ECE/CS 5720/6720 - Analog IC Design Tutorial For Cadence - Layout, DRC, LVS & Layout Simulation

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ECE/CS 5720/6720

ECE/CS 5720/6720 Analog IC Design Tutorial for Cadence Layout, DRC, LVS & Layout Simulation
In this tutorial youll build an inverter in two different ways: as a schematic and as layout. You know how to simulate the inverter using an analog simulator. After you design and simulate the schematic, you will design layout for an inverter and simulate a circuit extracted directly from the layout. You will be able to compare the two simulations and see how they differ. You will also check the layout for design rules, and check that the layout matches the schematic. Layout consists of the mask designs for each layer that gets sent to the chip fabrication service.

Draw the Schematic of an Inverter in Virtuoso Schematic Editor and make a symbol. Transistor Sizes: (W/L)p = 3.0/0.6 and (W/L)n = 1.5/0.6 (All in microns). Body of pMOS is connected to Vdd and that of the nMOS is connected to Vss.

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Schematic test bench for the inverter: Make a new schematic cell inverter_test to test the inverter you designed, as shown below:

Input: voltage pulse of 1MHz (V1 = 0V, V2 = 5V) Vdd: 5 V Vss: 0 V Run a transient analysis for 2s and make sure your output looks okay.

Drawing the layout of a CMOS Inverter.

In this phase of the tutorial youll draw the layout for an inverter in the Virtuoso tool. Youll check for design rule violations, and check that the extracted layout is the same circuit as the schematic. Youll then simulate the circuit extracted from the layout and compare it with a simulation of the schematic you just drew. In library manager, click File New Cell View. Select the library and the cell in which you made the inverter schematic. Now, select Tool as Virtuoso. This would also set your View Name to layout. Click OK.

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This will open two windows; The Virtuoso Editing window where the layout will be drawn and the LSW (Layer Select Window), where you select the layers (diffusion, metal1, metal2, polysilicon, etc) to draw. Note: Before we start with the layout, the display should be set as follows to facilitate layout for the current design rules. Click on Options Display, you will see this window: Set the Minor spacing, Major spacing, X Snap Spacing and Y Snap Spacing as shown. Click Apply and then OK.

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(a) To draw the layout of a N- type Transistor 1) Click on the active (green) layer in the LSW window. In the Virtuoso Layout Editor window, press r to activate the Rectangle command. Now you can draw a rectangle by selecting the start and end points of the rectangle.

Press k to activate the Ruler command. You can click on one of the corners of the green rectangle to place the ruler and measure the sides (Typing K will clear all rulers). Remember that our N-transistor in the inverter schematic had a W/L of 1.5m/0.6m. (The width of the diffusion will be usually the same as the width of the transistors but the length of diffusion region has to account for the source/drain diffusions and the gate length. A general rule of the thumb is to have the length of the diffusion region to be 3m + Gate length). Use the stretch command (by pressing s) and stretch the diffusion layer to be of the size 1.5m x 3.6m

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2) Draw contacts (black colored layer cc) of 0.6m x 0.6m size to be overlapped by diffusion by (at least) 0.3m on the outside edges, as shown below. Also draw Metal 1 layer (blue colored layer metal1) to overlap the contacts by 0.3m on all sides.

3) Now draw the gate of the transistor by selecting poly (red in color) in the LSW window. Note that the poly layer should have an overhang of 0.6m.

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4) Now we have to surround the active region with nselect to make it n-type diffusion. Select nselect (green outline) in the LSW and wrap it around the active rectangle such that it extends beyond the active region by 0.6m as shown below:

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Your NMOS transistor of W/L = 1.5/0.6 microns is done. Note that we have not connected the body of this device to Vss (the substrate)

(b) To draw the layout of a P-Type Transistor Draw the P- type transistor (W/L = 3m/0.6m) similarly. The only difference (apart from the sizes) would be to use pselect instead of nselect so that we get p type diffusion. The other change, or rather addition, would be put this entire device in n-well.

