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& DI
Dr. T.K. Jain.
M: 9414430763
A right circular code of height H is cut by a
plane parallel to base at a distance H/3 from
base, then volumes of resulting cones and
frustum are in ratio?
 Let us assume H =3, R =3
 Total volume: 1/3*3.1428*9*3
 Now new cone: 1/3*3.1428*4*2 =
 Ratio 8.38: 19.9
 Or approx. .4: 1 or 1:2.5
Which one of the following
cannot be ratio of angles in
right angle triangle?
 1:2:3
 1:1:2
 1:3:6
 None of these

 Infirst we get 30,60, 90, in 2nd

45,45,90, in 3rd, we get 18,54,108.
thus 3rd is not the case of right angle
A cube of 12 centimeter is painted red on all
faces, then cut into smaller cubes, each of
the side 3 cm. what is the total no. of
smaller cubes having none of their faces
 4*4*4 = 64 painted?
 12/3 will give you 4
 64 are total cubes.
 In front we have 4*4 = 16 cubes. 16 are in
back side (all these are painted).
 That means, there are 2 rows left in
between (out of 4 rows).
 Thus we have 2*2*2 = 8 cubes unpainted.
The radius of a circle is 6 cm. perpendicular
distance from centre of circle to the chord
(which is 8 cm. in length) is ?
 6^2 – 4^2 = Sq. root of 20
 =2 *5^1/2 ans.
An equilateral triangle ABC is inscribed in a
circle with centre O. What is the measure of
angle BOC?
 BOC is double of BAC
 BAC is 60 degree
 BOC is 120 degree.
2 circles touch each other externally.
The sum of their areas is 130 pi. distance between their centres
is 14 cm. what is the radius of smaller
 Let us assume circle?
that the radii of these
circles are X & Y.
 X^2 +Y^2 = 130
 X+Y =14
 Let us try for 3 & 11, the total is 14 &
sum of squares is 121 thus radius of
smaller circle is 3 ans.
A traiangle with sides 13,14, 15 is incribed in
a circle. What is the radius of the circle?

 Applying hero’s formulae.

 S = ½ (13+14+15) = 21
 Area of triangle = sq.root (21*8*7*6)
 =84
 Radius = Area of triangle / S
 =84/21 = 4 ans.
The chord of length 14 cm is at a distance of
6 cm from centre of circle. Length of another
chord at a distance of 2 cm from centre of
circle is ?
 Let us find radius of circle.
 7^2 +6^2 = 49+36 = square root of 85
 Length of half the chord
 is square root of (85-4) = 81 = 9
 Thus length of chord is 18 Cm ans.
Distance between centre of two equal
circles of radius 3 each is 10 cm. What is the
length of transverse tangent?
 Applying pythogores theorem, we
are able to get half
 the tangent
 5^2 – 3^2
 =square root (16)
 Thus transverse =8
 Ans.
Three equal circles touch each other. What
is the ratio of area of circle circumscribing
these 3 circles to circle?
 Let us assume radius of circles to be 7
 We have an equilateral triangle
 Joining the centres of three circles.
 Thus side of equilateral triangle is 14
 Circim centire = 7/3^1/2
 Radius of bigger circle is 7/1.732 +7
 Radius are in the ratio 7: 15.08
 Thus their areas are in the ratio: 49:227 approx.
There is a right angle triangle of side 6 & 8
and a hypoteneuse. One circle is incribed
into it. What is the radius of circle?
 Find hypoteneuse: 8^2 +6^2 = sqrt
(100) = 10
 Let us assume radius
 Of circle = X
 (8-x) + (6-X) = 10 8
 14-2x = 10
 2x = 4
 x = 2 ans. 6
In a cyclic quadrilateral the
opposite angles are always?
 Supplementary (when we add them,
the total will be 180 degree always).
What is the radius of a circle
circumscribing an equilateral triangle
of side 10?
 10/3^1/2
 =10/1.732
 =5.77 approx. ans.
What is the radius of a circle inscribed
an equilateral triangle of side 10?
 10/ (2*1.732)
 =2.88 ans.
A circle has 2 parallel chords of lengths 6 &
8 and are 1 cm apart and are on the same
side of centre. What is diameter of circle?
 let us try from options:
 If we take 10, radius is 5
 5^2 – 3^2 = 4^2
 5^2-4^2 = 3^2

 Thus the distance from centre to nearest chord is

3 & to the other chord is 4 and distance between
chords is 1 (condition met).
 Thus diameter is 10 ans.
How many jobs are there in media

