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Marketing Management

Dea lin g W it h
Com pe tit io n
Desi gni ng The
Com peti ti ve Intel ligence
Four Main Steps
 Setting up the system
 Vital types of competitive information
 Identifying the source of information
 Assigning the person to manage the system and its service
 Collecting the Data
 Continuous Field visits
 Channel Suppliers
 Market research Firms
 Trade Associations
 Evaluating & Analyzing the Data
 Checking of validity and reliability
 Disseminating Information and Responding
Key information to …. Decision makers, and managers…for
 Timely information about competitors via phone calls, bulletins,
newsletters and reports.
 Discussion session regarding competitors Strengths And Weakness.
De signin g Co mpetit ive
St rategie s
 Market-Leader Strategies
 Must expand total market
 Protect current market share
 Increase market share( if even the market size
remains constant)
 Market-Challenger Strategies
Price-discount, Cheaper goods, Prestige goods,
Product proliferation, Product innovation, Improve
service, Innovative distribution, Manufacturing cost
reduction, & Intensive advertising promotion.
Des igni ng Com peti ti ve
Strategi es
 Market Follower Strategies
 Counterfeiter: duplicate the leader’s product & package and sell it in
the black market through disreputable dealers.
 Cloner: Emulates the leader’s products, name and package with sight
variation & sell it in look-alike boxes.
 Imitator: Copy something from leader but maintains difference in
packaging, advertising, pricing, and so on.
 Adapter: Take the leader’s product and improve it. May choose a sell it
in different market.
 Market-Nicher strategies
 Niche…. A more narrowly defined group (Typically a small market
whose needs are not well served.). Marketers identify niches by
dividing a segment into sub segment (distinctive marketing mix).
 Specialist roles for nichers:
End-user specialist, Vertical Level specialist, Customer-size specialist,
Specific Customer specialist, Geographic specialist, Product & product
line specialist, Product features specialist, Job-shop specialist, Quality-
price specialist, service specialist, & channel specialist.

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