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Tools & Techniques: Bibliography Screenshots

1.) Firstly I clicked on the Preference button.

This was located in the tool bar across the top of Microsoft Word.

2.) Located within Preferences I clicked the Manage Sources Button.

3.) This took me to a screen that looked like this:

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4.) Within the screen I then pressed the New button:

By clicking it, it took me to another screen:

This screen allowed me to add all the information related to a source.

5.) First I selected the type of source I intended on using.

Using the drop down menu I selected Website as this was the type of source I was using as the template was online from an existing website.

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6.) Next I then used the screen to add in the appropriate information relating to the source I wanted to use.

Using the website which contained my source I added in the specific part of information in the various boxes which would form the basic structure for the bibliography source. I gathered this information my accessing certain pages of the website.

7.) Having completed all the information I then pressed Okay and I took me to a similar screen at the beginning but with the source information added:

The information has automatically been arranged and added into the sources list ready to be inserted.

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8.) To Finnish of the process I then chose the way in which I wanted all my sources to be sorted by clicked close.

I decided that I wanted my sources to appear and be sorted by the title name instead of the already selected authors name.

I then clicked the Close button to end the process.

9.) By clicking Close it then directed me back to my blank document. From this I then inserted the full source by going back into preferences in the toolbar.

Within preferences I then clicked on Bibliography

Then from the scroll down menu I selected Insert Bibliography where it automatically placed the source into the blank document.

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10.) I repeated all the above steps for my second source to have the completed bibliography:

Here both sources are present with all their correct information in a clearly set format.

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