

question the total time consumed from order preparation till delivery is indicated by cost of
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question offer letter contains the following information :-
correct answer country of origin , shipping details , product specification
your answer country of origin , certificate of quality , product specification

match the following

question correct answer your answer

c cycle i.e. due to variations in business cycle. cycle i.e. due to variations in business cycle.

bpi buying power index buying power index

sic standard industrial classification system standard industrial classification system

t trend i.e. long term changes. trend i.e. long term changes.

select the blank

question leadership is the activity of ________ people and strive willingly for group objectives.

correct answer influencing

your answer influencing

multiple choice single answer

question size, profit, technological, leadership etc are which types of motives?
correct answer operational
your answer business
multiple choice single answer
question "cold consulting" includes :-
correct answer securing appointments & then calling the prospects
your answer securing appointments & then calling the prospects

multiple choice single answer

question the term 'bpi' stands for :-
correct answer buying power index.
your answer buying power index.

multiple choice single answer

question when the formal order and offer letter conditions match, the next letter that follows is :-

correct answer order confirmation letter

your answer order confirmation letter

select the blank

question the goods from the producer first go to ________, who in turn sells the products to retail
correct answer distributor
your answer distributor

multiple choice single answer

question one definition of 'leadership' is to establish :-
correct answer a dependent relationship on the leader.
your answer a confident relationship among people.

question all functional areas in organization, should not be involved in forecasting and planning.

correct answer false

your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question measures to be adopted in cost control in distribution & logistics costs :-
correct answer identify the similarities & common features between inbound & outbound logistics , study
materials handling methods at every point of loading & unloading , analyze in cube utilization
your answer identify the similarities & common features between inbound & outbound logistics , study
materials handling methods at every point of loading & unloading , analyze in cube utilization

multiple choice multiple answer

question in the 'jury of executive opinion', the jury may consist of :-
correct answer company president. , several of different functional areas.
your answer company president. , several of different functional areas.

multiple choice single answer

question computer based production & inventory control system that attempts to minimize
inventory is :-
correct answer mrp
your answer mrp

multiple choice multiple answer

question tangible benefits of merchandising to consumers are :-
correct answer time saving , better quality of choice , improve loyalty
your answer time saving , better quality of choice , improve loyalty

question routing is establishing the sequence of locations sales person will visit.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question the retail outlets have location advantage in that they save the consumer's ________.

correct answer travelling time

your answer travelling time

match the following

question correct answer your answer

organizing creating job description & recruiting sales people creating job description & recruiting
sales people
analyzing involves activities of reviewing sales records & sales persons performance involves
activities of reviewing sales records & sales persons performance

planning establishing & transmitting to the sales people objectives & strategies establishing & transmitting
to the sales people objectives & strategies

evaluating creating performance standards & take remedial actions creating performance
standards & take remedial actions

multiple choice multiple answer

question deliverables of strategic category assessment are :-
correct answer research gaps , strategic assessment document
your answer research gaps , strategic assessment document , category management document

select the blank

question information passes rapidly through ________ without going through formal channals &
helps in getting feedback.
correct answer grapevine
your answer grapevine

multiple choice multiple answer

question a sales training is usually built on the basis of :-
correct answer execution. , evaluation.
your answer execution. , evaluation.

multiple choice multiple answer

question closing inventory must take into account :-
correct answer plan changed in the product, packaging & price , shelf life & expiry date
your answer quality of packaging , plan changed in the product, packaging & price , shelf life & expiry

multiple choice multiple answer

question the continuing training needs usually arise due to change in :-
correct answer products and markets. , work of sales personnel.
your answer products and markets. , work of sales personnel. , policies of government.

select the blank

question good leaders are ________ communicators.
correct answer effective
your answer effective

multiple choice multiple answer

question approaches to collect and report social audits are :-
correct answer inventory , cost , program management
your answer inventory , cost , program management

question an organization supplying products on the strength of its performance, quality & demand
is called product leadership.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question seeking "prospect" includes :-
correct answer finding new or potential customers
your answer finding new or potential customers

question extended socialization involves long term training, job rotation and corporate social
correct answer true
your answer false

question ordering, invoicing & payments are controlled on a month-to-month basis rather than on
an order-to-order basis.
correct answer true
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question various issues dealt in code of ethics are :-
correct answer accepting business gifts , using company property for personal use , attempting to
influence government officials
your answer accepting business gifts , using company property for personal use , attempting to
influence government officials

select the blank

question ________ generates increased revenue and profits for no additional investment in stock.

correct answer space management

your answer space management

multiple choice multiple answer

question hiring decision is also based on :-
correct answer temperament. , creativity.
your answer temperament. , creativity. , complexity.

list of attempted questions and answers

select the blank

question psychological tests are one of the last steps in selection system because of ________
correct answer high
your answer high

select the blank

question the 'box-jenkins' application has been successful in ________, inventory control and
correct answer production.
your answer production.

match the following

question correct answer your answer

awb aeroplane aeroplane

bl bill of lading (ship cargo) bill of lading (ship cargo)

rr railway receipt road receipt

lr lorry receipt legal report

multiple choice single answer

question buying habits of customers are analysed by studying :-
correct answer the frequency of purchasing & the source of purchases
your answer the frequency of purchasing & the source of purchases

question training programs & seminars don't help in effective performance by sales person.

correct answer false

your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question the act of an employee when he discloses all illegal or unethical activities within the
organization, is called as :-
correct answer whistle blowing
your answer whistle blowing

multiple choice single answer

question the contemporary sales representatives, are required to do :-
correct answer several 'non selling' jobs, apart from servicing customer accounts.
your answer several 'non selling' jobs, apart from servicing customer accounts.

question logistics system is formed by the integration adaptation, the principles of physical
movement of goods & people.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question which method develops a strategy which helps to separate the company from its rivals, for
a short term?
correct answer benchmarking
your answer control process

multiple choice single answer

question if a customer objects about some product or goods :-
correct answer he is asking for information about that product in indirect way.
your answer he is asking for information about that product in indirect way.

multiple choice single answer

question sales forecasting in simple terms is :-
correct answer the estimate, how much the company is expected to sell in the coming period.
your answer the estimate, how much the company is expected to sell in the coming period.

multiple choice single answer

question successful sales people are goal directed and identify :-
correct answer strongly with their customers.
your answer strongly with their customers.

question to adopt successfully to the changing marketing scenario, sales & marketing functions
should be integrated on a large scale.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question today sales people & sales manager are involved in :-
correct answer total marketing process , also handling the customer complaints
your answer total marketing process , only delivering goods to the customer , also handling the
customer complaints

multiple choice multiple answer

question to make a audit of distribution & logistics, following things are considered :-
correct answer is insurance cover taken when it not required or vice versa? , are rates comparable with
other similar companies? , is the profit adequate to each one in the chain?
your answer are rates comparable with other similar companies? , is the profit adequate to each one in
the chain? , check the people's capability to manage the details

select the blank

question sales development is concerned with ________ of new customers, and not just additional
correct answer creation
your answer creation

question a sales job is different from other jobs.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question techniques for ensuring capacity loading are :-
correct answer consolidation of orders , combining the shipments , careful packaging
your answer consolidation of orders , combining the shipments , careful packaging

multiple choice multiple answer

question the performance of the sales force tends to be better, when the sales manager relies on :-

correct answer expert power. , referent power.

your answer coercive power. , reward power. , referent power.

multiple choice single answer

question one definition of 'leadership' is to establish :-
correct answer a dependent relationship on the leader.
your answer a confident relationship among people.

multiple choice single answer

question the view acknowledges both the importance of profits and the need for social
responsibility is :-
correct answer pragmatic view
your answer pragmatic view
question sales persons must be thoroughly familiar with the client's decision making process.

correct answer true

your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question the follow up, after sale of the product is :-
correct answer consider as the last but not least function after sale. , brings customer satisfaction & helps
in cultivating brand loyalty.
your answer consider as the last but not least function after sale. , brings customer satisfaction & helps
in cultivating brand loyalty. , does not provide with customer reorientation.

multiple choice multiple answer

question for successful selling in today's changing environment :-
correct answer the sales people should use the consultative sales approach. , sales people must identify
key members of the clients buying centre.
your answer the sales people should use the consultative sales approach. , sales people must identify
key members of the clients buying centre.

select the blank

question ________ limit sales opportunities open to competitors.
correct answer block competitor
your answer block competitor

multiple choice multiple answer

question to overcome barriers in communication :-
correct answer information overload to be avoided. , messages should be short.
your answer information overload to be avoided. , messages should be short.

question quantitative sales forecasting techniques' employ sophisticated mathematics and
correct answer true
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question multiple sourcing policies are generally adopted for which products?
correct answer consumables
your answer consumables

multiple choice multiple answer

question poor, sales territory design, results in :-
correct answer inadequate market coverage. , lack of control over sales force.
your answer inadequate market coverage. , lack of control over sales force.

multiple choice multiple answer

question measures to be adopted in cost control in distribution & logistics costs :-
correct answer identify the similarities & common features between inbound & outbound logistics , study
materials handling methods at every point of loading & unloading , analyze in cube utilization
your answer identify the similarities & common features between inbound & outbound logistics , study
materials handling methods at every point of loading & unloading , analyze in cube utilization

multiple choice multiple answer

question the continuing training needs usually arise due to change in :-
correct answer products and markets. , work of sales personnel.
your answer products and markets. , procedures of competing organization. , policies of government.

select the blank

question the results of 'box-jenkins method' are fair in identifying ________ turning points.

correct answer significant.

your answer significant.

question in business, most ethical questions fall into four levels viz. societal, stakeholders,
customer and competition and which are mutually exclusive to each other.
correct answer false
your answer false

question reciprocal trading opportunities can be undermined by encouraging value analysis.

correct answer true

your answer false

select the blank

question good leaders are ________ communicators.
correct answer effective
your answer effective

question sales people can enhance or detract from the seller's image in the market for they are the
critical contact with the customers.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question in demand analysis, the first question is :-
correct answer who will use the product.
your answer who will use the product.

select the blank

question right to freedom of speech is an example of ________.
correct answer theory of rights
your answer theory of rights

select the blank

question information passes rapidly through ________ without going through formal channals &
helps in getting feedback.
correct answer grapevine
your answer grapevine

question socio human obligation should see that economic consequences of its actions should not
adversely effect public welfare.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question managing key accounts needs special skills like :-
correct answer planning and selling , negotiating , interpersonal skills
your answer planning and selling , negotiating , interpersonal skills

select the blank

question account manager must also ________ to allow time to work on priorities and key result
correct answer delegate
your answer delegate

select the blank

question the information on the applicant is also provided through ________, if other sources are
not available.
correct answer references
your answer references

multiple choice multiple answer

question job description can be organized into :-
correct answer sales activities. , territory management.
your answer sales activities. , territory management. , total management.

select the blank

question ________ for social decision making avoids poorly executed social action.
correct answer flowchart
your answer bar diagram

match the following

question correct answer your answer

in distribution & logistics - overall performance sales per employed paper work activities

in distribution & logistics - overheads fixed costs as % of total costs fixed costs as % of total

in distribution & logistics - productivity 10 kms per direct man hour employed 10 kms per direct
man hour employed

in distribution & logistics - useful maximum load carried as % gross weight sales per employed

multiple choice single answer

question this sales promotion activity is used to promote consumer products where the free item is
related to the main product :-
correct answer on pack-give always
your answer on pack-give always

list of attempted questions and answers

multiple choice single answer

question the term widely used for the management of the flow of goods & services is :-
correct answer purchase chain management
your answer distribution chain management

multiple choice single answer

question the only activity in any organization that directly generates income is :-
correct answer sales.
your answer sales.

multiple choice multiple answer

question in overcoming objection from the customer/prospect a sales person :-
correct answer should not immediately argue. , should make true promises.
your answer should not immediately argue. , should make true promises.

question many firms do not deploy informal ways of socialization.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question the criteria used for evaluating the forecasting techniques, are :-
correct answer comprehensibility. , accuracy.
your answer comprehensibility. , accuracy.

question specialization should to be in skill, e.g. forecasting, merchandising, rather than in
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question leadership is ________ and continuous process.
correct answer dynamic
your answer dynamic

multiple choice multiple answer

question various issues dealt in code of ethics are :-
correct answer accepting business gifts , using company property for personal use , attempting to
influence government officials
your answer accepting business gifts , using company property for personal use , attempting to
influence government officials

multiple choice multiple answer

question intangible benefits of merchandising to consumers are :-
correct answer gain information on retailer , increased satisfaction , easier to shop from a logical layout

your answer increased satisfaction , easier to shop from a logical layout

select the blank

question through ________, the sales of individual items can be tracked & appropriate action taken
based on the sales trends, fast or slow movement.
correct answer bar-coding
your answer bar-coding

multiple choice multiple answer

question leadership is of two types :-
correct answer informal. , formal.
your answer formal. , informal.

question the sales potential is the minimum sales that can be attained with perfect selling
correct answer false
your answer true

question a sales manager does not conduct sales volume, cost and profit analysis.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question for retail products, relationship should be built and cultivated with managers involved in :-

correct answer buying , product range distribution policies , marketing

your answer buying , product range distribution policies , product trial and testing

multiple choice single answer

question it is a process of two way communication between the account manager and key account :-

correct answer business rapport

your answer business rapport

select the blank

question star performance can also give an organization a unique ________ in the market.
correct answer niche
your answer niche

multiple choice single answer

question the obligation of an organization to protect and enhance the welfare of society within
which the organization operates is :-
correct answer social responsibility
your answer social responsibility

multiple choice single answer

question buying intentions for industrial goods, are subject to multiple factors, because :-
correct answer demand for industrial goods is derived from the demand for consumer goods.
your answer demand for industrial goods is derived from the demand for consumer goods.

