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Name: Class: Date: Read the information about meat-eat plants.

Then transfer the information into the following table provided.

This is flypaper trap. Its scientific name is Drosera capensis . Flypaper trap can be found in Australia. Flypaper trap uses sticky mucilage to attract insect. The tentacles of flypaper trap can bend 180 to aid the trapping process. These are pitcher plant or monkey cup. Its scientific name is Nepenthes. Pitcher plant usually found in Malaysia, Southern-China and Thailand. Pitcher plant attract insect by using the sweet nectar inside the pitcher. Once the insects fall into the pitcher, it cannot crawl out.

This is Venus flytrap. Its scientific name is Dionaea muscipula . Venus flytrap can be found in Carolina, America. It open leaves have special spikes that sensitive to touch. These spikes shut quickly to trap flies and the flies cannot escape.

Fill in the table with the information given.

Plant Scientific Name Where it can be found Flypaper Trap Pitcher Plant Venus Flytrap

Drosera Capensis Malaysia, SouthernChina and Thailand

How it attract insect


The trapping process.

Spikes shut quickly

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