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Facilitating a Discussion of The Moviegoer:

What is the thesis of The Moviegoer? Is this thesis difficult or easy to pick out? How do you define this search that Binx seems to constantly be on? Does he seem to be successful on this search, so far? How does he go about trying to find what he seeks out? Could religion be the answer to the search that Binx is on? Do people merely claim God to simplify life and stop the need for the search or come to God after searching? Does Binx seem to have a solid self-identity? Are there people, things, or events that influence the way that Binx sees himself or the way he wants to be? Does Binx come across as alienated to you? Why or why not? Why does Binx spend his days working, making money, going to movies, and seeking the company of women? Why do you suppose it is that Binxs only romantic relationships involve his secretaries?

Does Binx seem content with the current state of his life? What aspects of his situation dissatisfy him? What aspects does he find pleasing? Why are movies so important to Binx? Why do you suppose this novel is titled The Moviegoer?

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