multiple choice single answer

question the modern sales approach like partnering includes :-
correct answer sharing of values between vendors & buyers
your answer sharing of values between vendors & buyers

question a 'sales territory' is a configuration of current and potential accounts, for which
responsibility has been assigned to a particular sales representative.
correct answer true
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question the roll of sales manager as an analyzer includes :-
correct answer reviewing sales records & sales persons performance
your answer reviewing sales records & sales persons performance

question 'too big' shelf display encourages customer approach and thereby purchasing.
correct answer false
your answer false

question distribution is the process by which the product is made available at the retail outlet for
easy identification & pickup by the customer.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question sales managers are paid to plan, lead and control :-
correct answer personal selling activities.
your answer personal selling activities.

question brand management is a system of promoting the sales of a product.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question job description can be organized into :-
correct answer sales activities. , territory management.
your answer sales activities. , territory management.

select the blank

question the term 'aida' refers to ________, interest, desire and action.
correct answer attention
your answer attention

multiple choice multiple answer

question leadership requirement need following points :-
correct answer vision to see the market , setting aims, objectives & strategies , ability to organize
your answer vision to see the market , setting aims, objectives & strategies , ability to organize

multiple choice single answer

question the modern marketing concept is based on :-
correct answer customer orientation
your answer customer orientation

select the blank

question the most important characteristic of sales training program is ________ orientation.

correct answer career

your answer goal

multiple choice single answer

question sales force effectiveness can be improved through :-
correct answer training.
your answer training.

multiple choice single answer

question it is a collection of principles and rules of conduct based on beliefs about what is right and
wrong business behavior :-
correct answer business ethics
your answer business ethics

multiple choice single answer

question this is normally used to increase product trial and entice consumers away from
competitive products :-
correct answer product sampling programmes
your answer product sampling programmes

select the blank

question a good leader must be ________ and adaptable to a given situation.
correct answer flexible
your answer flexible

select the blank

question good follow up promotes customer's ________, and builds a good image of the
correct answer satisfaction
your answer satisfaction

multiple choice multiple answer

question in the 'hop-scotch' pattern of routing, following points should be considered :-
correct answer size of the area to be covered. , priority of calls to be made.
your answer size of the area to be covered. , priority of calls to be made.

question size & demand given are a leadership position.
correct answer true
your answer false

match the following

question correct answer your answer

expense allowance hotel bills reimbursement life insurance

fixed component salary salary

variable component commission commission

fringe benefits life insurance hotel bills reimbursement

multiple choice single answer

question it is a cost effective means of communicating product information, benefits and other
marketing messages to users and consumers :-
correct answer sales promotion
your answer sales promotion

match the following

question correct answer your answer

labour relations option of flexible working hours public seats on board of directors

consumerism product warranty and service product warranty and service

community needs service in voluntary groupspollution cleanup and prevention

government relations business control through political action business control through political

multiple choice multiple answer

question to establish a relationship with the outlet
correct answer who are the decision makers? , what would be the most appropriate time to call? , what
would be the call frequency?
your answer how big the outlet is? , who are the decision makers?

select the blank

question ________ generates increased revenue and profits for no additional investment in stock.

correct answer space management

your answer space management

select the blank

question ________ develop greater product loyalty.
correct answer product usage
your answer product trial

multiple choice multiple answer

question sales people are said to be committed, when :-
correct answer sales persons are enthusiastic about carrying out sales manager's request. , they take
maximum effort.
your answer sales persons are enthusiastic about carrying out sales manager's request. , they take
maximum effort.

multiple choice single answer

question focus on the important work to be done, organising network to bring the product within
the reach of the potential customer, unified approach, clear understanding of who will do what, are the
characteristics of :-
correct answer successful distribution
your answer successful distribution

multiple choice single answer

question learning implies a conscious attempt towards imbibing :-
correct answer knowledge.
your answer information.

select the blank

question ________ is computer based production & inventory control system that attempts to
minimise inventory.
correct answer mrp
your answer mrp
select the blank
question ________ is an additional financial reward to the sales person for achieving results
beyond a pre-determined premium.
correct answer bonus
your answer bonus

select the blank

question other departments in the organization should operate as, check and ________ to market
correct answer balance
your answer subjective

multiple choice single answer

question the way of transferring ideas, thoughts and values from one person to another is :-

correct answer communication.

your answer communication.

multiple choice single answer

question the modern sales approach like partnering includes :-
correct answer sharing of values between vendors & buyers
your answer sharing of values between vendors & buyers

select the blank

question improved stock management reduces ________.
correct answer outstock situation
your answer outstock situation

multiple choice single answer

question the term 'bpi' stands for :-
correct answer buying power index.
your answer buying power index.

multiple choice multiple answer

question "directive leadership" means :-
correct answer the subordinates know exactly what is excepted of them. , the leader gives specific
your answer the subordinates know exactly what is excepted of them. , the leader gives specific

multiple choice multiple answer

question new sales personnel must be able to recognize :-
correct answer "who" buys the product. , "how" then by it.
your answer what they buy. , "who" buys the product. , when they buy it.

select the blank

question a lead can be declared as ________ when it qualifies on all the criterias.
correct answer prospect
your answer prospect

question leadership process is a function of the leader, the follower and other situational variables.

correct answer true

your answer true

question the modern marketing concept is based on profit consideration.
correct answer true
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question the initial training needs, are based on :-
correct answer job specification. , background and experience of trainees.
your answer background and experience of trainees. , job description.

multiple choice single answer

question it's main task is to measure profitability and returns in relation to various operational
tasks undertaken :-
correct answer operational control
your answer operational control

match the following

question correct answer your answer

inflate price first and then give discounts unethical pricing unethical pricing

over promising ethical violation deceptive sales promotion

corporate spying high tech industries ethical violation

stereotyped portrayal of women deceptive advertising deceptive advertising

select the blank

question to achieve ________ objectives, effective sales presentation is required.
correct answer price
your answer sales

multiple choice multiple answer

question public relations is an important activity because of the following reasons :-
correct answer awareness & desire about product is created. , it helps to build brand image.
your answer awareness & desire about product is created. , it deals with involving many people &
public. , it helps to build brand image.

select the blank

question the ________ approach involves two way communication with the prospect.
correct answer question
your answer question

multiple choice single answer

question seeking "prospect" includes :-
correct answer finding new or potential customers
your answer finding new or potential customers

multiple choice multiple answer

question the essential traits of a successful sales person needs is :-
correct answer empathy. , ego drive.
your answer entertainment. , empathy. , endurance.

question if there is a higher margin on one product category, the buyer should allocate more space
to that product category.
correct answer false
your answer true

match the following

question correct answer your answer

delphi method modified version of executive opinion approach. modified version of executive
opinion approach.

moving average technique projects the average of the sales over the previous time periods. projects
the average of the sales over the previous time periods.

exponential smoothing weighted sum of all past numbers in time series. four components of time
series data are isolated.

decomposition method four components of time series data are isolated. weighted sum of all past
numbers in time series.

select the blank

question leadership is the activity of ________ people and strive willingly for group objectives.

correct answer influencing

your answer influencing

select the blank

question the goods from the producer first go to ________, who in turn sells the products to retail
correct answer distributor
your answer distributor

multiple choice single answer

question a sales unit may be :-
correct answer sales person's territory, branch office, regional distribution center.
your answer sales person's territory, branch office, regional distribution center.

multiple choice single answer

question in informal organization structure :-
correct answer efficient methods are developed to accomplish jobs.
your answer efficient methods are developed to accomplish jobs.

multiple choice multiple answer

question sales people are said to be committed, when :-
correct answer they take maximum effort. , sales persons are enthusiastic about carrying out sales
manager's request.
your answer sales persons are enthusiastic about carrying out sales manager's request. , they take
maximum effort.

select the blank

question ________ is the process of reaching the products / services to the ultimate consumers at
the right time in the cheapest possible manner.
correct answer distribution
your answer distribution

question input - output models, are less tedious and less expensive.
correct answer false
your answer true

question letter of indemnity is given by buyer if he does not have original bill of lading.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question the survey of buying intentions is analyzed with :-
correct answer multivariate statistical tools.
your answer multivariate statistical tools.

question both large and small firms use job specification to expose sales persons to corporate
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the industrial buyer's focus of objectives?
correct answer spacing , input reliability and availability , input cost control
your answer input reliability and availability , after sales service

multiple choice multiple answer

question various merchandising tools are :-
correct answer stickers , posters , branded racks on display units
your answer stickers , posters , branded racks on display units

question the word 'tiger' is topologically inverted, geographically encoded records.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question a supply chain is the network of :-
correct answer suppliers customers
your answer suppliers customers

multiple choice multiple answer

question companies often recruit sales people from other departments because :-
correct answer the people are already familiar with the company policies. , the sales managers are aware
of their sales potentials.
your answer they do not want to waste time on recruitment. , the people are already familiar with the
company policies.

question merchandising policies for key accounts at the retail outlets display layout and point of
sale material.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question the common sales forecasting techniques, can be classified as :-
correct answer quantitative. , non-quantitative.
your answer quantitative. , qualitative.

multiple choice single answer

question firms which are ineffective in recruitment and selection ultimately suffer a :-
correct answer turn over problem.
your answer turn over problem.

multiple choice multiple answer

question partnership marketing means :-
correct answer reducing conflicts, common strategies & objectives , sharing of information , developing
integrated marketing plan
your answer reducing conflicts, common strategies & objectives

select the blank

question in recent years more and more companies have tended to rely less on ________ tests.

correct answer psychological

your answer psychological

select the blank

question an organization supplying products on the strength of its performance, quality & demand
is called ________.
correct answer product leadership
your answer product leadership

multiple choice single answer

question the sales persons, as intelligence gatherers :-
correct answer are conscious about providing feedback from the field, to plan different strategies.

your answer are conscious about providing feedback from the field, to plan different strategies.

multiple choice single answer

question it is a partnership between vendors and retailers :-
correct answer category management
your answer product management

multiple choice single answer

question the standard framework of systems and procedures while managing a key account is called
correct answer modus operandi
your answer rules

multiple choice single answer

question the integration, adaptation, the principles of physical movement of goods & people
collectively form the :-
correct answer logistics system
your answer purchase system

multiple choice single answer

question the term 'sic' stands for :-
correct answer standard industrial classification.
your answer standard industrial classification.

question all functional areas in organization, should not be involved in forecasting and planning.

correct answer false

your answer false

question the widening of product life cycle will demand greater flexibility & adaptability.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the supplier's focus of objectives?
correct answer value , profit , distribution
your answer profit , distribution , cost-control
multiple choice multiple answer
question formal organisational approaches towards social responsibility are :-
correct answer legal compliance , ethical compliance , philanthropic giving
your answer morality seeking , legal compliance , ethical compliance

multiple choice multiple answer

question the 'judgement methods' include :-
correct answer jury of executive opinion. , delphi method.
your answer jury of executive opinion. , test marketing.

multiple choice single answer

question "cold consulting" includes :-
correct answer securing appointments & then calling the prospects
your answer only calling the prospects

multiple choice multiple answer

question a sales training is usually built on the basis of :-
correct answer execution. , evaluation.
your answer examination. , evaluation.

question the 'sales forecasting methods' should be flexible to adopt changing conditions.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question ________ varies in amount with sales volume or other commission base.
correct answer commission
your answer profits

multiple choice single answer

question when approaching a prospect, sales person needs to understand :-
correct answer total buying situation
your answer total buying situation

select the blank

question as distribution & logistics cost forms a substantial % of the sales volume, ________ is
essential to make sure the organization is getting value for the money paid.
correct answer cost control
your answer cost control

multiple choice single answer

question sales manager can influence sales people by using :-
correct answer various sources of power.
your answer various communication techniques.

question rural telephony has gone much ahead as compared to urban telephony.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question refresher training program is more ________ in its coverage of specialized topics.

correct answer intensive

your answer intensive

select the blank

question in 'co-relation analysis', ________ are studied simultaneously.
correct answer variables
your answer variables

multiple choice single answer

question what lets continuous changes in consumers, because of changes of residence, working
hours, employment, income & because of evolution of the nuclear family from the joint family ?
correct answer buying habits
your answer buying habits

multiple choice multiple answer

question the categories of sales forecasting approaches, are :-
correct answer judgement methods. , counting method.
your answer judgement methods. , counting method.

multiple choice multiple answer

question the leads obtained by the sales person must be qualified in terms of :-
correct answer needs , ability to buy
your answer needs , ability to buy

select the blank

question separate ________ tests should be reformed for different ethnic groups.
correct answer validity
your answer validity

select the blank

question ________ management is a system of promoting the sales of a product.
correct answer brand
your answer product

multiple choice multiple answer

question arguments in favour of social responsibility are :-
correct answer long run viability , better environment , balance of responsibility and power
your answer better environment , balance of responsibility and power

multiple choice multiple answer

question a sales person is not just required to sell, because :-
correct answer he has to complete many tasks along with sales activities such as co-ordinating and
service. , he is now required to manage a segment four business.
your answer he has to complete many tasks along with sales activities such as co-ordinating and
service. , he is now required to manage a segment four business. , he is required to help in logistics.

multiple choice multiple answer

question the 'time-series techniques' include :-
correct answer exponential smoothing. , decomposition.
your answer the delphi method. , exponential smoothing. , decomposition.

multiple choice single answer

question direct supplies, from manufacturer to supermarkets is beneficial to :-
correct answer both
your answer wholesalers

multiple choice multiple answer

question the sales person must learn about certain things, which can be strategically used. these
are :-
correct answer buyers educational background & technical knowledge , life style of the prospect
your answer buyers educational background & technical knowledge , competitor's product ,
competitor's promotional activities

multiple choice single answer

question the most important tool used in managing the sales force is :-
correct answer job description.
your answer job description.

