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Advancement 1) Economic Emergence of middle/merchant class -increased agricultural output people could pursue other professions -Goods more

re accessible now raise standard of living -B/c states able to retain basic safety allow safety of traveling merchants Merchants revive long distance trade -Links areas closer together economically i.e. Venice and Orient, and cities tied through Guild trading (Hanseatic League, northern Europe) -Causes economic surge of global economy -Development of credit system merchants conglomerate, develop into towns -center of trade, centralized commercial center integrated w/ residential -place where people could enterprise opportunity 2) Social Nobility power was diminished -b/c King favored middle classes more. They were more taxable and less threatening to power -so less domination and oppression by one class More mobility -Serfs can run away into towns for 1 year free Middle class=lots of social freedom -no one knew what to do with them, can bribe other classes to get what they want w/ $$ 3) Cultural Revival/Flowering of Classical learning -New intellectual ideas like senses=highest good (Valla) -That this life is important in and of itself -Renaissance thought.all the isms Art advancement -More accurate, 2 pt. Perspective 4) Political Modern concept of nation state -Rulers start consolidating power in England, France Towns have political independence -b/c middle class can bribe king with money -have own laws, taxes, courts, mint -symbolizes order and effective organization

No advancement Papacy and nobility both bathing in wealth in contrast to poor farmers

2) Social Women status diminishes -Used to be heads of guilds and commercially important, now thanks to Castiglione have to make themselves pleasing to men, reflected in rape punishments etc. Blacks are still blacks -ambivalent, used to show off wealth

3) Cultural For most people life didnt change at all -no marked difference in thought b/w Renaissance and Middle ages

4) Political Italy is Republic but still oligarchic and disunited Holy Roman Empire is chaotic and disunited

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