Little Witch Leg Warmers

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Little Witch Legwarmers

Size: 6 - 18 months

Finished Length:
Approx: 23cm (9 inches)

Sport Weight Yarn
25grams MC (main colour) 25grams CC (contrast colour) set of 3.5mm doublepointed needles; and set of 4mm doublepointed needles

Stripe Pattern:
Knit 5 rounds CC Knit 5 rounds MC

With 3.5mm needles and MC cast on 36 sts. Join in the round being careful not to twist. Work 6 rounds K2, P2 ribbing. Change to 4mm needles and begin stripe pattern, at the same time increase one st at each end of 6th round 3 times (42sts). Continue in stripe pattern until you have completed 12 stripes (including ribbed cuff). You should end with a CC stripe. K 1 round MC increasing 1 st at each end of round. Work 5 rounds of K2, P2 ribbing. Cast off LOOSELY in ribbing.

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