multiple choice single answer

question in case of companies selling industrial goods, customers :-
correct answer mostly follow their past buying patterns.
your answer take decisions very quickly.

question leaders realize that nothing in the world is permanent but change.
correct answer true
your answer true

match the following

question correct answer your answer

polygraph test lie detector test lie detector test

intelligence test measure of raw intelligence and trainability. measure of raw intelligence and trainability.

knowledge test measure of what applicant knows about product or service. measure of person's innate
or acquired social skills.

sales aptitude test measure of person's innate or acquired social skills. measure of what applicant
knows about product or service.
multiple choice single answer
question the 'breakdown approach' is generally valid for a period of :-
correct answer 6 months or more.
your answer less than 6 months.

multiple choice multiple answer

question the 'contingency theory' of leadership is based on :-
correct answer the leader - member relationship. , the degree of task structure.
your answer the leader controlling a situation. , the leader compromising a situation. , the degree of
task structure.

multiple choice single answer

question we say organizational structure is successful in bringing about efficient marketing or
products when :-
correct answer the organizational structure is flexible and adaptable to the changing environment in the
your answer the organizational structure is flexible and adaptable to the changing environment in the

multiple choice multiple answer

question planning the use of one's time involves :-
correct answer principle of time analysis. , principle of flexibility.
your answer principle of time analysis.

multiple choice multiple answer

question for effective code of ethics across the company, it should :-
correct answer be communicated to all employees , have solid backing by top management , be consistent
with corporate culture
your answer be communicated to all employees , have solid backing by top management , be consistent
with corporate culture

question compensation levels for sales personnel are related to external supply and demand
correct answer true
your answer false

select the blank

question some tests measure special abilities, like ________ ability.
correct answer perceptual
your answer perceptual

multiple choice single answer

question globalization, territories, warehousing & transshipment points, greater centralization in
planning & control, the levels in the distribution chain are the parameters of organizing :-
correct answer distribution
your answer distribution

multiple choice single answer

question the level of inventory intended to satisfy effective demand between reorders is :-
correct answer order level
your answer order level

question judgement in time is called jit.
correct answer false
your answer false

question time devoted to non selling activities should not be evaluated.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question manufacturing cycle is made up of :-
correct answer production ordering , production scheduling , material requirement, requisitioning

your answer production ordering , production scheduling , material requirement, requisitioning

select the blank

question apart from validity and consistency, test ________ is also important.
correct answer objectivity
your answer credibility

question there has to be a reciprocal relationship between the leader and his followers.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question what information related to key accounts market is required by the manager?
correct answer marketing policies , customer service needs
your answer marketing policies , customer service needs , products used

select the blank

question more effective use of advertising and promotion funds is a tangible benefit to the
correct answer manufacturer
your answer distributor

match the following

question correct answer your answer

distribution objective for retail buyer cost control growth without direct investment in brand
development input reliability and availability

product maintenance and servicing industrial and commercial products industrial and commercial products

store-operations retail products retail products

distribution objective for industrial buyer input reliability and availability cost control growth
without direct investment in brand development

multiple choice multiple answer

question the buyer's bank gives l/c to the buyer on the basis of :-
correct answer assets valuation of the buyer , future prospects of the buyer
your answer integrity of the buyer , assets valuation of the buyer , present buyer's status

list of attempted questions and answers

multiple choice single answer

question the modern sales approach like partnering includes :-
correct answer sharing of values between vendors & buyers
your answer sharing of values between vendors & buyers

select the blank

question in recent years more and more companies have tended to rely less on ________ tests.

correct answer psychological

your answer chronological

select the blank

question leadership is the activity of ________ people and strive willingly for group objectives.

correct answer influencing

your answer influencing

multiple choice single answer

question the heart of category planning document is the description of :-
correct answer consumer behaviour
your answer consumer behaviour

multiple choice multiple answer

question common tools used for effective retail strategies are :-
correct answer store image , store layout , point of sale display
your answer store image , store layout , point of sale display

question companies usually turn to external expert' help, because of difficulty in constructing large
input - output models.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question the "value added" selling approach includes :-
correct answer selling services that exceed customer expectations
your answer selling services that exceed customer expectations

select the blank

question ________ is essential for the growth and survival of a business.
correct answer profits
your answer profits

question direct costs allocation to various product groups should be done in a logical fashion.

correct answer false

your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question the 'sales call plan' is used to set the course of action for :-
correct answer a week as well as day
your answer a week as well as day

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the industrial buyer's focus of objectives?
correct answer spacing , input reliability and availability , input cost control
your answer input reliability and availability , input cost control , after sales service

select the blank

question ________ management is a system of promoting the sales of a product.
correct answer brand
your answer brand

multiple choice single answer

question following is one of the main activity to be taken care by - delivery, adding value, saving
time, contact with customers, showing the product & sensory stimulation.
correct answer retail outlets
your answer jobbers

question the retail chain observe how the product will appeal to the customer in the showroom - the
appearance, the aesthetic, the merchandising & the packaging
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question the view acknowledges both the importance of profits and the need for social
responsibility is :-
correct answer pragmatic view
your answer trusteeship view

multiple choice multiple answer

question the follow up, after sale of the product is :-
correct answer consider as the last but not least function after sale. , brings customer satisfaction & helps
in cultivating brand loyalty.
your answer consider as the last but not least function after sale. , brings customer satisfaction & helps
in cultivating brand loyalty. , does not reassure customer satisfaction.

multiple choice single answer

question markets, competitors, legal and social environment are called which motives?
correct answer environmental
your answer business

multiple choice multiple answer

question to make a audit of distribution & logistics, following things are considered :-
correct answer is insurance cover taken when it not required or vice versa? , are rates comparable with
other similar companies? , is the profit adequate to each one in the chain?
your answer is insurance cover taken when it not required or vice versa? , are rates comparable with
other similar companies? , is the profit adequate to each one in the chain?

select the blank

question most firms require many ________ types of sales people to perform different selling tasks.

correct answer different

your answer different
multiple choice multiple answer
question informal approaches towards social responsibility are :-
correct answer organisational culture , whistle blowing
your answer organisational culture , whistle blowing , swot analysis

multiple choice multiple answer

question how can intermediary add value by providing information to the supplier on :-
correct answer competitors activities , development in the area , customers reaction to products
your answer competitors activities , products drawbacks , customers reaction to products

multiple choice single answer

question the network of suppliers & customers in which any business operates is :-
correct answer supply chain
your answer supply chain

select the blank

question the overall purpose of marketing organization is, to facilitate the ________ of
organizational objectives.
correct answer achievement
your answer achievement

multiple choice multiple answer

question tangible benefits of merchandising to consumers are :-
correct answer time saving , better quality of choice , improve loyalty
your answer time saving , better quality of choice , improved turnover

question non-quantitative techniques' are consistent.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question the approaches to locate the prospect include :-
correct answer center of influence , advertising
your answer center of influence , advertising , increasing the sales force

multiple choice multiple answer

question arguments in favour of social responsibility are :-
correct answer long run viability , better environment , balance of responsibility and power
your answer long run viability , better environment , balance of responsibility and power

match the following

question correct answer your answer

knowledge building blocks building blocks

supplier's objective brands, market share of product category brands, market share of product

industrial buyer's objectivespacing growth without direct investment

retail buyer's objective growth without direct investment multiple sourcing policies

question in deciding the placement, the physical activities associated with the product must be kept
in mind.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question obtaining ________ from key players helps promoting sales and other prospects.
correct answer endorsements
your answer appreciation

multiple choice single answer

question the sales persons' team, as co-ordinators :-
correct answer use the specialists in different fields, to co-ordinate services to customers and solve their
your answer use the specialists in different fields, to co-ordinate services to customers and solve their
select the blank
question the most important characteristic of sales training program is ________ orientation.

correct answer career

your answer goal

multiple choice single answer

question the rating and scheduling plans are developed primarily by :-
correct answer field sales managers/ people
your answer field sales managers/ people

question quality of display influences consumer purchasing decisions.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question it is the development of overall market for a group of products which can be grouped in
one category :-
correct answer category management
your answer brand management

select the blank

question selection of ________ is an important activity of sales management because it decides the
type of volume of business, one will have on the future.
correct answer intermediaries
your answer intermediaries

multiple choice multiple answer

question basic patterns of sales compensation plan are :-
correct answer straight salary , salary plus incentive , straight commission
your answer straight salary , salary plus incentive , straight commission

multiple choice multiple answer

question public relations is an important activity because of the following reasons :-
correct answer awareness & desire about product is created. , it helps to build brand image.
your answer awareness & desire about product is created. , it deals with involving many people &
public. , it helps to build brand image.

question leaders realize that nothing in the world is permanent but change.
correct answer true
your answer true

question in communication process, effective listening is very important.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question the modern marketing concept is based on :-
correct answer customer orientation
your answer customer orientation

multiple choice multiple answer

question management actions consists of :-
correct answer planning , implementation , control
your answer planning , implementation , control

question 'too big' shelf display encourages customer approach and thereby purchasing.
correct answer false
your answer true

select the blank

question the 'sales vice-president' ________ sales volume through selling tactics.
correct answer improves
your answer improves

multiple choice single answer

question sales force effectiveness can be improved through :-
correct answer training.
your answer training.

multiple choice single answer

question the result of formal job analysis is :-
correct answer job description.
your answer job requirement.

match the following

question correct answer your answer

polygraph test lie detector test measure of vocational interests.

intelligence test measure of raw intelligence and trainability. measure of raw intelligence and trainability.

knowledge test measure of what applicant knows about product or service. measure of person's innate
or acquired social skills.

sales aptitude test measure of person's innate or acquired social skills. measure of what applicant
knows about product or service.

sales & distribution management assgn :01: saikat

multiple choice single answer

question the objective of "volume" for an industrial buyer is achieved by :-
correct answer profit from trading opportunities
your answer after sales service and support

multiple choice multiple answer

question checklist to select an intermediary are :-
correct answer physical facilities, capabilities & desire for further investment , financial strength &
backing , reputation & credibility of the intermediary in the market
your answer physical facilities, capabilities & desire for further investment , financial strength &
backing , reputation & credibility of the intermediary in the market

select the blank

question sales is one of the most exciting, financially rewarding and ________ careers.
correct answer challenging
your answer challenging

select the blank

question right to freedom of speech is an example of ________.
correct answer theory of rights
your answer theory of rights

multiple choice single answer

question the payment in overseas sales is done through the financial instrument called :-
correct answer letter of credit
your answer letter of credit

question space management planning is a merchandising support.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question manufacturing cycle is made up of :-
correct answer production ordering , production scheduling , material requirement, requisitioning

your answer production ordering , production scheduling , material requirement, requisitioning

question to sell products that do not earn reasonable profit is acceptable.
correct answer true
your answer false

question accuracy of forecasts are not analysed to determine how forecasting techniques can be
improved & & better forecasts obtained in the future months.
correct answer true
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question various aspects of business ethics are :-
correct answer fair competition , corporate behavior
your answer fair competition , corporate behavior , social responsibility

select the blank

question in reference approach, names of ________customers are referred to the prospect.

correct answer satisfied

your answer satisfied

question all functional areas in organization, should not be involved in forecasting and planning.

correct answer false

your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question the benefit of training program is that, it increases :-
correct answer overall effectiveness.
your answer overall effectiveness.

select the blank

question unitization, palletisation & containerization are concepts which have revolutionized
correct answer distribution & logistics
your answer distribution & logistics

multiple choice multiple answer

question arguments against corporate social responsibility are :-
correct answer lack of skills , loss of maximisation of economic gains , lack of accountability
your answer lack of skills , loss of maximisation of economic gains , lack of accountability

multiple choice single answer

question after deciding the needed traits, the management must :-
correct answer recruit.
your answer review.

multiple choice multiple answer

question job description can be organized into :-
correct answer sales activities. , territory management.
your answer sales activities. , territory management.

multiple choice single answer

question the view acknowledges both the importance of profits and the need for social
responsibility is :-
correct answer pragmatic view
your answer pragmatic view

match the following

question correct answer your answer

account potential. share of an accounts business that the firm can expect to get. share of an accounts
business that the firm can expect to get.

routing. establishing the sequence of locations a sales person will visit. establishing the sequence of
locations a sales person will visit.

scheduling. sequencing of appointments for maximum territory management cycle. sequencing of

appointments for maximum territory management cycle.

account load. number of actual and potential customers assigned to a given sales person. number
of actual and potential customers assigned to a given sales person.

match the following

question correct answer your answer

delphi method modified version of executive opinion approach. modified version of executive
opinion approach.

moving average technique projects the average of the sales over the previous time periods. projects
the average of the sales over the previous time periods.

exponential smoothing weighted sum of all past numbers in time series. weighted sum of all past
numbers in time series.

decomposition method four components of time series data are isolated. four components of time
series data are isolated.

multiple choice single answer

question the modern sales approach like partnering includes :-
correct answer sharing of values between vendors & buyers
your answer sharing of values between vendors & buyers

select the blank

question the disadvantage of hiring staff trainers includes ________ cost of maintaining the staff.

correct answer total

your answer high

multiple choice multiple answer

question "exchange theories" assume that group members :-
correct answer make contribution at a cost to themselves. , receive benefits at a cost to group.
your answer make contribution at a cost to themselves. , receive benefits at a cost to group.

select the blank

question box-jenkins' can provide an ________ forecast over a short run period.
correct answer excellent.
your answer excellent.

multiple choice single answer

question the modern marketing concept is based on :-
correct answer customer orientation
your answer customer orientation

multiple choice single answer

question seeking "prospect" includes :-
correct answer finding new or potential customers
your answer finding new or potential customers

multiple choice single answer

question firms which are ineffective in recruitment and selection ultimately suffer a :-
correct answer turn over problem.
your answer turn over problem.

