Bojic Backtalk

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Backtalk: sensor networks and visualisation

Project is basically continuation of Sensible City LABs Trash I Track project (2009), and their interest in garbage tracking and disposal. Backtalk project is technically more advanced in way that sensor installed in particular device (like laptops) can provide site specific photo of person who use the device and the spatial context where device is used all integrated in the interface which provides information about device (code), distance (km) and duration of traveling (days), place where is disposed (city, state) and geo-location of the device (coordinates, map). Emotionally charged visual production at least partly owes to the fact that project is planned to be publicly presented in MOMA, within exhibition Talk to Me: Design and the Communication between People and Objects, 2011. In that sense project unquestionably fulfills its primarily role of delivering strong and concise narrative about contemporary problem of e-garbage transport and disposal (recycle) as well as the adequate electronically equipment management on global scale (reuse). However, questions about complete and publically accessible data overview, technically grounded in data filtering and data mining, stays within field of political control over information, and therefore open to further discussion.



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