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Buying a Coffee Maker

Assistant: Good Morning! How can I help you? Client # 1: Good Morning! Yes please, we would like to buy a coffee maker. Client # 2: What types do you have? Assistant: Well, we have all sort of coffee makers. What do you have in mind? Client # 1: My wife wants one just like the one she saw on TV, with the little things we put on it with coffee. You see??? Assistant: Yes, I know what you mean. With capsules system we have Nespresso and Dolce Gusto. Client # 2: What`s the difference between them? Assistant: Well, they both work with capsules, but the Dolce Gusto has more options than the Nespresso. Client # 1: What are the options? Assistant: Nespresso is specialized only in coffee, they have a large selections of capsules of different types of coffee, on the other hand with
ESCOLA PROFISSIONAL DA APRODAZ Rua dos Mercadores n 76, 9500-092 Ponta Delgada Telefone 296 285 461 Fax 296 285 463 E-mail:


Dolce Gusto, besides coffee, you also can make tea , cappuccino and hot chocolate. Client # 2: I want the one that George Clooney uses! Assistant: Oh! Thats the Nespresso. Client # 1: Yes, but first I need to know the price. Assistant: This model costs 150 . Client # 1: And what about the Dolce Gusto? Assistant: This one costs 79 . Client # 2: But I want the George Clooney one! Client # 1: Whatever! Do you take credit card? Assistant: Yes of course, you can pay over there on the cash desk. Client # 1: Here you are Assistant: Ok, thank you for shopping with us, Im sure you will be very pleased with your acquisition. Client # 1 and 2: Thank you, bye! Hlder Lima Marylene Medeiros Maura Silva
ESCOLA PROFISSIONAL DA APRODAZ Rua dos Mercadores n 76, 9500-092 Ponta Delgada Telefone 296 285 461 Fax 296 285 463 E-mail:

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