multiple choice single answer

question in 'assumption close' technique :-
correct answer the sales person assumes that prospect will purchase & conveys this assumption through
his actions.
your answer the sales person assumes that prospect will purchase & conveys this assumption through
his actions.

multiple choice multiple answer

question a sales training is usually built on the basis of :-
correct answer execution. , evaluation.
your answer execution. , examination. , evaluation.

question a level of mutual trust needs to be maintained between the key account and the account
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question some tests measure special abilities, like ________ ability.
correct answer perceptual
your answer perceptual
multiple choice single answer
question 20% of top accounts generate what percentage of company's profit?
correct answer 80
your answer 80

select the blank

question improved stock management reduces ________.
correct answer outstock situation
your answer outstock situation

multiple choice multiple answer

question specific objectives of distribution logistics are :-
correct answer order - delivery cycle time , consistency & reliability of delivery , inventory availability

your answer order - delivery cycle time , consistency & reliability of delivery , inventory availability

question non-quantitative techniques' are consistent.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question in a simple sales department, in a small company :-
correct answer the sales manager normally has charge of all the marketing activities.
your answer the sales manager normally has charge of all the marketing activities.

select the blank

question the sales person should frequently contact the customers to spot ________ & solve them.

correct answer problems

your answer problems

multiple choice single answer

question successful sales people are goal directed and identify :-
correct answer strongly with their customers.
your answer strongly with their customers.

question negotiations will be successful if based on reasonable expectations.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question the disadvantage of 'box-jenkins method' is that it requires a ________ degree of
correct answer high.
your answer high.

multiple choice multiple answer

question today sales people & sales manager are involved in :-
correct answer total marketing process , also handling the customer complaints
your answer total marketing process , also handling the customer complaints , promotion of the product

multiple choice multiple answer

question tangible benefits of merchandising to retailer are :-
correct answer reduce out of stocks , improve return on investment , balance stock holdings
your answer improve return on investment , pull product through improved forecasting , balance stock

select the blank

question at the strategic control level, it is extremely necessary to identify areas of ________.

correct answer threats

your answer threats

question in centralized training programs, the trainees do not quickly get acquainted with each
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question the "value added" selling approach includes :-
correct answer selling services that exceed customer expectations
your answer selling services that exceed customer expectations

multiple choice multiple answer

question the performance of the sales force tends to be better, when the sales manager relies on :-

correct answer expert power. , referent power.

your answer expert power. , referent power.

multiple choice single answer

question the view which holds that social responsibility is not the major responsibility of business
but to only make money is :-
correct answer capitalist view
your answer capitalist view

bottom of form

sales & distribution management assgn :02: shagun

question colour blocking' is a tool used by retailers.
correct answer true
your answer false

question export manager needs to have linguistic skills in addition to other personal skills for better
business performance.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question this type of promotional activity is useful when an element of training or education is
needed in promoting the product :-
correct answer lectures, film shows
your answer lectures, film shows

multiple choice multiple answer

question from the stand point of sales representatives, the compensation plan should offer :-

correct answer regular income. , reward for superior performance.

your answer regular income. , reward for superior performance.

multiple choice multiple answer

question merchandising aids sales because :-
correct answer it enhances the house- keeping and appearance of the shop , makes stock check easy ,
helps the consumer and increases his pleasure in shopping
your answer it enhances the house- keeping and appearance of the shop , makes stock check easy ,
helps the consumer and increases his pleasure in shopping

question there has to be a reciprocal relationship between the leader and his followers.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question the central feature of ________ system is their ability to reforecast inventory
requirements as the inventory position of low level of inventories in the distribution channel changes.

correct answer drp

your answer mrp

multiple choice multiple answer

question advantages of ' straight commission ' plan are :-
correct answer powerful incentive , freedom of operation , flexible plan
your answer powerful incentive , freedom of operation , flexible plan

multiple choice single answer

question markets, competitors, legal and social environment are called which motives?
correct answer environmental
your answer environmental

multiple choice multiple answer

question tangible benefits of merchandising to consumers are :-
correct answer time saving , better quality of choice , improve loyalty
your answer time saving , improved turnover
multiple choice single answer
question the benefit of training program is that, it increases :-
correct answer overall effectiveness.
your answer overall effectiveness.

question the lecture sessions should be short and interspersed with other activities to avoid lack of
correct answer true
your answer true

match the following

question correct answer your answer

sales aids. preparing of audiovisuals, flip charts & other material. preparing of audiovisuals, flip
charts & other material.

product publicity preparing & distributing news releases to various media about products & services.
support for entering new markets.

market development support for entering new markets. developing new products.

marketing research. collecting & interpreting data related to products & services. collecting &
interpreting data related to products & services.

multiple choice multiple answer

question the approaches to locate the prospect include :-
correct answer center of influence , advertising
your answer center of influence , focusing on current customers only , increasing the sales force

multiple choice single answer

question the "value added" selling approach includes :-
correct answer selling services that exceed customer expectations
your answer selling products at extra value

multiple choice multiple answer

question the sales person must learn about certain things, which can be strategically used. these
are :-
correct answer buyers educational background & technical knowledge , life style of the prospect
your answer life style of the prospect , competitor's product , competitor's promotional activities

multiple choice multiple answer

question the 'casual methods' include :-
correct answer correlation-regressional analysis. , econometric models.
your answer correlation-regressional analysis. , econometric models. , box-jenkins method.

multiple choice multiple answer

question the leads obtained by the sales person must be qualified in terms of :-
correct answer needs , ability to buy
your answer needs , ability to buy

multiple choice single answer

question one of the principles of 'learning' is :-
correct answer reinforcement.
your answer reinforcement.

select the blank

question apart from validity and consistency, test ________ is also important.
correct answer objectivity
your answer objectivity

select the blank

question ________ is computer based production & inventory control system that attempts to
minimise inventory.
correct answer mrp
your answer drp

multiple choice single answer

question seeking "prospect" includes :-
correct answer finding new or potential customers
your answer finding new or potential customers

question corporate social activity aimed at socialization need not be elaborate or expensive.

correct answer true

your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question in cif payment terms, i stands for :-
correct answer insurance
your answer insurance

question the widening of product life cycle will demand greater flexibility & adaptability.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question the principle of time management, applicable to various organizations includes :-
correct answer principle of delegation. , principle of control of interruptions.
your answer principle of participation. , principle of control of interruptions. , principle of

question in business, most ethical questions fall into four levels viz. societal, stakeholders,
customer and competition and which are mutually exclusive to each other.
correct answer false
your answer true

select the blank

question ________ is essential for the growth and survival of a business.
correct answer profits
your answer employees

question an organization supplying products on the strength of its performance, quality & demand
is called product leadership.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question it is an organizational activity that effects the general welfare of society :-
correct answer social performance
your answer social performance

select the blank

question ________ is the continuous replenishment of inventories throughout the channel in
response to end customer demand.
correct answer ecr
your answer ecr

select the blank

question when all techniques fail to close the sale, best way is to ________ for not being able to
satisfy the customer.
correct answer apologize.
your answer apologize.

match the following

question correct answer your answer

materials & physical distribution logistics management physical network

physical distribution physical network logistics management

management of flow of goods & services logistics chain management demand schedule

network of suppliers & customers suppliers chain management suppliers chain management
select the blank
question many companies run ________ on applicants for sales positions.
correct answer credit checks
your answer counter checks

select the blank

question the goods from the producer first go to ________, who in turn sells the products to retail
correct answer distributor
your answer distributor

select the blank

question casual methods' attempt to find the factors that affect ________ and to determine inter-
correct answer sales.
your answer sales.

multiple choice single answer

question if a customer objects about some product or goods :-
correct answer he is asking for information about that product in indirect way.
your answer he is asking for information about that product in indirect way.

multiple choice multiple answer

question some of the tools used for selection process, are :-
correct answer in depth interviews. , physical examination.
your answer in depth interviews. , physical examination.

question many large companies use long term training programs to educate sales people about the
firm's products, customers, competitors etc.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question the modern marketing concept is based on :-
correct answer customer orientation
your answer delivery of goods through proper channel

multiple choice single answer

question the modern sales approach like partnering includes :-
correct answer sharing of values between vendors & buyers
your answer sharing of values between sales manager & sales staff

select the blank

question the information on the applicant is also provided through ________, if other sources are
not available.
correct answer references
your answer references

multiple choice single answer

question the greatest source of recruits is :-
correct answer referrals from sales associates and clients.
your answer referrals from sales associates and clients.

multiple choice multiple answer

question approaches to collect and report social audits are :-
correct answer inventory , cost , program management
your answer inventory , cost , swot analysis

multiple choice single answer

question status, recognition, achievement etc are which types of motives?
correct answer personal
your answer personal

multiple choice single answer

question the roll of sales manager as an analyzer includes :-
correct answer reviewing sales records & sales persons performance
your answer reviewing sales records & sales persons performance

multiple choice single answer

question job analysis must be conducted to :-
correct answer identify duties, requirements and responsibilities.
your answer identify duties, requirements and responsibilities.
list of attempted questions and answers

multiple choice single answer

question it refers to the practice of right conduct :-
correct answer morals
your answer ethics

question direct costs allocation to various product groups should be done in a logical fashion.

correct answer false

your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question in the 'jury of executive opinion', the jury may consist of :-
correct answer company president. , several of different functional areas.
your answer company president. , several of different functional areas.

multiple choice multiple answer

question it is important to asses the candidate's :-
correct answer selling skills. , technical background.
your answer negotiating skills. , selling skills. , technical background.

multiple choice single answer

question the "value added" selling approach includes :-
correct answer selling services that exceed customer expectations
your answer selling services that exceed customer expectations

question a leader must not be accepted by his followers.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question after making any sale, the sales person :-
correct answer should make special efforts to follow up with the customer. , should ensure that the
customers are satisfied.
your answer should make special efforts to follow up with the customer. , should ensure that the
customers are satisfied.

select the blank

question as distribution & logistics cost forms a substantial % of the sales volume, ________ is
essential to make sure the organization is getting value for the money paid.
correct answer cost control
your answer cost control

select the blank

question leadership is the activity of ________ people and strive willingly for group objectives.

correct answer influencing

your answer influencing

multiple choice single answer

question the integration, adaptation, the principles of physical movement of goods & people
collectively form the :-
correct answer logistics system
your answer logistics system

question in centralized training programs, the trainees do not quickly get acquainted with each
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question the ________ approach involves two way communication with the prospect.
correct answer question
your answer question

select the blank

question the test of ability, includes test of ________ ability.
correct answer mental
your answer mental

question referent power of a leader is based on some expertise, knowledge or special skill of the
correct answer false
your answer true

question extended socialization involves long term training, job rotation and corporate social
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question features of product promotion policies for the key account at the retail outlet are :-

correct answer centralised , branch promotions

your answer centralised , branch promotions

multiple choice single answer

question this view holds that the state should be instrumental in advocating social responsibility on
business :-
correct answer communist view
your answer communist view

select the blank

question more effective use of advertising and promotion funds is a tangible benefit to the
correct answer manufacturer
your answer manufacturer

question the scope of initial training programs is not broader than refresher training program.

correct answer false

your answer true

select the blank

question ________ is the process of reaching the products / services to the ultimate consumers at
the right time in the cheapest possible manner.
correct answer distribution
your answer distribution

match the following

question correct answer your answer

in distribution & logistics - overall performance sales per employed sales per employed

in distribution & logistics - overheads fixed costs as % of total costs mis

in distribution & logistics - productivity 10 kms per direct man hour employed maximum load
carried as % gross weight

in distribution & logistics - useful maximum load carried as % gross weight 10 kms per direct man
hour employed

select the blank

question ________ varies in amount with sales volume or other commission base.
correct answer commission
your answer profits

multiple choice multiple answer

question when a number of outlets already exists, the factors to be analysed for distribution are :-

correct answer what is competition doing? , is there an opportunity for competition to be created ? , is
technical selling & after sales service critical?
your answer what is competition doing? , is there an opportunity for competition to be created ? , is
technical selling & after sales service critical?

multiple choice multiple answer

question the 'time-series techniques' include :-
correct answer exponential smoothing. , decomposition.
your answer the delphi method. , the sales force composite.

select the blank

question the disadvantage of 'box-jenkins method' is that it requires a ________ degree of
correct answer high.
your answer high.

question integrated logistics management includes transaction systems, short term scheduling
systems, flow planning, network design optimisation.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question attracting recruits is usually an ongoing task of the :-
correct answer sales manager.
your answer sales manager.

multiple choice multiple answer

question for industrial and commercial products, relationship should be built and cultivated with
managers involved in :-
correct answer buying , product specification , product use
your answer buying , product specification , product use

match the following

question correct answer your answer

sales aids. preparing of audiovisuals, flip charts & other material. preparing of audiovisuals, flip
charts & other material.

product publicity preparing & distributing news releases to various media about products & services.
preparing & distributing news releases to various media about products & services.

market development support for entering new markets. support for entering new markets.

marketing research. collecting & interpreting data related to products & services. collecting &
interpreting data related to products & services.

select the blank

question most firms require many ________ types of sales people to perform different selling tasks.

correct answer different

your answer different

select the blank

question the retail outlets have location advantage in that they save the consumer's ________.

correct answer travelling time

your answer travelling time

multiple choice multiple answer

question poor, sales territory design, results in :-
correct answer inadequate market coverage. , lack of control over sales force.
your answer inadequate market coverage. , lack of control over sales force.

multiple choice single answer

question management should view the recruitment and selection process as a sub-system of :-

correct answer sales force management.

your answer sales force management.

question input - output models are more appropriate for selling industrial goods.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question recruitment process involves :-
correct answer finding applicants, who are potentially good employees.
your answer finding applicants, who are potentially good employees.