Total (numbers) 1500

Media planning 13
Production 27
Creative design 26
Client Servicing 22
Others 12
Total (in %) 100
From the total vacancies, creative design &
client servicing jobs, each is reduced by 10%
to increase vacancies in media planning. How
many jobs are available in media planning
Total (numbers) 1500
Media planning 13
Production 27
Creative design 26
Client Servicing 22
Others 12
Total (in %) 100
 There are 195 jobs for media
planning. There are 390 jobs for
creative design and 330 jobs for
client servicing. When we reduce
these by 10% each, we are getting
39 and 33 jobs from these. Now total
jobs are 195+39+33 = 267 jobs.
How much is the average
production of rice, compared to
average production of sugar?
ton) Rice Sugar
2000-1 50 100
2001-2 75 125
2002-3 100 150
2003-4 125 175
2004-5 150 175
 Average production of sugar is 145
million tonnes, average production of
rice is 100 million tonnes. Thus
average production of rice is 69% of
that of sugar.
If production of sugar and rice in 2005-6 increases by
10% &12% respectively over their production in
2004-5, by what % will the combined production of
rice and sugar in 2005-6 be higher when compared
to previous year?
ton) Rice Sugar
2000-1 50 100
2001-2 75 125
2002-3 100 150
2003-4 125 175
2004-5 150 175
 Total production of rice and sugar
was 325 million tonnes in 2004-5. but
it will be 360.5 million tonnes in
2005-6 thus there will be increase of
What is the average production
fo sugar in ml. tonnes?
ton) Rice Sugar
2000-1 50 100
2001-2 75 125
2002-3 100 150
2003-4 125 175
2004-5 150 175
The table below gives details of
value of pearl exports from India to
various countries.
in $ million 2000 2004
US 4.25 6
UK 0.75 1.25
CHINA 1.5 2
germany 2.5 3.25
France 1.75 2.25
Italy 0.5 1.25
Switzerland 1.5 2.25
Total exports in 2008 is estimated
to be $15 million, what is the share
to the US.
in $ million 2000 2004
US 4.25 6
UK 0.75 1.25
CHINA 1.5 2
germany 2.5 3.25
France 1.75 2.25
Italy 0.5 1.25
Switzerland 1.5 2.25
 Withthe given information, this
question cannot be answered.
3456 is coded as ROPE, 15526
is coded as APPLE, how is
54613 coded?
 POEAR ans.
2 = P, 3 = N, 9=Q, 5=R, 4=A,
6=B, What is 599423?
 RQQAPN ans.
Gopi is shorter than Anil, but taller than Kamal.
Nalin is shorter than Kamal, Jayant is tller than
Nalin, Anil is taller than Jayant. Who is tallest?
 A>G>K/J>N
 Thus Anil is tallest.
A weighs twice B, B weighs 4.5 times C, C
weights ½ D, D weighs ½ E, E ‘s weight is less
than A but more than C. who is lightest?
 LetC=2
 B = 9, A = 18, D = 4, E = 8,
 Thus C is lightest.
ABCDE are typical Bikaneris and play cards.
At one point all had equal points. A lost and
his points were shared by all others equally.
Now B & C also lost and their points were
shared by others equally. In the last round D
also lost and now E had his points also. E now
had 200 points. How many points did B have
after A’s debacle?
 ABCDE all had 40 points each. A lost
and distributed points to BCDE – 10
each. Now all had 50 points each. B
& C lost and now DE had 100 each.
Finally E had 200 points.
 Answer is 50 points.
By mistake the signs are
misplaced, find out the correct
.5 -4-5*20+2/5*2(3-6)=0
 Correct answer (try from options)

 .5*4*5-20-2*5/2(3/6)=0 answer.
Find the missing value?
6 6 8

5 7 5

4 3 ?

120 126 320
Answer :
8 is the answer.
Find missing value?

5 6 7

3 4 5

9 10 11

345 460 ?
Answer :
 577 answer.
Find the missing value?

28 60 48

5 6 7

14 39 27

7? 16
'mechanical engineer,-we want you as our
supervisor." :—An advertisement by
company – which are / is valid assumptions?

 I. Mechanical engineers are

expected to be better performers
 'II. The-company needs supervisors.
 IInd assumption is valid assumption.
Even with the increase in the number of
sugar factories in India, we still continue to
import sugar.
Which is / are valid assumptions?

 I.The consumption of sugar per

capita has increased in India.

 II. Many of the factories are not in a

position to produce sugar to their
fullest capacity.
 An assumption is the fact which has
not been mentioned in the
statement, but it is assumed to be
true – and it is not an inference,
argument or conclusion.
 Thus first statement is an
assumption, but 2nd statement
cannot be an assumption.
Be humble even after being
victorious.- says a notice
which is valid assumption?
 I. Many people are humble after
being victorious.
 II. Generally people are not humble.

