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Beltline High School

Technology Use Plan 2010 - 2012

Evaluation Development Budget Cohesiveness Efficiency Strategy

Planning Team
Principal Assistant Principal Media Specialist Technology Coordinator Department Heads Student Representatives PTSA Members Voluntary Members

Process Description

Vision Statement
Beltline High School will prepare students to be effective learners in the 21st century and students will be skilled in the tools necessary to be successful in the digital age. By infusing technology and learning, students at Beltline will utilize computers, the Internet, and a variety of the latest technologies to enhance learning at all levels and develop skills needed to be successful in the digital age.

Access Implementation Support Training

Needs Assessment
Administrative Curricular Support Connectivity Innovation

-from the Technology Use Plan Primer by Peter H.R. Sibley and Chip Kimball

Staff Development
District Level School Level Peer Led Outside Training

Evaluation and Research

Evaluation every year Research must be constant to keep technology current Utilization of Maturity Model Benchmarks from the Technology Use Plan Primer by Peter H.R. Sibley and Chip Kimball

June/July - Select Team Members/Orientation Aug./Sept. - Assess Current Technology Oct./Nov. - Assess and Research Needs Dec./Jan. - Design and Produce Plan Feb./March - Publish, Review, Rewrite Plan April/May - Finalize Plan and Submit June Begin Implementation of Plan Following School Year Revise as needed

Guidebook for Developing an Effective Instructional Technology Plan retrieved from

Technology Use Plan Primer by Peter H.R. Sibley and Chip Kimball


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