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Managing Authenticity

The Paradox of Great Leadership

Presented by:- Jai Deep 7950

Authenticity is not innate

No leader can look at himself and say I am an authentic leader It is a quality others must attribute to you.

Managing Perception

Words are consistent with deeds Find Common Ground with followers

Know Yourself & Others

Requires self knowledge to lead effectively, or self disclosure. Understand what aspects and qualities of your particular self your followers are looking for.

Use Where You Come From

Authenticity is closely linked to origins
By the time you get to where you are going, you are no longer the same person

People define themselves through:

Gender, class, race, status, geography

These are expressed in different ways:

Dress, speech, food, style of walking

Conform, but Only Just Enough

Too much conformity will render leaders ineffective Too little will isolate them
Balance distinctiveness of culture with how they chose to operate and define themselves

Miyako; one of the first female finance auditors, also a Japanese female, must acknowledge and validate social norms around her gender role to achieve acceptance from male followers. Can not ignore them

The Opposite of Artifice

Definition includes:
Honest Straight Forward Sincere Uncomplicated

Reputation for authenticity is painstakingly earned, not given with title If you can fake honesty, youve got it made
Regan is known for being an authentic President, but he was also the first professional actor to make it to the Whitehouse

Any questions?
Things to focus on:
Honesty Straight-forwardness Sincerity Clarity

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