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(5-8) Draw a transistor similar to the N transistor for the increased width of 3m following steps 1 to 3. In step 4, use pselect (orange outline) instead of nselect.

9) Now, place n-well around this entire device so that it extends beyond the diffusion by 1.8m in all directions.

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Now, your PMOS transistor is also ready. Again, we have not yet connected the body of this device (the n-well) to Vdd. We are now set to put together these two devices to make an inverter.

10) Select the entire N-transistor and place it exactly below the P transistor such that there is a gap of at least 1.8m between the n-well and the diffusion of the N transistor.

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11) Join the gates of the P and the N transistor as well the drains of the two transistors by stretching the poly and metal1 respectively.


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12) Draw the supply lines for Vdd and Vss using Metal 1, such that the inverter is sandwiched between the two supply lines. The line below the NMOS will be our Vss and that above PMOS will be our Vdd. They are made wide to avoid electro-migration issues


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and ohmic voltage drops. I made them 4.8m wide. Make sure that the metal1 strips, one connecting the drains and other carrying the supply voltage, are at least 0.9m away.

13) Now, connect the sources of the two transistors to Vdd and Vss respectively. Also create a contact on the common gate, which is out input by placing a layer of metal1, cc and poly as shown in the figure. Metal1 and poly should surround the contact by 0.3m.


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14) Now label the different nodes on our layout that matches those on your schematic. To do this, click on Create Pin..


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You get the following window:

Enter the Terminal Name, Select Display Pin Name, Select I/O type and Pin type. The nodes for the inverter would be in, vss, vdd (input pins) and out (output pin). Note: a) For this layout, all the pins are of metal1 type. b) Use the same node names as used in your schematic for the inverter


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Your layout now looks like this:

We are to connect the bodies of the two transistors now (i.e. for the NMOS, connect the substrate to Vss and for the PMOS, connect the n-well to Vdd)

15) Body contact for NMOS:


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We need to put a P-type diffusion in the substrate and tie this to ground. P type diffusion (active surrounded by pselect) with a contact is shown below. It consists of an active (1.2m x 1.2m), surrounded by pselect and a contact of 0.6m x 0.6m in the middle. The contact has to be surrounded by metal1. This metal1 has to be tied to the Vss line.

16) Next, we need to tie the body of the PMOS transistor to Vdd.


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A PMOS body contact looks similar, just that it is n-type diffusion(active surrounded by nselect) inside the n-well. This is shown in the figure below: The metal1 here is tied to Vdd. The n-well has to surround the active by 1.8m.

17) You have made it!


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The layout of the inverter is now complete. All dimensions used in this example have been taken from the Design rules file posted on the class web site. Your final layout may look like this:

Before proceeding to the next step, save the layout. It might be a good exercise to trace the different nodes and make sure it is exactly identical to the inverter on your schematic. Anyway, we will ask Cadence to do this check for us at a later stage.


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Design Rules Check

Next check whether any of the design rules have been violated. In the Virtuoso Layout Editor Window, choose Verify DRC A new window pops up as shown below.

In the Rules file field, notice divaDRC.rul is entered and also that the Rules Library is checked. It should say: UofU_TechLib_ami06. Click OK to start the Design Rule Check. Check the CIW window for any errors. If you have followed the design rules correctly, you should get 0 errors in the CIW window. If some errors manage to creep into your layout, the erroneous parts will blink. You can find out the details of the errors you made by selecting Verify Markers Find. In the new window, click the button corresponding to Zoom To Markers. By pressing the Next button, you can go through all the error markers and their descriptions. Once you find out the errors in your layout, delete all markers by choosing Verify Markers Delete All. Now you can easily edit your layout and correct all your errors. You must do this repeatedly until you have no errors in your layout.


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Extracting the Layout

Extract your layout by choosing Verify Extract. In the new Extractor window notice that the rules file divaEXT.rul and the rules library is checked. Press Ok to extract your layout. Another view (like schematic, layout, and symbol) of the cell inverter by the name extracted is created. You can verify this in the Library Manager.

