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(Hons) Visual Communication

Module: Investigation and Practice 2

Module Code: VC202-861-05 (20 credits)

Lecturer: Katherine Szeto + Marta Kusztra Date: 8/01/2007

Assignment 1: China and the Rest of the World

Introduction: ‘China’ and ‘the Rest of the World’ ––

–– Connection? Opposition? Competition?
Contrast? Convergence?

Brief: Look for a design opportunity to illustrate the relation between

these 2 notions. You may focus on culture, economy or history,
but you may also choose to concentrate on the private sphere
of life. It is up to you how you define the context for your work,
but you should present your personal interpretation of the

Develop the concept for 2 graphic design objects that

would correspond with the 2 notions: ‘China’ and ‘the Rest
of the Word’. (You may decide to design a series or just one
object displaying 2 aspects related to the topic.)

Your design concept should be based on the extensive

research and analysis. In your research, you will need to
investigate the notions presented in the assignment, as well as
look deeper into the context you chose for your project.

Your work may take any form you like. Your project will be
evaluated on the depth of you research, the strength, clarity
and relevance of your design concept, the consistency of your
design process.

Learning Outcomes: [D1.] Apply a higher level of independence in resolving a

design problem.

[B5.] Synthesize research findings in order to help solve visual

communication problems, which relate to broader
aspects of contemporary design practice.

Work Required: Students must submit:

1. Sketchbook documenting concept development;
2. Project presentation book
3. Final Design Outcome

Deadline: Submission will take place on the week 6 (February 9th), but
the crits will finish by the week 5 (January 29th).
Assessment Strategy: Documentation of brainstorming and ideas generation. (20%)
Design processes involved in solving visual communication
problems. (20%)
Research files. (30%)
Stages of visual development through
sketchbook/screenshots. (20%)
Final design outcome, which reflects a high standard of finish
and functionality.(10%)

Project Weighting This project is worth 50% (fifty percent) of the total
within the Module: Investigation and Practice 2 module mark.

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