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Acting Fundamentals & Framework Classes

Session 1

BEING and NOT SHOWING is the rst FUNDAMENTAL of acting - no one can move forward and be successful without grasping this
! ! ! ! ! - you must be comfortable just being on stage and lose the feeling of having to SHOW or TELL the audience what you are feeling/thinking - treat the audience like they are intelligent - they should be able to INFER your thoughts and feelings just as you do when you watch a movie or play

* your ACTIONS are a BY PRODUCT of what you are feeling and NOT the other way around
! ! ! - DO NOT process what you are going to DO either with your body or hands but rather allow yourself to TRUST what you are feeling and SEE what your body naturally does to follow along

* make PROPS a big part of your acting

! ! ! ! - most of the time people are DOING THINGS so put yourself in situations where your character has items that can help dene who the character is - sometimes a characters costume is a big part of their prop - watch people in real life to learn and make mental notes of what people DO

Diction Intonation Volume Energy Speed (tempo)

It is important to understand these TOOLS in all we do. It is also essential to use these in VARIED ways to be interesting and REAL!

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