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Year 3 – Unit 3 –Lesso n 1

Grade : 3

Da tes: April 5/18

Object ives :

1. Students can begin to understand the specific unit vocabulary

2. To have the students learn to use vocabulary dealing with famous people.
(Do you know who he/she is? He’s/She’s famous for ______________)

Ma teri als : Overhead, Powerpoint

Acti vity 1: Tri vi a Questi ons (5 Minutes)

 The teacher will give the students some questions

Acti vity 2: Sayin g Of The Week – I’m Stuffed (5 Minutes)

 I’m stuffed – I’m full of food

Acti vity 3: Sho rt film – P au l Bunya n (5 minutes)

 The teacher will discuss the concept of ‘folk legends’, and can point to
Local Korean legends such as Tokabi, Kumio, and Chunau Guishin.
 The teacher will show a short film about Paul Bunyan, so the students can
Understand the unit dialogue and it’s relevance.

Acti vity4 : D ia lo gue and vo cabu lar y (10 minute s)

 The teacher and the students will read the dialogue, and the students will
Answer questions based on the unit dialogue
 The teacher and students will go over the dialogue vocabulary and definitions.
Acti vity4 : T he Fa mous Game (10 minu tes)

 The class will first go over a short piece of dialogue together.

A) Do you know who he/she is?

B) Yes, that’s ________________ he/she’s famous for _______________.

 The teacher will present the students with a series of pictures, and the
students will practice the dialogue

Acti vity 5: Who am I? (10 minu tes)

 The class will go over the basic 5W questions (Who, what,where,when,etc)

 The teacher will think of a certain famous person, and the class will ask
questions to guess the identity
 The first student who guesses will come to the front, and will choose another
Famous person, and will answer questions from the classs.

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