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44 ­ The First Blow of the Horn and the Second Blow of 

the Horn
In the first section, chapters 69 and 70 of our book where we examined the scientific
miracles, we mentioned the resurrection day and the blow of the horn. We learn from the
Quran that the horn will be blown twice (The Throngs, 68). The first blow will announce the
beginning of the end of the universe, and the second blow will announce the rising of the
dead. 5 of the 10 uses of this blow indicate the first blow while the other 5 indicate the
second blow. In the sura the Throngs, 68th verse where the two blows are mentioned, the
word “sura” is used while describing the first blow but it is not used to describe the second
blow, by this way the harmony of the words are kept in order. The verse is:

68- The horn is blown, whereupon everyone in the heavens and the earth is struck
dead, except those whom God wills. Then it is blown again, whereupon they rise up,
39. The Throngs, 68

The word
Number of occurrence

The Horn (first blow)


The Horn (the second blow)


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