select the blank

question separate ________ tests should be reformed for different ethnic groups.
correct answer validity
your answer dependability

question size & demand given are a leadership position.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question the modern sales approach like partnering includes :-
correct answer sharing of values between vendors & buyers
your answer sharing of values between vendors & buyers

multiple choice single answer

question the planned recruiting is important because of :-
correct answer costs associated with the system.
your answer costs associated with the system.

multiple choice single answer

question what is been revolutionized by unitization, palletisation & containerization?
correct answer distribution & logistics
your answer distribution & logistics

multiple choice single answer

question what lets continuous changes in consumers, because of changes of residence, working
hours, employment, income & because of evolution of the nuclear family from the joint family ?
correct answer buying habits
your answer buying habits

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the supplier's focus of objectives?
correct answer value , profit , distribution
your answer profit , distribution , cost-control

multiple choice multiple answer

question lowering warehousing cost leads to :-
correct answer lower inventory levels , reduce customer service , inhibit corporate purchasing from
advantageous purchasing
your answer inhibit corporate purchasing from advantageous purchasing , higher transportation

question negotiations will be successful if based on reasonable expectations.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question the modern marketing concept is based on :-
correct answer customer orientation
your answer customer orientation

multiple choice multiple answer

question the categories of sales forecasting approaches, are :-
correct answer judgement methods. , counting method.
your answer judgement methods. , casual method. , counting method.

multiple choice multiple answer

question trends in organizing distribution network :-
correct answer globalization or one market , territories , minimum number of warehouses
your answer globalization or one market , territories , minimum number of warehouses

list of attempted questions and answers

select the blank
question realistically sales are associated with several ________ variables, such as advertising
expenditures etc.
correct answer independent.
your answer independent.

select the blank

question ________ develop greater product loyalty.
correct answer product usage
your answer product usage

match the following

question correct answer your answer

network of suppliers & customers suppliers chain management suppliers chain management

materials & physical distribution logistics management physical network

physical distribution physical network logistics management

management of flow of goods & services logistics chain management demand schedule

question in semi structured interviews, the interviewer has a pre-planned list of major questions
but allows time for interaction and discussion.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question two major categories of non-quantitative approaches to forecasting are :-
correct answer judgement methods. , counting method.
your answer moving averages. , judgement methods. , counting method.

question direct accounts are small accounts that do not involve any special arrangements in terms
of pricing, credit etc.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question for firms that experience a high rate of turnover, the recruiting program should be :-

correct answer continuous.

your answer continuous.

select the blank

question ________ availability must be ensured while over stocking must be avoided despite the
changes in the market.
correct answer product
your answer materials

multiple choice multiple answer

question companies often recruit sales people from other departments because :-
correct answer the people are already familiar with the company policies. , the sales managers are aware
of their sales potentials.
your answer the do not want to recruit from outside. , the people are already familiar with the company
policies. , the sales managers are aware of their sales potentials.

multiple choice multiple answer

question deliverables of strategic category assessment are :-
correct answer research gaps , strategic assessment document
your answer research gaps , strategic assessment document , category management document

match the following

question correct answer your answer

to facilitate performance evaluation.set daily / weekly / monthly goals. review cost figures.

sales territories. provide intensive market coverage. split territories.

inadequate sales territories. split territories. prepare territories.

selling cost variations. review cost figures. clarify at hiring.

multiple choice single answer

question in 'standing-room -close' technique :-
correct answer a psychological pressure is applied to the customer, that the product may not be available
later on.
your answer the discussion between customer & sales person is done in a special room called standing

multiple choice single answer

question it is the foundation for an integrated consumer driven category management process :-

correct answer category planning document

your answer strategic assessment document

question market research deals with collection & interpretation of data concerning products,
customers, etc.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question the approaches to locate the prospect include :-
correct answer center of influence , advertising
your answer center of influence , advertising , focusing on current customers only

select the blank

question the 'marketing vice-president', is responsible for ________ marketing strategy.
correct answer creative
your answer corporate

multiple choice multiple answer

question the follow up, after sale of the product is :-
correct answer consider as the last but not least function after sale. , brings customer satisfaction & helps
in cultivating brand loyalty.
your answer consider as the last but not least function after sale. , does not provide with customer
reorientation. , does not reassure customer satisfaction.

multiple choice single answer

question multiple sourcing policies are generally adopted for which products?
correct answer consumables
your answer durables

question bonus always appear with one of the three main sales compensation methods.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question the central feature of ________ system is their ability to reforecast inventory
requirements as the inventory position of low level of inventories in the distribution channel changes.

correct answer drp

your answer drp

multiple choice single answer

question "ethos" means :-
correct answer moral character.
your answer moral character.

question it is not critical that sales manager select the candidates, who meet the qualifications
established by company.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question to measure performance & evaluate :-
correct answer sales goals must be established. , develop sales plans.
your answer sales goals must be established. , do not set performance standards. , develop sales plans.

select the blank

question apart from validity and consistency, test ________ is also important.
correct answer objectivity
your answer credibility

question the retail chain observe how the product will appeal to the customer in the showroom - the
appearance, the aesthetic, the merchandising & the packaging
correct answer true
your answer true

question the widening of product life cycle will demand greater flexibility & adaptability.
correct answer false
your answer true

question quantitative sales forecasting techniques' employ sophisticated mathematics and
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question examples of service standards of objectives of logistics & distribution are :-
correct answer hit ratio on sales calls to show a 20% improvement , stock outs not to occur in more than
5% of the orders , quality of merchandising to be improved & result in at least 10% increase in retail sale

your answer stock outs not to occur in more than 5% of the orders , hit ratio on sales calls to show a
20% improvement , on time deliveries to be made as less as possible

multiple choice single answer

question sales quota is :-
correct answer quantitative goal assigned to a unit of sales organization.
your answer quantitative goal assigned to a unit of sales organization.

multiple choice single answer

question if the customer defections are reduced by 5%, profits can be improved anywhere between
correct answer 10 to 15 %
your answer 10 to 15 %

select the blank

question the overall purpose of marketing organization is, to facilitate the ________ of
organizational objectives.
correct answer achievement
your answer achievement

multiple choice multiple answer

question a sales person is not just required to sell, because :-
correct answer he has to complete many tasks along with sales activities such as co-ordinating and
service. , he is now required to manage a segment four business.
your answer he has to complete many tasks along with sales activities such as co-ordinating and
service. , he is required to help in logistics.

select the blank

question sales is one of the most exciting, financially rewarding and ________ careers.
correct answer challenging
your answer challenging

multiple choice single answer

question it is a process of two way communication between the account manager and key account :-

correct answer business rapport

your answer business rapport

select the blank

question in recent years more and more companies have tended to rely less on ________ tests.
correct answer psychological
your answer psychological

multiple choice single answer

question identifying trade channels for company's products and then identifying the key accounts in
each channel is called :-
correct answer trade channel mapping
your answer trade channel mapping

multiple choice single answer

question when the formal order and offer letter conditions match, the next letter that follows is :-

correct answer order confirmation letter

your answer letter of intent

select the blank

question the people who know the applicant but are not listed as reference are also the ________
or present employers.
correct answer former
your answer formal

multiple choice multiple answer

question costs of goods sold includes what all heads?
correct answer product cost , administrative cost , marketing cost
your answer product cost , administrative cost , marketing cost

multiple choice multiple answer

question arguments in favour of social responsibility are :-
correct answer long run viability , better environment , balance of responsibility and power
your answer long run viability , better environment , dilution of purpose

multiple choice single answer

question when sales person should close the sales call?
correct answer when a prospect makes positive statement about the product.
your answer when a prospect has many queries about the product & is not satisfied.

select the blank

question ________ management is a system of promoting the sales of a product.
correct answer brand
your answer logistics

multiple choice multiple answer

question hiring decision is also based on :-
correct answer temperament. , creativity.
your answer temperament. , temperature. , complexity.

multiple choice multiple answer

question production plan has to see :-
correct answer opening stock at the beginning of the month , forecast sales for the coming month , closing
your answer opening stock at the beginning of the month , closing inventory , sales of the last month

multiple choice single answer

question the time necessary to complete sales transaction is increased, because :-
correct answer it takes longer time to co-ordinate all the sales activities and non-selling activities.

your answer longer time for sales call indicates better profits.

question a sales manager does not conduct sales volume, cost and profit analysis.
correct answer false
your answer true

question routing is establishing the sequence of locations sales person will visit.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question realistically sales are associated with several ________ variables, such as advertising
expenditures etc.
correct answer independent.
your answer independent.

select the blank

question ________ develop greater product loyalty.
correct answer product usage
your answer product usage

match the following

question correct answer your answer

network of suppliers & customers suppliers chain management suppliers chain management

materials & physical distribution logistics management physical network

physical distribution physical network logistics management

management of flow of goods & services logistics chain management demand schedule

question in semi structured interviews, the interviewer has a pre-planned list of major questions
but allows time for interaction and discussion.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question two major categories of non-quantitative approaches to forecasting are :-
correct answer judgement methods. , counting method.
your answer moving averages. , judgement methods. , counting method.

question direct accounts are small accounts that do not involve any special arrangements in terms
of pricing, credit etc.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question for firms that experience a high rate of turnover, the recruiting program should be :-

correct answer continuous.

your answer continuous.

select the blank

question ________ availability must be ensured while over stocking must be avoided despite the
changes in the market.
correct answer product
your answer materials

multiple choice multiple answer

question companies often recruit sales people from other departments because :-
correct answer the people are already familiar with the company policies. , the sales managers are aware
of their sales potentials.
your answer the do not want to recruit from outside. , the people are already familiar with the company
policies. , the sales managers are aware of their sales potentials.

multiple choice multiple answer

question deliverables of strategic category assessment are :-
correct answer research gaps , strategic assessment document
your answer research gaps , strategic assessment document , category management document

match the following

question correct answer your answer

to facilitate performance evaluation.set daily / weekly / monthly goals. review cost figures.

sales territories. provide intensive market coverage. split territories.

inadequate sales territories. split territories. prepare territories.

selling cost variations. review cost figures. clarify at hiring.

multiple choice single answer

question in 'standing-room -close' technique :-
correct answer a psychological pressure is applied to the customer, that the product may not be available
later on.
your answer the discussion between customer & sales person is done in a special room called standing

multiple choice single answer

question it is the foundation for an integrated consumer driven category management process :-

correct answer category planning document

your answer strategic assessment document

question market research deals with collection & interpretation of data concerning products,
customers, etc.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question the approaches to locate the prospect include :-
correct answer center of influence , advertising
your answer center of influence , advertising , focusing on current customers only

select the blank

question the 'marketing vice-president', is responsible for ________ marketing strategy.
correct answer creative
your answer corporate

multiple choice multiple answer

question the follow up, after sale of the product is :-
correct answer consider as the last but not least function after sale. , brings customer satisfaction & helps
in cultivating brand loyalty.
your answer consider as the last but not least function after sale. , does not provide with customer
reorientation. , does not reassure customer satisfaction.

multiple choice single answer

question multiple sourcing policies are generally adopted for which products?
correct answer consumables
your answer durables

question bonus always appear with one of the three main sales compensation methods.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question the central feature of ________ system is their ability to reforecast inventory
requirements as the inventory position of low level of inventories in the distribution channel changes.

correct answer drp

your answer drp

multiple choice single answer

question "ethos" means :-
correct answer moral character.
your answer moral character.

question it is not critical that sales manager select the candidates, who meet the qualifications
established by company.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question to measure performance & evaluate :-
correct answer sales goals must be established. , develop sales plans.
your answer sales goals must be established. , do not set performance standards. , develop sales plans.

select the blank

question apart from validity and consistency, test ________ is also important.
correct answer objectivity
your answer credibility

question the retail chain observe how the product will appeal to the customer in the showroom - the
appearance, the aesthetic, the merchandising & the packaging
correct answer true
your answer true

question the widening of product life cycle will demand greater flexibility & adaptability.
correct answer false
your answer true

question quantitative sales forecasting techniques' employ sophisticated mathematics and
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question examples of service standards of objectives of logistics & distribution are :-
correct answer hit ratio on sales calls to show a 20% improvement , stock outs not to occur in more than
5% of the orders , quality of merchandising to be improved & result in at least 10% increase in retail sale

your answer stock outs not to occur in more than 5% of the orders , hit ratio on sales calls to show a
20% improvement , on time deliveries to be made as less as possible

multiple choice single answer

question sales quota is :-
correct answer quantitative goal assigned to a unit of sales organization.
your answer quantitative goal assigned to a unit of sales organization.

multiple choice single answer

question if the customer defections are reduced by 5%, profits can be improved anywhere between
correct answer 10 to 15 %
your answer 10 to 15 %

select the blank

question the overall purpose of marketing organization is, to facilitate the ________ of
organizational objectives.
correct answer achievement
your answer achievement

multiple choice multiple answer

question a sales person is not just required to sell, because :-
correct answer he has to complete many tasks along with sales activities such as co-ordinating and
service. , he is now required to manage a segment four business.
your answer he has to complete many tasks along with sales activities such as co-ordinating and
service. , he is required to help in logistics.

select the blank

question sales is one of the most exciting, financially rewarding and ________ careers.
correct answer challenging
your answer challenging

multiple choice single answer

question it is a process of two way communication between the account manager and key account :-

correct answer business rapport

your answer business rapport

select the blank

question in recent years more and more companies have tended to rely less on ________ tests.

correct answer psychological

your answer psychological

multiple choice single answer

question identifying trade channels for company's products and then identifying the key accounts in
each channel is called :-
correct answer trade channel mapping
your answer trade channel mapping
multiple choice single answer
question when the formal order and offer letter conditions match, the next letter that follows is :-

correct answer order confirmation letter

your answer letter of intent

select the blank

question the people who know the applicant but are not listed as reference are also the ________
or present employers.
correct answer former
your answer formal

multiple choice multiple answer

question costs of goods sold includes what all heads?
correct answer product cost , administrative cost , marketing cost
your answer product cost , administrative cost , marketing cost

multiple choice multiple answer

question arguments in favour of social responsibility are :-
correct answer long run viability , better environment , balance of responsibility and power
your answer long run viability , better environment , dilution of purpose

multiple choice single answer

question when sales person should close the sales call?
correct answer when a prospect makes positive statement about the product.
your answer when a prospect has many queries about the product & is not satisfied.

