09 Ordinary Poltes Subjected To Shear, Torsion

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1” (non- pretensionned ) yee. SOE By Orda Sets subj ecteol te shear force % torslon moment assume the shown grou, ‘of belts, By R e : which are subjecteol te two £ hie oe | et eccentric loads B. KR te the qe le, (ey same plane of bolts «get 2 ) Ctalate og: of bolts: + & y~ Ay x < yg. Zhexd ZAg ZAg Qe © |B a 3) Effect of shear force: i fi H= where nzng of bolts +H Ox % 7 |p Ve 4) Ebtect of forsional moment: Fok . fe... n nm vs My Fini the te Pater HM, =F xr* _ n mera 4 at ; Fie gat | zrts z%s) ea H,=Fi sinw = th ne sink = V, = Fi cos & = Men: Cos. Me - Tent Pipe a : Mater eae vy 4 Teh z ae S. aC (CT a “ yy paler Ro < R vy (Res RE Ss Rawr R(t Sea) Connection between crane. oo Neu gircler %c built-up Colom . I Fy ee |! \ = i \ Yee Mx Fi o Row 4Q, oD # ex . a jL30-35" where . F q H 1 te. Roa 2 J, «Py d i egrtt = = . 4 ! bt teil ma ome bO PRE | ret falar sts i # iF iti Qssuree | t - tan Gusset tr ic 2 Gusset PR. he Closl25) ol tt (2 brackeFs)

