RNSG 1413 Foundations Exam 3 Review, F2006

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RNSG 1413 Foundations - Review for Exam 3

1. Therapeutic touch – Definition, application and limitations

2. CAM – definition and application
3. Relaxation Therapy – techniques and appropriate application
4. Biofeedback – definition; how does it work; is it physiological?
5. Meditation(Biobehavioral therapy) – definition application and limitation; Client
6. Biologically Based Therapies – List and define
7. S/S of hypervolemia, hypovolemia; and assessment of fluid status
8. S/S of dehydration; etiology
9. Review Skill 43-1, 43-2 Enteral tubes and Feedings
10. Review Table 43-9, ET Feeding complications
11. What are the three types of nutrients that provide energy? What are the food sources?
How does the body utilize?
12. Cultural considerations in diet needs/restrictions
13. Identify different types of therapeutic diets and the appropriate progression of such
14. Nursing implications when assisting clients with feedings
15. Methods/tests for nutritional assessment
16. Identify eating disorders
17. S/S of wound complications and nursing actions indicated
18. Review purposes of wound dressings
19. Identify types of dressings and indications for usage of various types.
20. Compare differences between dehiscence and evisceration and nursing implications to
treat/prevent occurrence
21. S/S of Hemorrhage and nursing implications
22. Emergency care for injuries
23. Identify Heat and Cold therapy; indications and contraindications
24. Explain phases of wound healing
25. Wound irrigations – purpose, procedure and nursing implications
26. Compare & contrast inflammation and infection
27. Define types of process of wound healing
28. Identify nutritional implications in wound healing
29. Explain the different stages of Pressure Ulcers; etiology; nursing implications and
30. Identify various types of bandages and indications for use.
31. Identify types of vitamins, deficiencies and pt. teaching indications
32. Physiological changes in young to older adults; impact of illness and nursing
33. Holistic considerations for young adults- Psychosocial changes and Health risks
34. Middle adult – identify physical assessment findings
35. Health education programs appropriate for young thru older adult
36. Explain cognitive changes in the older adult
37. Define Alzheimer’s disease and educational considerations
38. Differentiate between Delirium and Dementia
39. Identify various Medical Nutrition Therapies

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