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Document Evaluations

Purpose 1. What was the purpose of the communication? Who is the audience?

2. Does the communication fulfil its purpose? How suitable is it? Why? Process 3. What were the strengths and weaknesses of your initial sketch draft? (compare this to your final document!, Did you miss off any important details?)

4. Explain the improvements/refinements you made on each draft, how did you improve the document to meet the purpose more closely? Final Document 5. What are the good features (strengths) of your final communication?

6. What are the bad features (weaknesses) of your final communication?

7. What could be improved about your final communication? Personal Performance 8. How easy or difficult did you find the task? Did you have any problems? If so how did you overcome them?

9. Evaluate your performance, how well did you work? Did you make effective use of your time? How could you improve your effectiveness?

10. What did you learn? How might this help you in the future or in other work you complete? Future Improvements 11. How could you approach a similar task in the future to improve efficiency? Look at your identified weaknesses and suggest improvements.

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