 Only 2nd statement is assumption –

that is why the notice says people to
be humble – otherwise there was no
need of such a notice.
Read the question and
 If the statement 'Some teachers are
not learned' is false, which of the
is false ?
 (a) All teachers are learned. (b)
Some learned beings are teachers.
 (c) Some teachers are learned. (d)
All learned beings are teachers.
 (e) None of these
Answer :
 None of these
Which conclusion is valid?
 Statements:
 1. All knowledge is good.
 2. All knowledge is difficult.
 Conclusions :
 (1) Some good things are difficult.
 (2) All difficult things are knowledge.
 (3)All good things are difficult.
 (4)Easy things are not knowledge.
 Statement no. 1 is valid.
At what time are the hands of
a clock together between 6 &
 30*60 /55
 =32.727 ans.
Rajesh went out between 5 & 6 and returned
between 6 & 7. He found that hand of the
clock had exactly changed places. When did
rajesh go out?
 27 minutes past 5 pm approx.
A man is facing south, he turns 135 degree
anticlock wise, then 180 degree clockwise.
Which direction is he facing now?
 South west.
A man is facing north-west. He turns 90
degree clockwise, then 135 degree
anticlockwise. Which direction is he facing?
 West
A man is facing north west. He turns 90
degree clockwise, then 180 anticlockwise,
then 90 degree in same direction. Which
direction is he facing now?
 South east (answer)
.333 of a number is .002 of
another. What is the ratio of
these 2 numbers?
 Let us take the common number to
be 300.
 First number .333X = 300
 X = 900
 2nd number .002 Y = 300
 Y = 300/.002 = 150000
 9:1500
 Or 3:500 ans.
Afterschoool conducts three year integrated
PGPSE (after class 12th along with IAS / CA /
CS) and 18 month PGPSE (Post Graduate
Programme in Social Entrepreneurship) along
with preparation for CS / CFP / CFA /CMA /
FRM. This course is also available online also. It
also conducts workshops on social
entrepreneurship in schools and colleges all over
India – start social entrepreneurship club in your
institution today with the help from afterschoool
and help us in developing society.
Why such a programme?
 To promote people to take up
entrepreneurship and help develop the
 To enable people to take up franchising
and other such options to start a business
/ social development project
 To enable people to take up social
development as their mission
 To enable people to promote spirituality
and positive thinking in the world
Who are our supporters?
 Afterschoolians, our past
beneficiaries, entrepreneurs and
social entrepreneurs are supporting
 You can also support us – not
necessarily by money – but by being
promotor of our concept and our
best programme for developing great
 Most flexible, adaptive but rigorous programme
 Available in distance learning mode
 Case study focused- latest cases
 Industry oriented practical curriculum
 Designed to make you entrepreneurs – not just an
 Option to take up part time job – so earn while
you learn
 The only absolutely free course on internet
Workshops from
 IIF, Delhi
 CIPS, Jaipur
 ICSI Hyderabad Branch
 Gyan Vihar, Jaipur
 Apex Institute of Management, Jaipur
 Aravali Institute of Management, Jodhpur
 Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneshwar
 Pacific Institute, Udaipur
 Engineering College, Hyderabad
Flexible Specialisations:
 Spiritualising business and society
 Rural development and transformation
 HRD and Education, Social Development
 NGO and voluntary work
 Investment analysis,microfinance and inclusion
 Retail sector
 Hospital management and Health care
 Hospitality sector and culture and heritage
 Other sectors of high growth, high technology and
social relevance
Salient features:
 The only programme of its kind (in the whole world)
 No publicity and low profile course
 For those who want to achieve success in life – not just a
 Indepth knowledge and expertise
 Professional approac: World class approach
 Strong intellectual and business capabilities
 Flexible – you may stay for a month and continue the rest
of the education by distance mode. / you may attend
weekend classes
 Scholarships for those from poor economic background
 Latest and constantly changing curriculum – keeping pace
with the time
 Placement for those who are interested
 Pedagogy curriculum and approach based on IIM Ahmedabad and
ISB Hyderabad (the founder is alumnus from IIMA & ISB
 Meditation, spiritualisation, and self development
 Essential softwares for business
 Business plan, Research projects
 Participation in conferences / seminars
 Workshops on leadership, team building etc.
 Written submissions of research projects/articles / papers
 Interview of entrepreneurs, writing biographies of entrepreneurs
 Editing of journals / newsletters
 Consultancy / research projects
 Assignments, communication skill workshops
 Participation in conferences and seminars
 Group discussions, mock interviews, self development diary
 Case analysis,
 Articles from Harvard Business Review
 Quiz, seminars, workshops, games,
 Visits to entrepreneurs and industrial visits
 Presentations, Latest audio-visuals
 Group discussions and group projects
 Periodic self assessment
 Mentoring and counselling
 Study exchange programme (with institutions out
of India)
 Rural development / Social welfare projects
 AFTERSCHOOOL will shortly open its
branches in important cities in India
including Delhi, Kota, Mumbai,
Gurgaon and other important cities.
Afterschooolians will be responsible
for managing and developing these
branches – and for promoting social
Case Studies
 We want to write case studies on
social entrepreneurs, first generation
entrepreneurs, ethical entrepreneurs.
Please help us in this process. Help
us to be in touch with entrepreneurs,
so that we may develop
Basic values at afterschoool
 Share to learn more
 Interact to develop yourself
 Fear is your worst enemy
 Make mistakes to learn
 Study & discuss in a group
 Criticism is the healthy route to mutual support
and help
 Ask fundamental questions : why, when, how &
 Embrace change – and compete with yourself
social entrepreneurship for
better society

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