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The course are following:

1) General medicine:

(i) Respiratory Diseases: Acute Bronchitis,Chronic obstructive airway disease,Bronchial

asthma, Pneumonias,Tuberculosis,Bronchial Carcinoma,Bronchiectasis,Occupational
lung diseases,Resiratoty failure.
(ii) Cardiovascular Diseases: Rheumatic fever ,rheumatic heart disease, congestive cardiac
failure, coronary insufficiency , myocardial infarction,hypertension, infective
endocarditis, congential heart disease, cardiomyopathies, corpulmonale.
(iii) Gastrointestinal disease: acid pepticdisease , bacillary and amoebic dysenteries
,cirrhosis of liver, hepatitis, tuberculosis, pancreatitis, diarrhoea, worm infestation,
ulcerative colitis, crohn’s disease, carcinoma of gastrointestinal tract.
(iv) Blood and lymphoreticular diseases: anaemias, leukaemias, purpuras, aganulocytosis,
polycythemia, reticulosis, lymphomas.
(v) Neurologiacal diseases: cerebro-vascular accident, meningitis, encephalitis, Parkinson’s
disease, paraplegia, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, epilepsy, neurocysticercosis.
(vi) Endrocine and metabolic diseases: diabetes mellitus including hyperglycaemia,non
ketotic coma, ketoacidosis, thyrotoxicosis, myxoedema, cushing’s syndrome, addison’s
disease, hyperparathyroidism, tetany, hypogonadism, diabetes insipidus.
(vii) Joint and collagen diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, gout, systemic lupus erythmatosus
(SLE), rickets, osteoarthritis,osteomalacia, ankylosing spondylitis.
(viii) Renal diseases: urinary tract infection, acute glomerulonephritis, nephritic syndrome,
urinary calculi, renal failure, tuberculosis, neoplasm, acidosis, alkalosis, hyperkalaemia,
kidney transplantation.
(ix) Tropical diseases: cholera, enteric fever, malaria, filaria, kala-azar, leprosy, chickenpox,
amoebiasis, mumps.

2) GENERAL SURGERY: sinus, fistula, ulcer, tumor,hernia, hydrocele, burn, shock,

peptic ulcer, pyloric stenosis, haematemesis and malaria, oesophageal varices,
intestinal obstruction, paralytic ilius, lymphadenitis, hemorrhoids, gall stones,
urinary stones, liver abscess, hydatid cyst, cholecystitis, biliary obstruction,
pancreatitis, pain abdomen, pneumothorax, pleural effusion, haemothorax,
chylothorax, brochiectasis, pulmonary embolism, lung abscess, bronchial
carcinoma, thrombo-angitis obliterans, chyluria, deep vein thrombosis, head
injuries, phimosis, pura phimosis, pinhole meatus, stricture urethra, carcinoma
penis, hydronephrosis, retension of urine, enlarged prostate, incontinence of urine,
vasectomy, goiter, tumor of testies, lymphomas, rupture spleen, carcinoma of
bladder, hydramnios.
3) OBSTETRICS AND GYANAECOLOGY: antenatal, natal and post natal services
of pregency, tuberculosis, hypertension, diabetes milletus and rheumatic heart
diseases inrealtion to pregnancy, stages of labour, leucorrhoea, antepartum amd
postpartum haemmorhage, abortion, multiple pregnancy, hydramnios, foetal
malformation, endometriosis, tumors of genital tracts, ovarian cyst, fibroid, family
planning and maternal and child helath.
4) CHILDHOOD DISEASES: measles, mumps, pertussis, poliomyelitis, diphtheria,
tuberculosis, enteric fever, diarrhoeal disease, upper respiratory tract infection,
bronchopneumonia, lung abscess, cellulites, candidiasis, meningitis,rheumatic fever,
worm infestations, cyanotic congenital heart disesease, cretinism, protein-calorie
malnutrition, down’s syndrome, turner syndrome, rickets, school health.
5) Forensic medicine and jurisprudence: roles and duties of medical practioner,
postmortem and its legal implication, medical ethics, death, rigor mortis,
putrefaction, mummification, sponification, wounds, rape,infanticide, abortion,
homicide, suicide, procedure for indentifying living person and dead body, acts
realated to health and medical profession;Nepal health services act, Nepal health
services regulation, national health policy, second long term health plan,Nepal
medical council act, mother’s milk substitute act, other health related acts.
6) PSYCHIATRY(Mental disorder): emotional disorders, neurosis, psychosis,
psychosomatic disorders, mental retardation.
7) OPTHALMOLOGY: injuries of eye, foreign body in eye, malignancy of eye,
diabetic and hypertensive retinopathy, stye, chalazion, blephritis, cellulites, cornel
ulcer, karatomalacia, scleritis and episscleritis, chorditis, iridocyclitis, cataract,
glaucoma, trachoma, vitrous haemmorhage, optic neuritis, retinal detachment,
myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism, presbyopia, diplopia, squint, proptosis,
ephiphora, dacryocystitis, dacryoadenitis, ocular hazards in agriculture and
8) EAR NOSE AND THROAT: foreign bodies in ear, nose,and throat, otitis media,
otitis externa, mastoiditis, rupture of tympanic membrane, meniere’s disease, nasal
allergy, polyp, epistaxis, sinusitis, hearing loss, tonsillitis, peritosillar abscess,
pharyngitis, ludwig’s angina, hoarseness of voice, laryngotracheitis, laryngeal
obstruction, diphtheria, indications of tracheostomy, carcinoma of larynx, wax in
ear, haematoma, auris, furunculosis.
9) BONE AND JOINT DISEASES: fracture, dislocation, crush injury, amputation,
osteomyelitis, tubercular spine, septic arthritis, spina bifida, erb’s plasy,syndactyliy,
poliomyelitis, rickets and scurvy, artificial limbs, spondylosis, role of physiotherapy.
10)ANAESTHESIOLOGY: principles of administrating safe gen. anesthesia, local
anesthesia, pre-anesthetic history, anesthetic drugs, anesthetics, post operative
complications of anesthesia, cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

11)PATHOLOGY:interpretations of laboratory results, normal values of biochemical

tests, hematological tests, aetiology,pathogenesis, microscopic and macroscopic
features of different diseases entities listed under different subjects and mentioned
under heading 1 to 5 and 8 to 11.

12)PHARMACOLOGY: poison and toxicology –organophosphorous, barbiturates,

corrosives, heavy metals, mushroom poisoning, drugs in pregnancyand lactation,
prescribing in children and elderly dosage, preparation, mode of action and side
effects of drugs acting on different systems of body.

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