Ry with smal) value app incense prte if R >Re v big “ =p Increase no of bolts (Ch) SU St ot \ (pitch) Hs ape y ALY ah Grotey gt! Fi elec! connection subjetedl to Shor fore Ie torsion Morten” elevation of weldt +24] assume he of © size of well between - i Srim= E vm — (lynamic lox!) z t . —~ Gate ; eee cS Ca ‘ S200 ver tat, properties of welo! Aug = 26kn Aya hy Tiyz 224 4 4[(s4,) (40 | Tay 2[e Me) a] 4] ee «ADO Tp=1 i + tot Tyy rv ining actions on welol Shaina acres oe nal C Oy: B Hee Ba ey B42, Check, stresses (Qs ea ANS Qyte TAY) Dee Ol alge WIUls point @ f,- Se , Hey Pye Te. fig = Seo + - x CFs Fea 2 < apron aymthet point @) f= See + FT fh. & Me x 4 Aw To & f+ Le cee. < 92Fu= ogztlom® notes j@ unsafe or was te ; f= baer f fo ee new) old £092 F a... ofa bracket carries two crane girders :— (aac Py, Lonel a 4) Cose_of man. torsion: + — . : + rp tame aoe Se OQ: BQ. BiB we have to study two Cases . Dead! « t Teta fal __* + 7 eel Tea Hh (Bees, )+(Be ey.) : AD ~- (Bs. &,) i Ry = ax Me y, Ry = Os ey, joe Ve Ry = SRy 2) Gas oP mon. shear e— rl we Pye 4 BR, bo Cy. Fea Pe load 5 4 eS Pre maw Ft Al leu, Ge> Fae Re +! : &, é a) fer case Blu > Bi aes kt 4 (he aunt) el oF RAS Ry aH py “HTB, «ey, +R ney, +R, + ex, A # exe b) for case Beak exg > Pa xen Chak acu) nel Bas R, at hee Heed Ry * y+ x2 KOy, + Fit Se ~B* ex, | Pena ere . ; seis amc ‘iL Bd0 This required Ue design the connection shown ia the Fig. using grade (46) + a) Nen— preku- bolts M 20" 5) Welolecl connection V camp le: | . B i i | i \ \ Deta: 4 Wheel loads of crane girler wh j i are as shown - q gt gt) L2csse | -- I ji 400 : 180m 7 ~ spacing between columns = 609m one) My, # Ss - et oat DL. an F OI42 x E> O52 f+ _ Y 480. deo! { tH 600m ! Bs Roe Quy Cet) fa, -60 t = 9852 4136 4125 = 1485 t. Fez AQ = use t 10 a) Using non-preten. bolts M20" (grade 4:6) assume f= [25 x 4005 SOOmm CPs Ach = 4x202 Bomm n.-h. 5 ne De pe SE - 425 =p take O: 6 bolts o. pz80 am © 2-6 mp h=80x6= 450mm © 2 Mar. force acting on bot @ . Se ~ | 14 44 ” Ox, Me: | Rez Gey Fe ed - + = 0168 4 ABEXO y20 - + aoe + F590 * #20 =203t < Ry: Qs + Lean. - IB 4 ASEXIO© eISF 223 : \e 4940 c ; be C= 400- 100 = (@03)% (2,23)” = 3,01 €: =Bso mm a) Cw Rss.5 (2) (ons KA) KME etd te O5)* 4 we ott 4 4( Fa TE 4) -3R >R « Zrts 4940 om* . sate 8/93 (0,240/3) #9 6E (0,35 +0,62 + 248) 2 nee at b) Using welded connection “ * assume h= ols 400mm < size of weld =10 mm g Properties’ of well | Aus 9 = 4 *#10%4 = 2E Cm? aac) | 20x19. Au = 2x \yox3ge F6 om2 vd : 380 +— BeO xtc x x coe odeaa* Pe Re | arm = 20912,3 om4 yy: efoenecsth 4(Y2 arayessi]] 4 = 37940,3 om4 yz 400- 25'= 380 mm ‘yg = (0O~ 25-10" 46 wr X,ps200-75-- 2 oe ’ . = 145 mm © Tee That Ty = S8852,6 074 y ‘ “ hee striving actions ° Qes06e t.. S Qy-893 +. Xe Mg =(§93)(05) + 68) (0,3640,024 % 3) 2486 nt, : check stresses Lat Pent © bye O68 | 4FbxI00 . 2) = O2 2g" 588526 fax = 0 + BEHOO , BE - a6 ’ S8E5Z60 2 iy =O + 486K 100 x (8 =01T = 993 , ig y) re fo 393 4 %6xi00 88556 rd "367 + oeRsa6 er (C1674 300052 =933 the <0/72x\, = 086 +Qee oS ji x2) = 0,29 fing = [eas Xai? = 0,25 lem) <0,72 x12 = 0,86 - safe bot woste, ; : 083 A : Mee Ox ORE =38 2 mm =~ take S'= 6mm phat (beieq) pay Coracet) Cor baw 2 Gipl. “a ; ; : Sd welded! connection subjected te bending moment, yormal force __anol shearing force R : - ; y op bad? _ 1.8 beth o.4 . t = 4s __} Lo S : ey ° ae oes ¥ Size of weld assume Sy = Syoeere Peepers of wel Autyy = 2x80 * o8h) Aug He [2hnn-2%) + 464 hy)] M,, Aug + Aug I, -2 = ah Peale +e) He #)] 42 Gee (by Oe *) ral yeas actions TrR CAR < Me Bares + Te * ey check stresses pent © Example : 1615 & Design the welotecl —_ wee Connection between tt the crane bracket re and the “colomu ~ 7 Straining actions case @ Lain loa + lateral shock eoee loach )] Qge 16115 4. Ts ee ae : r i . a = 36 cm : } i, TIPE 360 Ne i he i i ¢ ! L “ Mg (eis X05) + we Casévaie) = 6,92 mt, i assume Sus Frm (Ctysemm acai Spe V2 mm tems \27 mums) Foxe Bay: 248K 252 44E emer 2B0x8 Aw), = 2x\ 1sox'e! || af = \24IS + Axon P= 69,6 cm? Ay, = 44 come I,- anes @sNl2g)° xe 2 So + ol ona O44 [ wg $5 «T= 24123,44 om4 1 check streses_ pein! Oo pre eli 652 igo 2 953 thom? 14,4 24123, 4 < 6,2 Fu Xt2- 20,86 tlow2 wie, 652 4 = 939 tem 14,4 24123,4 Ws 1615 : - 036 tlan® 2 ; A 44F _—_—+ Pons = ¥ (0a9)t St0736)” 4 0/44 tlom? <0,86x\1 braciy 4 \ of | fk SN eet. Gee). he = Bracket fw tie 7 | | Orehinary balts Subjected ty HE@ Rata ae Ey Pets of} [ - Assume Hehe 4 : b=: b, +@>+4™ , : ‘hen ® G4) # Ca . P2846 Gg lone iaeee | ~i&. et the position of NAA, assume we 4 CAN val z Als EF As = 0,4 (nat) * Bow Gace yer wie Stomp. Awe yt ension | | SoS sero 2 bx? a eee [ea C806 pepe aN vay =P Xe 0. om get Ty. Bx E+ 2 Abe LS Checks Das ee “B) vo blag oi = 3 nt a ees thon applying the interaction equation, fey ¥ a. 7 Ce )+ Fe) SJ 400 at 7 O25 Fun 2 eee 033 Fa, or 020 fe § 2) check comp stresses on plate Be May, wee thom? <4 tlone ne roll “subjected tee ia) oT Ordinary bolts glee . as before : iis To é i a Snv = gero | R => get X= Om i Meas X Ge Bip001 He Raxts + Rw ey ark dia tirx : Checks to Oe ee PP eranct: Feogetae ohooy eer p a eee ee ne if ts rewired tr destin stom) | IPE 300, — tHe yigicl connection. _ Loe al Between S. beam Colomn | M. boom) using grede (46M 20 a non: pretensionned bolts, . Loluvn | BFTB 4o: . Gwen 424 wet, Qz2t connection between seconclary beam ‘ca omy 2 Arp = OF mee = 22 cme” Sav = gero CNT 2 x22 Ciex) 4058-4) 4(26-) . +19-x) +€i2-x)] = ero i KP 422xX-5% 64 = gens x X= 6 SF cm Dy 2s, 2x22 [i-6599"4 (35-659)" xeHs $e. a5 mm +(26-6/59)'s (19-659), 12-659)" ] o Tys 1265025 ant M = 400x102 i Tatea Fs 8844S = 409 leat Q = © Ags TO 2314 twit tat Ag ao 14 Cy oe = 0053 tlen® 51D 314 applying in iateraction nae ny _he9 0053 (hy + Ga) (ea) ( Vath. : 038 < 1,00

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