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Subject : Database Management Systems


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Q. 1 SQL server supports the_________ A) SMP B) NNTP C) HTTP D) None of the above Q. 2 SQL *Plus is used by Database administrator to ____ A) Specify rights and privileges to users B) Query and retrieve data from the database C) Generate reports D) All the above Q. 3 To determine whether a constraint is enabled or disabled on a table, execute the ____ system stored procedure A) Help B) Sp_Help C) SPHELP D) None of these Q. 4 An extent is ____ contiguous pages or ____ KB A) 8, 64 B) 10,640 C) 4, 16 D) 16, 960 Q. 5 In which of the following situations, sequential file organization is not preferred? A) When the file has low hit ratio but infrequent updates B) For intermediate results of operations C) For small files

D) None of these Q. 6 Relationship of department with employer is an example for.________ relationship A) one to one B) many to one C) one to many D) many to many Q. 7 __________ is a user interface for Microsoft back office server management . A) Microsoft Management console B) Microsoft distributed transaction coordinator C) Microsoft system management server D) Non of the above Q. 8 A global variable is shown with _______ symbol preceding is name A) Q B) QQ C) @ D) @@ Q. 9 To eliminate duplicate rows _____ is used A) NODUPLICATE B) ELIMINATE C) DISTINCT D) None of these Q. 10 Select the wrong statement A) B) C) D) A primary key is a minimal superkey An entity may have many candidate keys A weak entity is always related to one or more strong entities All the above

BT0066 : PART - B

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Q. 1 ___________ allows individual row operation to be performed on a given result set or on the generated by a selected statement. A) Procedure B) Trigger C) Curser D) None of above Q. 2 What are the salient features of Data model. 1. It processes a set of concepts for description of the nature of data interrelationships between them along with the syntax 2. It should have as minimum concepts which are close to real world. 3. It should provide primitive by which meaning of data can be captured. 4. It mainly describes the data, which gets stored & processed in a given situation. A) 1, 3, 4 B) 1, 2, 3 C) 2, 3, 4 D) 1,2,3,4 Q. 3 Describe the B-tree data structure a) an order m is associated with a B-tree b) the root node has at least (m/2) key value and 2 pointers c) all root nodes are that same level d) all nodes other than root have at least (m/2) key value and (m/2+1) pointers A) a), b), c), d) B) a), b), c) C) a), c), d) D) c) and d)

Q. 4 Database Management should: 1. be possible to store, access & maintain the large size of data 2. permit data storage in integrated fashion by fragmenting in different application which control redundant data 3. have a central repository with data description at both logical & physical levels A) 1., 2 B) 1, 3 C) 2, 3 D) 1, 2, 3 Q. 5 An extent is __ contiguous pages, or ___ KB. Therefore, a database has ___ extents per megabyte. A) 8, 64, 16 B) 8, 16, 64 C) 16, 8, 64 D) 64, 8, 16

BT0066 : PART - C

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Q. 1 Which of the following are DBMS utilities i. Loading ii. Storage iii. Backup iv. Performance monitoring A) i, ii, and iii B) iii, iv, v C) I, iii, iv, v D) All of the above Q. 2 Match the following types of access methods with their description Set A 1. HSAM 2. HISAM 3. HDAM 4. HIDAM Set B a. an index based access is permitted for the root record b. the random access to root records is provided using an index. c. direct access to the root records is provided using hashing & chaining method d. child record of a particular parent are stored consecutively after the parent itself A) 1 - a, 2 - d, 3 - c, 4 - b B) 1 - a, 2 - c, 3 - d, 4 - b C) 1 - d, 2 - b, 3 - c, 4 - a D) 1 - d, 2 - a, 3 - c, 4 - b Q. 3 Match the following Set A i. Domain Integrity ii. Entity Integrity iii. Referential Integrity

Set B a. Default, Check b. Primary key, unique c. Foreign key A) i-a, ii-b, iii-c B) i-b, ii-a, iii-c C) i-c, ii-a, iii-b D) i-a, ii-c, iii-b Q. 4 Give the important performance measures of a file organization. a) time to process the data b) time required to transfer data between device and memory c) time spent in waiting for processor and device ability which is dependent on system and its load d) time required to locate data on device e) time required for comparing files where different number of sequential and random access is required. A) a), b), c), d) B) b), c), d) and e) C) b) and only D) all a), b), c), and e) Q. 5 Match the following SET A i. Master ii. Model iii. Msdb iv. Tempdb SET B a. records all of the system level information for a SQL Server system b. is used as the template for all databases created on a system. c A) i a, ii b, iii c, iv d B) i b, ii c, iii d, iv a C) i c, ii d, iii a, iv b D) i d, ii a, iii b, iv c

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