select the blank

question ________ management is a system of promoting the sales of a product.
correct answer brand
your answer logistics

multiple choice multiple answer

question hiring decision is also based on :-
correct answer temperament. , creativity.
your answer temperament. , temperature. , complexity.

multiple choice multiple answer

question production plan has to see :-
correct answer opening stock at the beginning of the month , forecast sales for the coming month , closing
your answer opening stock at the beginning of the month , closing inventory , sales of the last month

multiple choice single answer

question the time necessary to complete sales transaction is increased, because :-
correct answer it takes longer time to co-ordinate all the sales activities and non-selling activities.

your answer longer time for sales call indicates better profits.

question a sales manager does not conduct sales volume, cost and profit analysis.
correct answer false
your answer true

question routing is establishing the sequence of locations sales person will visit.
correct answer true
your answer true

list of attempted questions and answers

select the blank

question realistically sales are associated with several ________ variables, such as advertising
expenditures etc.
correct answer independent.
your answer independent.

select the blank

question ________ develop greater product loyalty.
correct answer product usage
your answer product usage

match the following

question correct answer your answer

network of suppliers & customers suppliers chain management suppliers chain management

materials & physical distribution logistics management physical network

physical distribution physical network logistics management

management of flow of goods & services logistics chain management demand schedule

question in semi structured interviews, the interviewer has a pre-planned list of major questions
but allows time for interaction and discussion.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question two major categories of non-quantitative approaches to forecasting are :-
correct answer judgement methods. , counting method.
your answer moving averages. , judgement methods. , counting method.

question direct accounts are small accounts that do not involve any special arrangements in terms
of pricing, credit etc.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question for firms that experience a high rate of turnover, the recruiting program should be :-

correct answer continuous.

your answer continuous.

select the blank

question ________ availability must be ensured while over stocking must be avoided despite the
changes in the market.
correct answer product
your answer materials

multiple choice multiple answer

question companies often recruit sales people from other departments because :-
correct answer the people are already familiar with the company policies. , the sales managers are aware
of their sales potentials.
your answer the do not want to recruit from outside. , the people are already familiar with the company
policies. , the sales managers are aware of their sales potentials.

multiple choice multiple answer

question deliverables of strategic category assessment are :-
correct answer research gaps , strategic assessment document
your answer research gaps , strategic assessment document , category management document

match the following

question correct answer your answer

to facilitate performance evaluation.set daily / weekly / monthly goals. review cost figures.

sales territories. provide intensive market coverage. split territories.

inadequate sales territories. split territories. prepare territories.

selling cost variations. review cost figures. clarify at hiring.

multiple choice single answer

question in 'standing-room -close' technique :-
correct answer a psychological pressure is applied to the customer, that the product may not be available
later on.
your answer the discussion between customer & sales person is done in a special room called standing

multiple choice single answer

question it is the foundation for an integrated consumer driven category management process :-

correct answer category planning document

your answer strategic assessment document

question market research deals with collection & interpretation of data concerning products,
customers, etc.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question the approaches to locate the prospect include :-
correct answer center of influence , advertising
your answer center of influence , advertising , focusing on current customers only

select the blank

question the 'marketing vice-president', is responsible for ________ marketing strategy.
correct answer creative
your answer corporate

multiple choice multiple answer

question the follow up, after sale of the product is :-
correct answer consider as the last but not least function after sale. , brings customer satisfaction & helps
in cultivating brand loyalty.
your answer consider as the last but not least function after sale. , does not provide with customer
reorientation. , does not reassure customer satisfaction.

multiple choice single answer

question multiple sourcing policies are generally adopted for which products?
correct answer consumables
your answer durables

question bonus always appear with one of the three main sales compensation methods.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question the central feature of ________ system is their ability to reforecast inventory
requirements as the inventory position of low level of inventories in the distribution channel changes.

correct answer drp

your answer drp

multiple choice single answer

question "ethos" means :-
correct answer moral character.
your answer moral character.

question it is not critical that sales manager select the candidates, who meet the qualifications
established by company.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question to measure performance & evaluate :-
correct answer sales goals must be established. , develop sales plans.
your answer sales goals must be established. , do not set performance standards. , develop sales plans.

select the blank

question apart from validity and consistency, test ________ is also important.
correct answer objectivity
your answer credibility

question the retail chain observe how the product will appeal to the customer in the showroom - the
appearance, the aesthetic, the merchandising & the packaging
correct answer true
your answer true

question the widening of product life cycle will demand greater flexibility & adaptability.
correct answer false
your answer true

question quantitative sales forecasting techniques' employ sophisticated mathematics and
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question examples of service standards of objectives of logistics & distribution are :-
correct answer hit ratio on sales calls to show a 20% improvement , stock outs not to occur in more than
5% of the orders , quality of merchandising to be improved & result in at least 10% increase in retail sale

your answer stock outs not to occur in more than 5% of the orders , hit ratio on sales calls to show a
20% improvement , on time deliveries to be made as less as possible

multiple choice single answer

question sales quota is :-
correct answer quantitative goal assigned to a unit of sales organization.
your answer quantitative goal assigned to a unit of sales organization.

multiple choice single answer

question if the customer defections are reduced by 5%, profits can be improved anywhere between
correct answer 10 to 15 %
your answer 10 to 15 %

select the blank

question the overall purpose of marketing organization is, to facilitate the ________ of
organizational objectives.
correct answer achievement
your answer achievement

multiple choice multiple answer

question a sales person is not just required to sell, because :-
correct answer he has to complete many tasks along with sales activities such as co-ordinating and
service. , he is now required to manage a segment four business.
your answer he has to complete many tasks along with sales activities such as co-ordinating and
service. , he is required to help in logistics.

select the blank

question sales is one of the most exciting, financially rewarding and ________ careers.
correct answer challenging
your answer challenging

multiple choice single answer

question it is a process of two way communication between the account manager and key account :-

correct answer business rapport

your answer business rapport

select the blank

question in recent years more and more companies have tended to rely less on ________ tests.

correct answer psychological

your answer psychological

multiple choice single answer

question identifying trade channels for company's products and then identifying the key accounts in
each channel is called :-
correct answer trade channel mapping
your answer trade channel mapping
multiple choice single answer
question when the formal order and offer letter conditions match, the next letter that follows is :-

correct answer order confirmation letter

your answer letter of intent

select the blank

question the people who know the applicant but are not listed as reference are also the ________
or present employers.
correct answer former
your answer formal

multiple choice multiple answer

question costs of goods sold includes what all heads?
correct answer product cost , administrative cost , marketing cost
your answer product cost , administrative cost , marketing cost

multiple choice multiple answer

question arguments in favour of social responsibility are :-
correct answer long run viability , better environment , balance of responsibility and power
your answer long run viability , better environment , dilution of purpose

multiple choice single answer

question when sales person should close the sales call?
correct answer when a prospect makes positive statement about the product.
your answer when a prospect has many queries about the product & is not satisfied.

select the blank

question ________ management is a system of promoting the sales of a product.
correct answer brand
your answer logistics

multiple choice multiple answer

question hiring decision is also based on :-
correct answer temperament. , creativity.
your answer temperament. , temperature. , complexity.

multiple choice multiple answer

question production plan has to see :-
correct answer opening stock at the beginning of the month , forecast sales for the coming month , closing
your answer opening stock at the beginning of the month , closing inventory , sales of the last month

multiple choice single answer

question the time necessary to complete sales transaction is increased, because :-
correct answer it takes longer time to co-ordinate all the sales activities and non-selling activities.

your answer longer time for sales call indicates better profits.

question a sales manager does not conduct sales volume, cost and profit analysis.
correct answer false
your answer true

question routing is establishing the sequence of locations sales person will visit.
correct answer true
your answer true

list of attempted questions and answers

select the blank

question realistically sales are associated with several ________ variables, such as advertising
expenditures etc.
correct answer independent.
your answer independent.

select the blank

question ________ develop greater product loyalty.
correct answer product usage
your answer product usage

match the following

question correct answer your answer

network of suppliers & customers suppliers chain management suppliers chain management

materials & physical distribution logistics management physical network

physical distribution physical network logistics management

management of flow of goods & services logistics chain management demand schedule

question in semi structured interviews, the interviewer has a pre-planned list of major questions
but allows time for interaction and discussion.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question two major categories of non-quantitative approaches to forecasting are :-
correct answer judgement methods. , counting method.
your answer moving averages. , judgement methods. , counting method.

question direct accounts are small accounts that do not involve any special arrangements in terms
of pricing, credit etc.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question for firms that experience a high rate of turnover, the recruiting program should be :-

correct answer continuous.

your answer continuous.

select the blank

question ________ availability must be ensured while over stocking must be avoided despite the
changes in the market.
correct answer product
your answer materials

multiple choice multiple answer

question companies often recruit sales people from other departments because :-
correct answer the people are already familiar with the company policies. , the sales managers are aware
of their sales potentials.
your answer the do not want to recruit from outside. , the people are already familiar with the company
policies. , the sales managers are aware of their sales potentials.

multiple choice multiple answer

question deliverables of strategic category assessment are :-
correct answer research gaps , strategic assessment document
your answer research gaps , strategic assessment document , category management document

match the following

question correct answer your answer

to facilitate performance evaluation.set daily / weekly / monthly goals. review cost figures.

sales territories. provide intensive market coverage. split territories.

inadequate sales territories. split territories. prepare territories.

selling cost variations. review cost figures. clarify at hiring.

multiple choice single answer

question in 'standing-room -close' technique :-
correct answer a psychological pressure is applied to the customer, that the product may not be available
later on.
your answer the discussion between customer & sales person is done in a special room called standing

multiple choice single answer

question it is the foundation for an integrated consumer driven category management process :-

correct answer category planning document

your answer strategic assessment document

question market research deals with collection & interpretation of data concerning products,
customers, etc.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question the approaches to locate the prospect include :-
correct answer center of influence , advertising
your answer center of influence , advertising , focusing on current customers only

select the blank

question the 'marketing vice-president', is responsible for ________ marketing strategy.
correct answer creative
your answer corporate

multiple choice multiple answer

question the follow up, after sale of the product is :-
correct answer consider as the last but not least function after sale. , brings customer satisfaction & helps
in cultivating brand loyalty.
your answer consider as the last but not least function after sale. , does not provide with customer
reorientation. , does not reassure customer satisfaction.

multiple choice single answer

question multiple sourcing policies are generally adopted for which products?
correct answer consumables
your answer durables

question bonus always appear with one of the three main sales compensation methods.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question the central feature of ________ system is their ability to reforecast inventory
requirements as the inventory position of low level of inventories in the distribution channel changes.

correct answer drp

your answer drp

multiple choice single answer

question "ethos" means :-
correct answer moral character.
your answer moral character.

question it is not critical that sales manager select the candidates, who meet the qualifications
established by company.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question to measure performance & evaluate :-
correct answer sales goals must be established. , develop sales plans.
your answer sales goals must be established. , do not set performance standards. , develop sales plans.

select the blank

question apart from validity and consistency, test ________ is also important.
correct answer objectivity
your answer credibility

question the retail chain observe how the product will appeal to the customer in the showroom - the
appearance, the aesthetic, the merchandising & the packaging
correct answer true
your answer true

question the widening of product life cycle will demand greater flexibility & adaptability.
correct answer false
your answer true

question quantitative sales forecasting techniques' employ sophisticated mathematics and
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question examples of service standards of objectives of logistics & distribution are :-
correct answer hit ratio on sales calls to show a 20% improvement , stock outs not to occur in more than
5% of the orders , quality of merchandising to be improved & result in at least 10% increase in retail sale

your answer stock outs not to occur in more than 5% of the orders , hit ratio on sales calls to show a
20% improvement , on time deliveries to be made as less as possible

multiple choice single answer

question sales quota is :-
correct answer quantitative goal assigned to a unit of sales organization.
your answer quantitative goal assigned to a unit of sales organization.

multiple choice single answer

question if the customer defections are reduced by 5%, profits can be improved anywhere between
correct answer 10 to 15 %
your answer 10 to 15 %

select the blank

question the overall purpose of marketing organization is, to facilitate the ________ of
organizational objectives.
correct answer achievement
your answer achievement

multiple choice multiple answer

question a sales person is not just required to sell, because :-
correct answer he has to complete many tasks along with sales activities such as co-ordinating and
service. , he is now required to manage a segment four business.
your answer he has to complete many tasks along with sales activities such as co-ordinating and
service. , he is required to help in logistics.

select the blank

question sales is one of the most exciting, financially rewarding and ________ careers.
correct answer challenging
your answer challenging

multiple choice single answer

question it is a process of two way communication between the account manager and key account :-

correct answer business rapport

your answer business rapport

select the blank

question in recent years more and more companies have tended to rely less on ________ tests.

correct answer psychological

your answer psychological

multiple choice single answer

question identifying trade channels for company's products and then identifying the key accounts in
each channel is called :-
correct answer trade channel mapping
your answer trade channel mapping

multiple choice single answer

question when the formal order and offer letter conditions match, the next letter that follows is :-

correct answer order confirmation letter

your answer letter of intent

select the blank

question the people who know the applicant but are not listed as reference are also the ________
or present employers.
correct answer former
your answer formal

multiple choice multiple answer

question costs of goods sold includes what all heads?
correct answer product cost , administrative cost , marketing cost
your answer product cost , administrative cost , marketing cost

multiple choice multiple answer

question arguments in favour of social responsibility are :-
correct answer long run viability , better environment , balance of responsibility and power
your answer long run viability , better environment , dilution of purpose

multiple choice single answer

question when sales person should close the sales call?
correct answer when a prospect makes positive statement about the product.
your answer when a prospect has many queries about the product & is not satisfied.

