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Generic Lintar Ast- Order ODE ene “ ee In standacd Form, We have nna a a) aa ae fete) = F&) x (be) = Xo - _ TH FW)=S0, He probe is homogeneous 5 and we ehall see that solution is simple via separation. towenet, # FR) O | De Cae (eS US) inhomogeneous oC Foread | and $l) is often called +e Forcing . Even in nis case it is shtl reo t vseful +o consider He acsoctated homagensous Pprobuw— “he genera\ etructuce cf a solution +0 a is Hat tt contams 2 A unique parheulac solution Xp Ct) enor sansfies CY but not C2) © an undetermined constant TmeS non-zero hemegentous soluhon X44) (or ct) ) thot sanshes (2) but not AY. Mathemoh cally ; X(t) = Xple) * cx, Ce) and +ur constant ¢ 1s determined frome ne ininal condition . L Compare tis structure to our Finanw probem | proof: tlre ex] " Lhe] + cetlxi] Fa) + c°O Fle) Gre way of expressing His structure. 1S that “ ie must find He voique xXpG@) iF the proplem is Forud, but we are Free to add as much xX .@) as we hke,” (Yoink eon Chef >) This 1s Fortunate because in genecal , ne Xp) will not satisfy YW \nitial condction(s) | Hence, we need Ye x, Ce) in order +o satety pachealac solution Freedom to add We Tt. So we ford prosums. However , Key) wilh actually raed homeganeous solutions ever for we with also And Yor Knowidge of allow us to nd Xp). Hence Mae impockana of We associated homogenwouS probUny . Soluton of Homogentous Problems via Seperation, note that X=0 1S @ Solution +o He homayencoss probum. “this is called ax eo tre trial soluhon" and Rt ?P as i} does not interest us Consider Souhen via separation ax dx ~~ ew te <= pax rewrl eds dwik by X x ae 7 pe) ~ nregrorte over + (i% dt = -| pase +e@ orege xX at os chain rule jee BG { paver +e oa integral oF inkx) = = fewer se YAS ven simp Fy vodeterom ned constanr pe) = a constaaty Example} Pt) Sa This 1S &@ very COMMan\y encountered cesult + The homogeneous , Constant: coefficient, Lst order ODE hos solutton Memonte 4S Example ox . _ a (at7+41)x =O [& = [eee dt inl) = - (244) 4 © ~ (Pat) xO) = ce Example x + In@)x = 0 A : uz la) due dt Nave = -|ra at dus dat vet Example dx _ sin tt) 7 = a aoe x = ° X(to) = Xo ox = [sae at an Infxl = in Btw) ae t Tt in sin(t) a Kwe Xele = Bcaessio rman ae Hawing waastered 4ne search for homegengous ———Urti“C™~™C™—C—s—s™SC—C—CSCSCS He Full problem oe dx px = FO) Variohon of parameters IS a powerful technique Wror allows us to Find the partteular Solution \F we already Know Huw homayeneous Soluhan . We stat by wetting Xp) = UCD XY (z) Je, we are looking for a patheulac solutton owing ee Form 2), where UU) 1S unknown, Tsering (ato ye ie. aie) vole Xn + wx + P@Uxy = £le) ae But x, 4) sahsfies +he associated homogeneous equation, so wea oe * ror | - Oo. This leaves only xX, Gt) ae = FH de = FH) ak ner) uky = ee x, OY Hene, ly can be found by Simple integration , and “hus We con ieee ye into CZ) tO ObK ANN Xpary) . Note: assumphon (2) 1S non- restuetwve 2 any Function can be writtben in nat form + Hence, Vanaton of Pacamaters iS st a syntax has . 4 «o> ayn rick , a LrLrr—eS—S mutiplying By TV", oe + Q@X = 410 iy at x, = Ge xple) = uae — at de ~ ake + gue 2 sing) a = sine) a . we du od mS [ smede at + sind) = cos Ce) 4 [psiney at a = zxsmitve - cost eo - dew (+ z) 7 bsinG) - Arcos) at (+o? & =e ~ (+ a : sink) cos) \ (. ce) at+ il Exomple Ox ee dt * - f-tdt bets © ze* Mee € dl me Le xp) = uae e*™ ° v i a4 ut) = J ; (47) de ¢ Be" nee o | zee oa wee . [eet oe = -26~ (+4) = -2e%* “ ~de% 2 a ae ~ge? wae @) [ae Be de . ae duz2edt vee” -£t? ae? ett. frre a ae one - _ Tris ts Susy Oe va =< +e \ negate of OD, $2 He) hey Canal / xe = 4 | \* ce ox gt x = te feat 2 HA) = Ge = ce” 2 Xp(e) = ut) € : 2 a ae et + u[ ate -2te |: ef “we [eet de wet ve teh oe eat vetert 2 ua) = -dte* + yfeve * “tt Stee & ete) _ / \ a i oe itt x ef) is defind as + gt — { e ds ° Genecal Solution of Ast- order Unear ODE The genera\ 1S*- ardec linear ODE 1S de, pux = Fe) x ea) = Xo ve We used sepacation +o Find He homogentous solubon ~ J peee Kw) = ce we dun used Variation of Parameters to Bad Ahe pachwlac solution Xp) = UY xX, @) = EES dt wey amcey Combining ese, we obtain Wow general solutionL t ca it _ [pet - [pisres x)= e te [roe Bo de + Xe to en d CS LrLrFrr——r—EF x(o)= 1 Homogeneous _ Solution. fax. [2 es a pele In |x) = In [tz | +c Yate) = elb?+)) particnac Ue) (E240 Xp4) = \gee= raed ui= InGdzavy * So xe) = (atary[ ey +c] sential comBihon F x66) = aa[inadec}e ce! _—_—— x) = carina Gta) + ‘| Genera’ Solution VIA an Int cating Factor Toregrating Factors ace another matnod of manipulating a First-order linear ODE Into an integrable form. We mulhply He whole equatron by an vadetecmuued Functor ca)t oy & + FH) pG)x = oft t i) put one we could Wr o&) Be any ings partealar Chole guid be Convenient + iF (#) eile) = Tepe), Than Yee UNS 1s The exact darwate Sear | Gia We product cue y, and MEOH 5 gue)yx tt) = { carrey ee dt + sty Fer fe) cf Multiplication by gH) allows WS 10 dicectly integrate He ODE 5 lading fo Ws Oe ee integrating Factor . T+ is obtained by solving Ce), a Is homogeneovs and +hye fore sepevable + Cr Geis THY pe) dr = e {es = [peree * = f peret 4 © In|el = aca cre ee So oe) is simply _ 4 and ~ (payee or xa)o 2 Se | Be F(4) dt XC i@, wre genecal solution. This meyod 1S more compact han First solving shanty Us ons he homogeneous Probes and Hon Varianon of parameters . However, We will see Shor it only works for Thorder OPES. axe Se € de x Oxe= = ot +t : ax 2 rit) aw Erle) x sta -t0%) dr _ -Lde a = € infol =~ intel te ot) = bt cat f fie | Note: X,@) = @ = i Int) © i se = ct - + get) 4,4) am 2 ¢ ee Gai aenemitom, | 4 appears multiplying | ne po Udi | be expected to couse | prosums if t=O. | tndecd, we seethat S all Solutions mush pess Mrougn x= O53 hent, dn won-BeCO inital Condition cannot be LL speatied lure.

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