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Practice your memory verse! You can find it in your GPS or in Psalm 47:7 in your Bible.

Remember to thank God for being the king of your life!

18 September 18, 2011

Before each meal, pause to thank God for your food. You might share in the following prayer: Thank you God for the world so sweet. Thank you God for the food we eat. Thank you God for the birds that sing.

Before each meal, pause to thank God for your food. You might share in the following prayer: Thank you God for the world so sweet. Thank you God for the food we eat. Thank you God for the birds that sing.

Thank you God for everything. Amen.

Thank you God for everything. Amen.

Please keep bringing granola bars for Backpacks for Hunger. These granola bars will be used to help fill backpacks for kids in Kansas City who need food to eat over the weekends. You are being Gods hands and feet!

As you are walking or riding in a car, look outside and all around you. Invite your family members to join you in naming things, people, and places for which you are each thankful. Thank God for the amazing world God bars for Please keep bringing granolacreated. Backpacks for Hunger. These granola bars will be used to help fill backpacks for kids in Kansas City who need food to eat over the weekends. You are being Gods hands and feet! Using magazines, markers, glue, poster board and scissors, create a thankful collage. Decorate the poster board with words and symbols identifying things you are thankful for. Display your creation in your bedroom to remind you to be thankful to God.

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