select the blank

question ________ management is a system of promoting the sales of a product.
correct answer brand
your answer logistics

multiple choice multiple answer

question hiring decision is also based on :-
correct answer temperament. , creativity.
your answer temperament. , temperature. , complexity.

multiple choice multiple answer

question production plan has to see :-
correct answer opening stock at the beginning of the month , forecast sales for the coming month , closing
your answer opening stock at the beginning of the month , closing inventory , sales of the last month

multiple choice single answer

question the time necessary to complete sales transaction is increased, because :-
correct answer it takes longer time to co-ordinate all the sales activities and non-selling activities.

your answer longer time for sales call indicates better profits.

question a sales manager does not conduct sales volume, cost and profit analysis.
correct answer false
your answer true

question routing is establishing the sequence of locations sales person will visit.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question volume versus profit orientation indicates :-
correct answer careful approach to product management and identification with profit potentials.
your answer careful approach to product management and identification with profit potentials.

multiple choice multiple answer

question partnership marketing means :-
correct answer reducing conflicts, common strategies & objectives , sharing of information , developing
integrated marketing plan
your answer reducing conflicts, common strategies & objectives , sharing of information , developing
integrated marketing plan

multiple choice single answer

question when approaching a prospect, sales person needs to understand :-
correct answer total buying situation
your answer total buying situation
multiple choice single answer
question a 'line - and - staff' structure :-
correct answer adds staff assistants to accomplish many specialized support activities.
your answer creates very few functional areas.

question the word 'tiger' is topologically inverted, geographically encoded records.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question the word "pathos" means :-
correct answer ability to stir feelings to move people emotionally.
your answer ability to stir feelings to move people emotionally.

select the blank

question the disadvantage of hiring staff trainers includes ________ cost of maintaining the staff.

correct answer total

your answer high

multiple choice multiple answer

question poor, sales territory design, results in :-
correct answer inadequate market coverage. , lack of control over sales force.
your answer inadequate market coverage. , lack of control over sales force.

select the blank

question the headquarters' marketing people provide ________and service functions.
correct answer introduction
your answer support

multiple choice single answer

question it is a process of two way communication between the account manager and key account :-

correct answer business rapport

your answer business rapport

question the l/c can be amended if both the buyer and seller agree to it.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question vertical space utilization is possible if :-
correct answer taller structures for warehouses/godowns , storage racks, staircase, platform available ,
cranes, forklifts, stackers are available
your answer goods should be height of 12 feet , storage racks, staircase, platform available , cranes,
forklifts, stackers are available

question judgement in time is called jit.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question checklist to select an intermediary are :-
correct answer physical facilities, capabilities & desire for further investment , financial strength &
backing , reputation & credibility of the intermediary in the market
your answer physical facilities, capabilities & desire for further investment , number of other agencies
the intermediary owns , reputation & credibility of the intermediary in the market

select the blank

question social responsibility towards ________ is by providing direction to the economic and
business life.
correct answer state
your answer consumer

multiple choice multiple answer

question managing key accounts needs special skills like :-
correct answer planning and selling , negotiating , interpersonal skills
your answer planning and selling , negotiating , interpersonal skills

question the total time consumed from order preparation till delivery is indicated by cost of
correct answer false
your answer true

match the following

question correct answer your answer

organizing creating job description & recruiting sales people establishing & transmitting to the
sales people objectives & strategies

analyzing involves activities of reviewing sales records & sales persons performance obtain
strategic information about the prospect

planning establishing & transmitting to the sales people objectives & strategies creating job description &
recruiting sales people

evaluating creating performance standards & take remedial actions involves activities of
reviewing sales records & sales persons performance

multiple choice multiple answer

question functions performed in logistics are :-
correct answer packing & unpacking , breaking bulk , handling and collection / delivery of material

your answer packing & unpacking , breaking bulk , handling and collection / delivery of material

multiple choice multiple answer

question steps in selection techniques of intermediaries are :-
correct answer collecting relevant information , analyzing the information , negotiating the agreement

your answer credibility in the society , collecting relevant information , analyzing the information

question a sales manager does not conduct sales volume, cost and profit analysis.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question the initial training needs, are based on :-
correct answer background and experience of trainees. , job specification.
your answer job analysis. , job specification. , job description.

multiple choice single answer

question the term 'bpi' stands for :-
correct answer buying power index.
your answer buying percentage index.

question prospecting is providing products to customers.
correct answer false
your answer false

question quantitative sales forecasting techniques' employ sophisticated mathematics and
correct answer true
your answer true

match the following

question correct answer your answer

awb aeroplane aeroplane

bl bill of lading (ship cargo) bill of lading (ship cargo)

rr railway receipt railway receipt

lr lorry receipt lorry receipt

multiple choice single answer

question successful sales people are goal directed and identify :-
correct answer strongly with their customers.
your answer strongly with their customers.

multiple choice multiple answer

question in the 'hop-scotch' pattern of routing, following points should be considered :-
correct answer size of the area to be covered. , priority of calls to be made.
your answer size of the area to be covered. , priority of calls to be made. , educational background of

select the blank

question ________ is essential for the growth and survival of a business.
correct answer profits
your answer profits

multiple choice single answer

question the act of an employee when he discloses all illegal or unethical activities within the
organization, is called as :-
correct answer whistle blowing
your answer whistle blowing

multiple choice single answer

question multiple sourcing policies are generally adopted for which products?
correct answer consumables
your answer consumables

multiple choice single answer

question raw materials & supplier are often based on projected production schedule or other
internal usage plan called :-
correct answer demand schedule
your answer supply schedule

question letter of indemnity is given by buyer if he does not have original bill of lading.
correct answer false
your answer true

select the blank

question sales is one of the most exciting, financially rewarding and ________ careers.
correct answer challenging
your answer challenging

question the living habits of consumers changes continuously because of changes of residence,
working hours, employment, income & also due to evolution of the nuclear family from the joint family.

correct answer false

your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question in the technique to survey customer's buying intentions :-
correct answer customers are sampled and asked questions.
your answer customers are sampled and asked questions.

select the blank

question apart from validity, tests' ________ is also important.
correct answer consistency
your answer consistency

select the blank

question a charismatic leader commands great following because of his ________ qualities.

correct answer magical

your answer unnatural

multiple choice multiple answer

question "directive leadership" means :-
correct answer the subordinates know exactly what is excepted of them. , the leader gives specific
your answer the subordinates know exactly what is excepted of them. , the leader gives specific
directions. , the participation of subordinates is nil.
select the blank
question good leaders are ________ communicators.
correct answer effective
your answer effective

select the blank

question through ________, the sales of individual items can be tracked & appropriate action taken
based on the sales trends, fast or slow movement.
correct answer bar-coding
your answer bar-coding

multiple choice multiple answer

question in a 'straight line' routing pattern :-
correct answer the sales person calls on all customers in one continuous direction. , the sales person on
his way back calls on the customer on the same line.
your answer the sales person calls on all customers in one continuous direction. , the sales person on
his way back calls on the customer on the same line.

multiple choice multiple answer

question for successful selling in today's changing environment :-
correct answer the sales people should use the consultative sales approach. , sales people must identify
key members of the clients buying centre.
your answer the sales people should use the consultative sales approach. , sales people must identify
key members of the clients buying centre.

question the modern marketing concept is based on profit consideration.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question which charges are changed on the basis of the volumes of cargo handled on a rate per ton
or per case ?
correct answer warehousing charges
your answer procurement charges

select the blank

question the sales person should frequently contact the customers to spot ________ & solve them.

correct answer problems

your answer problems

select the blank

question the ________ plan is undoubtedly to reward the salesman for his performance.
correct answer compensation
your answer compensation

list of attempted questions and answers

select the blank

question most firms require many ________ types of sales people to perform different selling tasks.
correct answer different
your answer different

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the major characteristics that any system should be studied with regard to?
correct answer the structure , the functions performed , the process involved
your answer the structure , the functions performed , the process involved

question ratio information should be user friendly within the company.
correct answer true
your answer true

question direct accounts are small accounts that do not involve any special arrangements in terms
of pricing, credit etc.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question in 'assumption close' technique :-
correct answer the sales person assumes that prospect will purchase & conveys this assumption through
his actions.
your answer the sales person assumes that prospect will purchase & conveys this assumption through
his actions.

multiple choice single answer

question "bpi" is used to estimate :-
correct answer consumer's demand.
your answer consumer's demand.

multiple choice multiple answer

question companies often recruit sales people from other departments because :-
correct answer the people are already familiar with the company policies. , the sales managers are aware
of their sales potentials.
your answer they do not want to waste time on recruitment. , the people are already familiar with the
company policies. , the sales managers are aware of their sales potentials.

multiple choice single answer

question one definition of 'leadership' is to establish :-
correct answer a dependent relationship on the leader.
your answer a confident relationship among people.

select the blank

question refresher training program is more ________ in its coverage of specialized topics.
correct answer intensive
your answer intensive

select the blank

question the 'sales vice-president' ________ sales volume through selling tactics.
correct answer improves
your answer improves

multiple choice multiple answer

question in the follow up, basically the sales person :-
correct answer reassure that he is there to solve the problems. , frequently contacts the customer to spot
any problems the customer faces.
your answer frequently contacts the customer to spot any problems the customer faces. , reassure that
he is there to solve the problems.

question a leader must not be accepted by his followers.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question in the 'boomerang' method, how sales person handle the customer's objection?
correct answer the sales person turns the objection into a reason for buying.
your answer the sales person turns the objection into a reason for buying.

select the blank

question the 'box-jenkins' application has been successful in ________, inventory control and
correct answer production.
your answer production.

question negotiations will be successful if based on reasonable expectations.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question the common sales forecasting techniques, can be classified as :-
correct answer quantitative. , non-quantitative.
your answer quantitative. , qualitative.

multiple choice single answer

question in the 'turnover close' technique :-
correct answer the sales person transfers the closing technique to some other sales person for a fresh
approach or better chance to make sale.
your answer the sales person says that the dealing with that particular prospect should be closed.

select the blank

question unitization, palletisation & containerization are concepts which have revolutionized
correct answer distribution & logistics
your answer distribution & logistics

select the blank

question box-jenkins' is a ________ technique.
correct answer mathematical.
your answer analytical.

multiple choice single answer

question company information, is knowledge in relation to :-
correct answer image of company.
your answer image of company.

multiple choice single answer

question this is normally used to increase product trial and entice consumers away from
competitive products :-
correct answer product sampling programmes
your answer product sampling programmes

multiple choice multiple answer

question sales people are said to be committed, when :-
correct answer sales persons are enthusiastic about carrying out sales manager's request. , they take
maximum effort.
your answer sales persons are enthusiastic about carrying out sales manager's request. , they take
maximum effort.

match the following

question correct answer your answer

c cycle i.e. due to variations in business cycle. cycle i.e. due to variations in business cycle.

bpi buying power index buying power index

sic standard industrial classification system standard industrial classification system

t trend i.e. long term changes. trend i.e. long term changes.

multiple choice multiple answer

question various aspects of business ethics are :-
correct answer fair competition , corporate behavior
your answer fair competition , corporate behavior , social responsibility

multiple choice single answer

question computer based production & inventory control system that attempts to minimize
inventory is :-
correct answer mrp
your answer mrp

select the blank

question the term 'aida' refers to ________, interest, desire and action.
correct answer attention
your answer approach

select the blank

question account manager must also ________ to allow time to work on priorities and key result
correct answer delegate
your answer delegate

question companies usually turn to external expert' help, because of difficulty in constructing large
input - output models.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question information passes rapidly through ________ without going through formal channals &
helps in getting feedback.
correct answer grapevine
your answer grapevine

multiple choice single answer

question attracting recruits is usually an ongoing task of the :-
correct answer sales manager.
your answer sales manager.

multiple choice multiple answer

question the steps involved in the selection process of intermediaries are :-
correct answer determine the distribution chain for a particular territory , estimate the total volume of
business to be obtained from the intermediaries , identify right kind of intermediaries
your answer determine the distribution chain for a particular territory , estimate the total volume of
business to be obtained from the intermediaries

question many firms do not deploy informal ways of socialization.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question the criteria used for evaluating the forecasting techniques, are :-
correct answer comprehensibility. , accuracy.
your answer comprehensibility. , accuracy.

multiple choice multiple answer

question the sales force can be remunerated in the following ways :-
correct answer salary and commission on sales. , salary and share in the profits.
your answer salary and commission on sales. , promoting them in hierarchy. , salary and share in the

question partnership marketing is the stage in selling where the product is so placed that it can be
seen touched, smelt, heard, tried & finally picked up as a purchase.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question job description is used in :-
correct answer recruiting. , developing training programs.
your answer recruiting. , developing training programs.

multiple choice multiple answer

question new sales personnel must be able to recognize :-
correct answer "who" buys the product. , "how" then by it.
your answer "who" buys the product. , when they buy it.

question new recruits need not be taught company's policies.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question leadership is ________ and continuous process.
correct answer dynamic
your answer dynamic

multiple choice single answer

question the sales persons, as intelligence gatherers :-
correct answer are conscious about providing feedback from the field, to plan different strategies.
your answer are conscious about providing feedback from the field, to plan different strategies.

multiple choice single answer

question it is a mutual respect between the account manager and key account for their roles and
responsibilities -
correct answer equality relationships
your answer maintaining relationships

select the blank

question knowledge about the buyer and about the account takes time to build up and the
knowledge is added as ________.
correct answer blocks
your answer blocks

multiple choice multiple answer

question informal approaches towards social responsibility are :-
correct answer organisational culture , whistle blowing
your answer whistle blowing

question supplies to be made should be equal to forecasted sales + opening inventory - closing
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question the objective of "volume" for an industrial buyer is achieved by :-
correct answer profit from trading opportunities
your answer profit from trading opportunities

match the following

question correct answer your answer

working sales presentation. opening sales call and actual presentation. opening sales call and
actual presentation.

