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// usage:

// 0. source this code

// 1. first select the particle object
// 2. then select the instancer node (not the instanced geometry)
// 3. run km_randominstancerotation

global proc km_randominstancerotation()

//get selected particles
string $particleobject[] = `ls -sl`;
string $particleshape[] = `getshapes $particleobject[0]`;

//get instancer
string $instancer = $particleobject[1];

//add attributes needed for expression

addattr -ln rotmax -at double $particleshape;
setattr -e -keyable true ($particleshape[0]+ ".rotmax");

addattr -ln axispp -dt doublearray $particleshape;

setattr -e -keyable true ($particleshape[0]+ ".axispp");

addattr -ln rotpp -dt vectorarray $particleshape;

setattr -e -keyable true ($particleshape[0]+ ".rotpp");

addattr -ln rotmaxrandpp -dt doublearray $particleshape;

setattr -e -keyable true ($particleshape[0]+ ".rotmaxrandpp");

// creation expression

string $expressionc;
$expressionc = ($particleshape[0] + ".axispp = floor(rand(3)); \n");
$expressionc += ($particleshape[0]+ ".rotpp =
$expressionc += ($particleshape[0]+ ".rotmaxrandpp = rand( 0 - " +
$particleshape[0]+ ".rotmax," + $particleshape[0]+ ".rotmax)/1000;\n");
dynexpression -s $expressionc -c $particleshape[0];

// runtime expression
string $expressionr;
$expressionr = ("if (" + $particleshape[0]+ ".axispp == 0)\n");
$expressionr += ($particleshape[0] + ".rotpp = " +$particleshape[0]+ ".rotpp +
<<" + $particleshape[0] + ".rotmaxrandpp,0,0>>;\n");
$expressionr += ("else if (" + $particleshape[0] + ".axispp == 1)\n");
$expressionr += ($particleshape[0] + ".rotpp = " + $particleshape[0] + ".rotpp +
<< 0, " + $particleshape[0] + ".rotmaxrandpp, 0 >>;\n");
$expressionr += ("else\n");
$expressionr += ($particleshape[0] + ".rotpp = " + $particleshape[0]+ ".rotpp +
<< 0, 0, " + $particleshape[0] + ".rotmaxrandpp >>;" );

dynexpression -s $expressionr -rbd $particleshape[0];

// set correct rotation for instancer

particleinstancer -e -name $instancer -rotation rotpp $particleshape[0];

//getshapes gets the shaped of a selected transform
// (from bryans site)
proc string[] getshapes( string $xform )
string $shapes[];

$shapes[0] = $xform;

if ( "transform" == `nodetype $xform` )

// if given node is not a transform, assume it is a shape
// and pass it through
$shapes = `listrelatives -fullpath -shapes $xform`;

return $shapes;

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