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financial turers do vot prevent fully wsexobers thom using the camp. The board should publi fst of needed miintenance each year andthe prie that would be expected to hire others to do tha ‘Maintenance Family members can then take am these projects themselves & ymin credit towarde user fees ani axaesircces ~ The bowrd should appoint family member to scbedule we oF the camp. ‘This person ny oF may not be cn the board, they should have actu making authority on the camp schedule Charge: le yer fees for camp users, tse these to pay items not defined ns “costs” above ~ Family nermbers younger than 2S may be charged ier fs = ‘Tho board should from time to tnve entertain capitol imnprovemeits bet are desired by family members. Kf wibstantad portion cr a majority of shareholders denne » paricular improvement the board should Faciitate this group financing & implementing the ‘improvement themselves. t'a majority of shareholders desire an hmprovernent (a telephone. for example) the bourd may pay rit oat ‘of camp finds obtainiiy financing necessary. As edding capitol imprivverents to camp conta increases the carryeng costs tall family smenibeey. itis preferred to yet the desitnus sub-group to fund any needed improvements. The board should consider incentin fatty rmenabers 10 find capitol hiyproversens hy aranting priocity it scheduling use ofthe earnp for a set period of time Shareholder Lint ‘Minni Smith Stuary Smith Stephen Siuth ‘Mathew Sanit, Rory O'Rourke Karen O'Rourke Jessica O'Rourke Briat O'Rourke

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