Layout Versus Schematic Check

Finally we compare our layout with the schematic that we made earlier to see if they are both the same. To do this, choose Verify LVS in your Virtuoso Layout Editor Window. Check that the correct cells and views have been selected.

Click the Run button to run LVS. A window should pop up and tell you that the netlists matched. (This might take a minute be patient.) If the window says failed instead of succeeded, the LVS window may be incorrectly filled in. It may also fail if some schematics or layouts havent been updated, so make sure everything has been saved and checked. If you still have problems, check the log


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file for hints. It is called si.log and is found in the LVS directory (ex: IC_CAD\cadence\LVS\si.log) Note that even if it says it succeeded, that doesnt mean the circuits match. It only means that the process completed! In order to see if the circuits match you need to check the output of LVS. Check the output of the LVS, by clicking the Output button in the LVS Window. A new window containing some text should pop up. If you have done your layout right, the text file should read "The netlists match". If they dont match you can tell from the text what the problems were. If you didnt use exactly the same names for the input and output in the schematic and in the layout, for example, it will tell you that the circuits matched, but the names didnt. Check the class web page for a sample LVS output file. For performing Post layout simulation, an analog_extracted view for the inverter is required. This view can be created by pressing the Build Analog button in the LVS window. Click OK in the next window.


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Post Layout Simulation of a CMOS inverter.

Make sure you have the analog_extracted view for your inverter. The last few sentences preceding this explained how to get an analog_extracted view. In the previous schematic simulation, a testbench schematic for the inverter called inverter_test was created. This testbench can also be used for the post-layout simulation. To do this, a config view of inverter_test should be created. In the config view, it is possible to select simulation models for different instances in the top-level schematic. But before creating a config view, we need to make a small modification in the schematic. Open the inverter_test schematic from the Library Manager. Copy the inverter symbol and connect the copied instance to a new output called out_layout. The reason for having two inverters in the schematic is to compare the output of the "schematic inverter" and that of a "layout inverter". There are some parasitics extracted from the layout, which was not accounted for when we simulated the schematic.

Check and save the schematic.


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In Library Manager, choose File New Cell View

Choose the view name to be config. The tool Hierarchy-Editor should be automatically selected in the Tool pull-down menu. Two windows open up. In the one titled New Configuration, click Use Template and choose spectreS in the new window and click OK. Replace myView with schematic and click OK in the New Configuration window.


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In the Hierarchy Editor window, information about the different instances in the inverter_test schematic view can now be seen. Select View Tree in Hierarchy editor window. You can see that two inverters each having a unique instance number is found. In the design above the instance numbers for the inverters are I0 and I1.


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Now the simulation model for the inverter connected to the output out_layout should be changed to analog_extracted. Remember the analog_extracted view was created after performing the LVS of the layout. To change the simulation model (in this case for inverter I1), right click on the instance in the config view and choose: Set Instance View analog_extracted. The simulation model for the other inverter does not have to be changed since the default simulation view is schematic.

Save the configuration by clicking View Update and then File Save.


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From the schematic view, open Analog Circuit Design Environment. Note that Analog Environment does not automatically use the settings made in the config view. Choose Setup Design in the Analog Environment window and change the view from schematic to config for the inverter_test simulation and press OK

If the question whether to save the current state pops up, click NO. The simulation is now performed in the same way as the previous schematic simulation. Choose both the outputs out_schematic and out_layout to be plotted.


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From the simulation above, it can be seen that the inverter layout seems to be working properly. To view the difference between the schematic simulation model and the analog_extracted simulation model, first drag and drop one of the output waveforms over the other. Now if you zoom in to one of the edges of the output waveform, you can see that the layout produces a slightly slower inverter than that of the schematic simulation. Anyway, there are not much different.

That winds up this tutorial. You have gotten started with layout, DRC, LVS and Analog extraction of the layout. It may look confusing for students doing this stuff for the first time, but you will realize it will become easy after some practice.


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