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Ceramic Form- Coil Construction Ceramics and Sculpture I Power Standard

To recognize and analyze the principles and elements of art and design.

Communicate about artwork using art vocabulary.

Understand the following ceramic vocabulary: Coil, extruder, loop tools, potters rib, wedging

Understand 4 of the following ceramic vocabulary: Coil, extruder, loop tools, potters rib, wedging

Understand 3 of the following ceramic vocabulary: Coil, extruder, loop tools, potters rib, wedging

Understand 2 of the following ceramic vocabulary: Coil, extruder, loop tools, potters rib, wedging

Use a variety of Successful glaze One of the following Two of the following Poor glaze techniques. sculptural techniques used: glaze techniques needs glaze techniques needs techniques to create improvement: improvement: Glaze application thin 3D art. Rinsed ware to remove and uneven. dust Rinsed ware to remove Rinsed ware to remove dust dust No attention to detail. Stirred glaze Stirred glaze Stirred glaze Poured 1 coat or brushed on 3 coats of Poured 1 coat or Poured 1 coat or glaze brushed on 3 coats of brushed on 3 coats of glaze glaze Bottom of ware clean or placed on stilts Bottom of ware clean or Bottom of ware clean or placed on stilts placed on stilts Used glaze to enhance details- trailing and/or Used glaze to enhance Used glaze to enhance wiping glaze. details- trailing and/or details- trailing and/or wiping glaze. wiping glaze.

Develop basic Coil Construction. ceramics skills, such as coil, slab at least 10 tall and construction and proportionate to design pinch potting. Coils even and consistent. Attached properlyslipped/scored or smoothed out.

One of the following needs improvement: coils even and consistent slipped/scored or smoothed out..

Two of the following needs improvement: coils even and consistent slipped/scored or smoothed out.

Not 10 tall or proportionate to design

Use 2-D drawings to Created detailed Created sketches and plan 3-D works in sketches and included included images of art. images of inspiration in inspiration in sketchbook. sketchbook.

Missing 1: Created detailed sketches. Included images of inspiration. Has Sketchbook

Missing 2: Created detailed sketches. Included images of inspiration. Has Sketchbook

Apply the elements and principles of design to develop original, creative and strong compositions.

Created a unique form.

One part of the form could be improved.

Could have developed Basic straight cylinder. form further to create more interest.

Evaluate 3-D works of art to develop visual knowledge.

Used many resources materials to help develop ideas.

Used at least two resources to help develop ideas.

Used a book to help develop ideas.

Did not examine any resources to help develop ideas.

Analyze artwork through critique.

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