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JULY 4, 2011

I understand that I am buying the time of Emelino T Maestro for I have tax problems and concerns that needs ETM expert and authoritative opinion and advise. I agree to pay him twenty five thousand [25,000] Philippine pesos, exclusive of 12% value added and 15% expanded withholding taxes for an appointment with ETM. These taxes shall be remitted to the Bureau of Internal Revenue using BIR Form No. 1600 and 1601E, respectively. I will prepare and supply ETM the required BIR Form No. 2307 for VAT and EWT. In case that I forget to issue the mandated 2307s, this agreement shall be considered as an authorization notice for ETM to prepare, sign, issue and use the same. His professional fee, net of all applicable taxes, shall be immediately deposited to a bank account to be advised once, the exact date, time and place of appointment had been confirmed. I understand that my failure to scan and send this BUY APPOINTMENT Contract and deposited the above- amount before the date stated below shall mean the cancellation of my appointment-meeting with ETM. In this view, may I request that the meeting with ETM and/or his associates shall be, viz;
Venue Year Month Day Start-time

My tax problems and concerns are, viz;
Year Letter Notice Letter of Authority Subpoena Assessment Notice Surveillance Tax Evasion Charge BIR Harassment

My contact details are, viz;

Company Address TIN Contact Person Cellular Phone Email Address

I affix my signature on the date stated below it to attest my strict compliance herewith.
Complete Name and Signature Date and Time of Signing

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