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Peer Review - Response Paper

First, read the paper all the way through without making any marks on it.
Then reread the paper, and put a wavy line under anything you do not understand, Iind hard to
read, or want to make a comment on. Put a good in the margin next to anything you really like.
Then examine the Criteria Ior the Response Paper
O Follow the paper assignment careIully as described in the assignment sheet.
O ake sure to use the templates Irom Chapter 4 to help you set up and develop points oI
agreement, both agreement and disagreement, and points oI disagreement.
O ake sure you use appropriate signal verbs/attributive tags (Chapter 2) that 'Iit the action (p.
35) as you introduce others` ideas so we know at all times who is speaking and how, exactly, they
are responding to the issue.
O ake sure you choose700;,39 quotations that you 'Irame and explain (use 'quotation
sandwiches) as described in Chapter 3, to help you develop your response. Don`t over quote.
O Put your paper in Iormat.
O rite a Iull 3-4 pages (not including orks Cited).

On a separate sheet oI paper, number and answer the Iollowing questions. Take turns with your partner in
providing this written Ieedback. Be sure to give speciIic details.

1. In what ways do you see the paper meeting the criteria? hat suggestions do you have Ior
helping the writer meet the criteria more successIully?

2. hat additional inIormation do you need to be persuaded to see the issue as the writer does (that
is, agreeing, disagreeing, or both, with the article summarized)? That is, how could the writer's
points be developed more eIIectively?

Consider these criteria on organization Irom the Grading Contract Ior a B paper:
O The focus is cleaily iuentifiable.
O The oveiall pattein is cleai anu sensible.
O The focus is uevelopeu thiough a sequence of ielateu paiagiaphs.
O aiagiaphs aie cleaily oiganizeu, but some may lack iichness of uetail oi eviuence.
O The opening is appiopiiate to the focus.
O Tiansitions between anu within paiagiaphs auvance the wiitei's iueas.

3. hat could the writer do to improve the paper's organization?

4. hat do you think the writer needs to work on most to improve the paper?

5. hat do you think the writer did especially well in this draIt?

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