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Year 1 – Lesson 4

Grade : 1

Da tes: March 28/April 4

Object ives :

1. Students can begin to learn about countables and uncountables

2. Students will review comparisons, and Superlatives (Biggest)

Ma teri als : Overhead, Projector

Acti vity 1: Sing in g a so ng/S ayin g Of The Week (10 minutes)

 The teacher and the students will go over the lyrics to the
Beatle’s song ‘Love Me Do’.
 The teacher and students will sing the song together.
 Saying Of the week – ‘You are what you eat’
Acti vity 2: Rev iew Of C omp ari so ns and Su perl ati ves (5 minu tes)
 The teacher will go over the last lesson in a quick review with the students.

Acti vity 3: Intr oduct io n to c oun tab les and un cou ntab les (10-15 minu tes)
 The teacher will introduce the basic concepts of countables and uncountables.
 (Ie: A Pencil, An Apple, Some Juice).

Acti vity 4: The Mixed Up Superm ar ket Game (10 minutes)

 Students will be given a list of food items, and will be asked to make a chart, and to
sort the items into, ‘A’, ‘An’, and ‘Some’.
 Each row will work together to complete the chart first. Students will check with
the teacher for the correct answers.
 The class will take up the answers

Acti vity 5: I’m Hung ry (5 minu tes)

 The students will use the food list to make requests for specific foods.
‘I’m hungry, I want some ice cream.’ ‘I’m hungry, I want an apple’

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