prospecting. knowing the potential customer. knowing the potential customer.

planning sales call. gathering of information regarding customer, competitor and product.
gathering of information regarding customer, competitor and product.

approaching the prospect. trying to establish rapport with customer. trying to establish rapport with

select the blank

question the ________ approach involves two way communication with the prospect.
correct answer question
your answer question

question direct accounts are small accounts that do not involve any special arrangements in terms
of pricing, credit etc.
correct answer false
your answer true

question the scope of initial training programs is not broader than refresher training program.

correct answer false

your answer false

select the blank

question the drawback of rating scale is that its objectivity restricts precise ________ of many
personal qualities.
correct answer description
your answer description

multiple choice multiple answer

question the sales people and sales managers have accurate methods of developing sales forecasts,
because :-
correct answer they have a wide array of sales aids. , the modern computer technology and multivariate
data analysis enables them to do so.
your answer the sales people's job is only to determine sales forecast. , they repeatedly perform sales
forecasting. , the modern computer technology and multivariate data analysis enables them to do so.

multiple choice multiple answer

question various merchandising tools are :-
correct answer stickers , posters , branded racks on display units
your answer stickers , posters , branded racks on display units

question marketing & sales have been revolutionized by the concepts like unitization, palletisation
& containerization.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question the 'super sales people' have the following attributes :-
correct answer self-confidence. , self-defence.
your answer self-confidence. , self-defence.

question space management planning is a merchandising support.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question when complex product systems are sold:-
correct answer team selling is frequently employed. , the sales persons acts as the team co-coordinator
with the buying organization.
your answer team selling is frequently employed. , the sales persons acts as the team co-coordinator
with the buying organization.
multiple choice multiple answer
question the concept of 'controls' is fundamental to a sound management, because :-
correct answer it increases the effectiveness of an organization. , it enables the manager to take proper
your answer it increases the effectiveness of an organization. , it enables the manager to take proper

select the blank

question a good leader must be ________ and adaptable to a given situation.
correct answer flexible
your answer flexible

multiple choice single answer

question management should view the recruitment and selection process as a sub-system of :-

correct answer sales force management.

your answer sales force management.

multiple choice multiple answer

question new sales personnel must be able to recognize :-
correct answer "who" buys the product. , "how" then by it.
your answer what they buy. , "who" buys the product. , "how" then by it.

select the blank

question improved stock management reduces ________.
correct answer outstock situation
your answer outstock situation

multiple choice single answer

question the "value added" selling approach includes :-
correct answer selling services that exceed customer expectations
your answer selling services that exceed customer expectations

question portfolio profit management adds value to accounts business for retail products.
correct answer true
your answer true

match the following

question correct answer your answer

manufacturer's representative. manufacturer's agents, who are paid commission on sales they
generate. people from manufacturer involved in closing the deal.

technical specialists work with sales representative to provide technical advice & information before,
during & after the purchase. work with sales representative to provide technical advice & information
before, during & after the purchase.

customer service representative. assist in installation, maintenance & regular servicing of products.
sell from office via telephone.

inside sales person. sell from office via telephone. top level sales person involved in taking

multiple choice multiple answer

question hiring decision is also based on :-
correct answer temperament. , creativity.
your answer temperament. , creativity.

question sales persons must be thoroughly familiar with the client's decision making process.

correct answer true

your answer true

match the following

question correct answer your answer

organizing creating job description & recruiting sales people creating job description & recruiting
sales people

analyzing involves activities of reviewing sales records & sales persons performance involves
activities of reviewing sales records & sales persons performance

planning establishing & transmitting to the sales people objectives & strategies establishing & transmitting
to the sales people objectives & strategies

evaluating creating performance standards & take remedial actions creating performance
standards & take remedial actions

multiple choice single answer

question the modern sales approach like partnering includes :-
correct answer sharing of values between vendors & buyers
your answer sharing of values between vendors & buyers

multiple choice single answer

question the planned recruiting is important because of :-
correct answer costs associated with the system.
your answer costs associated with the system.

select the blank

question good leaders are ________ communicators.
correct answer effective
your answer effective

multiple choice single answer

question the view acknowledges both the importance of profits and the need for social
responsibility is :-
correct answer pragmatic view
your answer pragmatic view

question leaders realize that nothing in the world is permanent but change.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question measures to control advertising efficiency :-
correct answer impact on customers , media effectiveness comparison , message's retention rate
your answer media effectiveness comparison , message's retention rate , impact on customers

question selection of subsidiaries has become an important activity of sales management because it
decides the type of volume of business, one will have on the future.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question the sales persons, as intelligence gatherers :-
correct answer are conscious about providing feedback from the field, to plan different strategies.

your answer are conscious about providing feedback from the field, to plan different strategies.

question integrated logistics management includes transaction systems, short term scheduling
systems, flow planning, network design optimisation.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question the information on the applicant is also provided through ________, if other sources are
not available.
correct answer references
your answer references

multiple choice multiple answer

question when a number of outlets already exists, the factors to be analysed for distribution are :-

correct answer what is competition doing? , is there an opportunity for competition to be created ? , is
technical selling & after sales service critical?
your answer is there an opportunity for competition to be created ? , is technical selling & after sales
service critical? , select only limited no. of outlets

multiple choice single answer

question the modern marketing concept is based on :-
correct answer customer orientation
your answer customer orientation

multiple choice single answer

question it is the foundation for an integrated consumer driven category management process :-

correct answer category planning document

your answer strategic assessment document

multiple choice single answer

question sales forecast is the company's best estimate of :-
correct answer unit sales to be achieved in a given period of time.
your answer unit sales to be achieved in a given period of time.

select the blank

question ________ develop greater product loyalty.
correct answer product usage
your answer product usage

select the blank

question ________ agent files bill of entry in the customs.
correct answer stevedoring
your answer shipper's

multiple choice single answer

question distribution points are interrelated to :-
correct answer profit & cost centers
your answer vending & buying centers

multiple choice single answer

question formal leadership is :-
correct answer exercise of influence over other by someone in official position of authority.
your answer exercise of influence over other by someone in official position of authority.

select the blank

question the retail outlets have location advantage in that they save the consumer's ________.

correct answer travelling time

your answer travelling time

multiple choice single answer

question the act of an employee when he discloses all illegal or unethical activities within the
organization, is called as :-
correct answer whistle blowing
your answer whistle blowing

multiple choice multiple answer

question tangible benefits of merchandising to distributor are :-
correct answer balance stock holding , influence on retail buying
your answer balance stock holding , influence on retail buying

multiple choice single answer

question firms which are ineffective in recruitment and selection ultimately suffer a :-
correct answer turn over problem.
your answer turn over problem.

select the blank

question to achieve ________ objectives, effective sales presentation is required.
correct answer price
your answer price

question a sales job is different from other jobs.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question the approaches to locate the prospect include :-
correct answer center of influence , advertising
your answer center of influence , advertising
multiple choice multiple answer
question "directive leadership" means :-
correct answer the subordinates know exactly what is excepted of them. , the leader gives specific
your answer the subordinates know exactly what is excepted of them. , the leader gives specific

multiple choice single answer

question which is the process by which, the product is made available at the retail outlet for easy
identification & pickup by the customer?
correct answer merchandising
your answer distribution

multiple choice single answer

question successful sales people are goal directed and identify :-
correct answer strongly with their customers.
your answer strongly with their customers.

select the blank

question the service motive is ________ oriented.
correct answer customer
your answer customer

match the following

question correct answer your answer

materials & physical distribution logistics management logistics chain management

physical distribution physical network physical network

management of flow of goods & services logistics chain management logistics management

network of suppliers & customers suppliers chain management suppliers chain management

multiple choice single answer

question in a functional organization :-
correct answer each manager is a highly qualified specialist.
your answer the sales people respond to only a single boss.

multiple choice multiple answer

question the most frequently used sources for recruitment are :-
correct answer persons within the firm. , competitor firms.
your answer persons within the firm. , competitor firms. , internet.

multiple choice single answer

question in the absence of training, job performance improves with :-
correct answer experience.
your answer experience.

select the blank

question ________ for social decision making avoids poorly executed social action.
correct answer flowchart
your answer flowchart

select the blank

question ________ availability must be ensured while over stocking must be avoided despite the
changes in the market.
correct answer product
your answer product

question the word 'tiger' is topologically inverted, geographically encoded records.
correct answer false
your answer true

question an organization supplying products on the strength of its performance, quality & demand
is called product leadership.
correct answer true
your answer true

question if there is a higher margin on one product category, the buyer should allocate more space
to that product category.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question buying intentions for industrial goods, are subject to multiple factors, because :-
correct answer demand for industrial goods is derived from the demand for consumer goods.
your answer demand for industrial goods is derived from the demand for consumer goods.

select the blank

question a marketing company is called ________ marketing company, when marketing function is
treated as crucial.
correct answer progressive
your answer progressive

multiple choice multiple answer

question some of the tools used for selection process, are :-
correct answer in depth interviews. , physical examination.
your answer in depth interviews. , physical examination. , recitation.

select the blank

question the ________ resource for a sales executive is time.
correct answer unique
your answer unique

multiple choice single answer

question it is an organizational activity that effects the general welfare of society :-
correct answer social performance
your answer social contribution

multiple choice multiple answer

question the sales people and sales managers have accurate methods of developing sales forecasts,
because :-
correct answer they have a wide array of sales aids. , the modern computer technology and multivariate
data analysis enables them to do so.
your answer they repeatedly perform sales forecasting. , the modern computer technology and
multivariate data analysis enables them to do so.

question space management planning is a merchandising support.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question the concept of 'controls' is fundamental to a sound management, because :-
correct answer it increases the effectiveness of an organization. , it enables the manager to take proper
your answer it increases the effectiveness of an organization. , it enables the manager to take proper

select the blank

question all meetings should have a ________ purpose.
correct answer selling
your answer selling

multiple choice single answer

question the modern marketing concept is based on :-
correct answer customer orientation
your answer customer orientation

multiple choice single answer

question the modern sales approach like partnering includes :-
correct answer sharing of values between vendors & buyers
your answer sharing of values between employees of different companies

select the blank

question the disadvantage of hiring staff trainers includes ________ cost of maintaining the staff.

correct answer total

your answer total
select the blank
question ________ is a major source of customer complaints.
correct answer advertising
your answer personal selling

multiple choice single answer

question sales force effectiveness can be improved through :-
correct answer training.
your answer training.

question leaders realize that nothing in the world is permanent but change.
correct answer true
your answer true

question logistics system is formed by the integration adaptation, the principles of physical
movement of goods & people.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question the continuing training needs usually arise due to change in :-
correct answer products and markets. , work of sales personnel.
your answer products and markets. , work of sales personnel. , procedures of competing organization.

multiple choice multiple answer

question to establish a relationship with the outlet
correct answer who are the decision makers? , what would be the most appropriate time to call? , what
would be the call frequency?
your answer who are the decision makers? , what would be the most appropriate time to call? , what
would be the call frequency?

multiple choice multiple answer

question job description can be organized into :-
correct answer sales activities. , territory management.
your answer sales activities. , territory management. , total management.

multiple choice single answer

question the obligation of an organization to protect and enhance the welfare of society within
which the organization operates is :-
correct answer social responsibility
your answer social responsibility

multiple choice multiple answer

question logistics system comprises :-
correct answer handling , storage , transportation & documentation
your answer handling , storage , number of vehicles , transportation & documentation

select the blank

question ________ is provided to technicians, retail sales staff and distributor's sales team.

correct answer training

your answer training

question letter of indemnity is given by buyer if he does not have original bill of lading.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question sales managers are paid to plan, lead and control :-
correct answer personal selling activities.
your answer personal selling activities.

select the blank

question the commissions, are paid on ________ achievements.
correct answer measurable
your answer measurable

multiple choice multiple answer

question control feedback cycle consists of :-
correct answer raw material control plan & status , production control plan & status , finished goods
control plan & status
your answer raw material control plan & status , production control plan & status , finance control plan
& status

multiple choice single answer

question in informal organization structure :-
correct answer efficient methods are developed to accomplish jobs.
your answer employees do not adopt to change.

multiple choice multiple answer

question to gain competitive advantage in distribution & logistics, following points are considered :-

correct answer in store merchandising , quality of sales representation , replenishment strategy

your answer in store merchandising , replenishment strategy , maximum load carried as % of gross

question portfolio profit management adds value to accounts business for retail products.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question every initial training program for sales personnel must cover :-
correct answer product data. , sales technique.
your answer product data. , production data. , sales technique.

multiple choice single answer

question what is been revolutionized by unitization, palletisation & containerization?
correct answer distribution & logistics
your answer purchase & materials

question the behaviour habits of consumers changes because of frequent changes of residence,
working hours, employment, etc..
correct answer false
your answer true

match the following

question correct answer your answer

improvement in weight bulk ratio reduces transportation costs bulk ratio reduces transportation

larger the load less the cost of transportation higher can be the transportation cost

for effective logistics total cost to be considered gives the best space utilization

utilizing loads reduces material handling & transport time reduces material handling & transport time

multiple choice single answer

question sales quotas, are the :-
correct answer sales goals assigned to individual sales people.
your answer sales goals assigned to individual sales people.

multiple choice multiple answer

question in a 'circular pattern' routing, the sales person :-
correct answer plans the visits in circle shape starting from his office. , completes his visits, when he
returns to the office.
your answer plans the visits in circle shape starting from his office. , completes his visits, when he
returns to the office.

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