Symposium 2011 Timetable

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St Andrews Patristic Symposium 2011

St Gregory of nyssa
Program 31 / 08 / 11 Opening Welcome


DR ANNA SILVAS, FAHA (UNE, Armidale NSW): Recovering Gregory of Nyssas Lost Letter to the Monk Philip: Threading the Way between the Greek, the Latin and the Syriac (keynote paper) Book Launch: DR PHILIP KARIATLIS, The Church as Koinonia: Gift and Goal of Communion (Adelaide & Sydney: ATF Press and St Andrews Press, 2011) 07 / 09 / 11 SR DR MARGARET BEIRNE (St Andrews):
Spiritual Enrichment through Exegesis: St Gregory of Nyssa and the Scriptures DR KEN PARRY (Macquarie & St Andrews): Gregory of Nyssa and the Legacy of Universal Salvation in the Christian East

14 / 09 / 11 CAPT. ADAM COUCHMAN (Booth College, Sydney NSW):

No Longer Slave Nor Free: The Theological Foundations of Gregory of Nyssas Polemic Against Slavery DR PHILIP KARIATLIS (St Andrews): Dazzling Darkness: The Mystical Theology of St Gregory of Nyssa

21 / 09 / 11 REVD ALAN GALT (St Andrews):

What it Means to Be Human: St Gregory of Nyssa and Pastoral Ministry Today MARIO BAGHOS (St Andrews): Apokatastasis in the Catechetical Oration of St Gregory of Nyssa: From Incarnation to Baptism and Beyond

28 / 09 / 11 DR BRONWEN NEIL (ACU, Brisbane QLD):

Divine Providence in Gregory of Nyssa and His Theological Milieu (keynote paper) REVD DR DORU COSTACHE (St Andrews): Approaching St Gregory of Nyssas Apology of the Hexaemeron: Furthering the Cappadocian Views on Creation

August & September 2011 Wednesday Evenings 242 Cleveland Street, Redfern, Main Hall, starting at 7.00pm

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