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���ǵ��� ��ʷ�� ��
this is dennis smith. *��绰 ʱ����this is...����My name is...��
this is dennis smith speaking.
hello, john? *����������֮�
ι�� �����ǵ��� ��ʷ������ ?
is this mr. dennis smith?
is this the finance department?
�����Ǽ�ķ������ҽ��İ 칫����?
is this dr. jim baker's office?
ܽ һ����ĵ 绰��?

do you mind if i use your phone? *��仰ֱ���ǡ��������һ����ĵ 绰���������?������� � �


do you mind if i use your phone? (������

ܽ һ����ĵ 绰��?)
no, please go ahead. (��� ����ðɡ�)
may i speak to mr. sato?
may i speak with mr. sato?
i'd like to speak to mr. sato, please.
is mr. sato there, please?
mr. sato, please. *������ � ��������ʧ� ����� �����ж������á�
let me talk to mr. sato, please. *���� �е�ֱ̫�����˶���������һ� �á�
is mark there? *������֮� ����֮��ͱ

Ƚ���Ϥ����֮��Ƚ����� ������������ò��á�

�� �����ô��� ������绰��

i'm sorry for calling you this late. *�����糿�Ļ���late����early��

i hope i'm not disturbing you. *disturb������(��Ϣ� ���)����
i hope i'm not keeping you.
�� û������
i hope i didn't wake you up.
i hope i didn't wake you up. (�� û������)
no, you didn't. (û�У���û�����ҡ�)
���м���Ҫ�Ұ �����
it is urgent i talk to mr. barr now.
i need to get in contact with mr. barr right away. *get in contact
with...���͡��� ��j ����
i need to talk to mr. barr immediately.
i'm calling about tomorrow's meeting.
i'm returning your call.
i'm calling you back.
��ӵ 绰
hello. *Ӣ���нӵ 绰������ ��hello����
hello. (ι!)
oh, hello. is mark there? (��������?)
� ��Ҿ��ǡ�
speaking. *�Է�Ҫ�ҵĸպ����Լ��������� �Ҿ��ǡ��‫�ش‬
this is he. *Ů���á�this is she����
this is mr. sato speaking. (� ��������١�)
this is. *�е����Ӳ�ĸо�
it's me. *���������� �� �dz����ܵij��ϡ�
abc����ѧ ������ʲô��?
abc business college, may i help you? *�� � �����ӵ 绰 ʱ��һ�� �ʽ����� � �ӵ 绰

ʱֻ�� ��hello����
thank you for calling abc business college.
can i help you?
who's calling, please?
who's speaking, please?
who is this, please?
may i ask who's calling?
who should i say is calling?
��������λ�ӵ 绰?

who in particular would you like to talk to? *in particular���‫������ ر‬䡱��

��һֱ�‫���ڵ‬ĵ 绰��

he's been expecting your call. * he's��he has��ʡ����ʽ��expect������ϣ��‫ص‬ȴ�

which suzuki do you want to talk to?
there are three suzukis here.
ܹ ‫?���ٴ‬
would you mind calling back later?
could you call back later?
��103 ‫��ת‬

extension 103, please. *extension���ӳ������������ʾ���ֻ�绰����

may i have extension 103?
could i have extension number 103?
please connect me with extension 103.
would you transfer this call to extension 103?
i'll connect you to extension 103.
i'm transferring your call to extension 103.
��� �һ�¡�
hold on, please. *hold on���ȴ�
may i speak to mr. smith? (����ʷ�� ����)
hold on, please. (��� �)
one moment, please.
just a moment, please.
hold the line, please.
just a second, please.
������ӵ 绰��

i'll put him on. * put...on���á����ӵ 绰����

i'll connect you. (�ѵ 绰 ‫�ת‬Ӹ��㡣) *connect��l�ӡ���

�Ұѵ 绰����ӹ�ȥ��
i'll transfer your call.
i'll put you through.
�Ұѵ 绰 ‫�����ת‬ˡ�

i'll get your party for you. *party ���ǡ��‫�ָ���� ۻ‬ӵ 绰�Ķ���
let me transfer this call for you.
i'm transferring your call to the person in charge.
�Ұ���ĵ 绰�ӵ�Ӫҵ��ȥ��
i'm transferring your call to the sales department.
�DZ�� �4�ģ����1��� �
mr. peck is on line one.
mr. peck for you. he's on line one.
pick up line one. it's mr. peck.
abc�� ��<����ĵ 绰��
you have a call from mr. miller of abc.
there's a call from mr. miller of abc.
mr. miller of abc is on the line.
��Ҫ�ҵ���4�ӵ 绰�ˡ�

your party is on the line. *ͨ��绰����̨�Ľ���Աʱ������Ա��ͨ�绰���õı�﷽ʽ��

your party is on the line. (��Ҫ�ҵ���4�ӵ 绰�ˡ�)

thank you. (лл��)

��� ��ӵ 绰 ʱ

�����‫ڽ‬ӵ 绰��

her line is busy now. *busy��ʾ�����‫�ڴ‬绰�������ǡ�æ����

sorry, her line is busy now. (� ��������‫�ڴ‬绰��)

alright. i'll try again later. (�õġ����ҹ�һ����‫)�ٴ‬

she's on another line now.
ms. kane is talking to someone else now. (�����������‫�ڴ‬绰��)
i'm afraid she's on the other line now.
� ����������Ѳ����
i'm sorry, she's tied up at the moment. *tied up ��æ�ò��ܽӵ 绰����

� ��������‫ڽ‬Ӵ���ˡ�
i'm sorry, she has company at this time. *company
���ˡ��� ����� ����ʾ�����ѡ�����4�͡���
�� ������?
would you like to hold? *hold���á�������‫�����������ס‬ҵ 绰���š���
would you like to hold? (�� ������?)
no, i'll call back later. thanks. (�����ˣ��������‫�ٴ‬ɡ�лл��)
would you like to stay on the line?
can you hold the line, please?
would you like to hold on?
wanna hold? (�ܵ ����?) *ֻ�������ѻ����ˣ������в���ʹ�á�wanna...��do you want


he's away from his desk now.
���‫�����ڹ� �������ڲڲڲڲ‬λ�ϡ�
he's in but he's not at his desk right now.
� ������ȥ�ˡ�
i'm sorry, he's not in right now.
is john there, please? (����Լ������?)
i'm sorry, he's not in right now. (� ������ȥ�ˡ�)
he's not in.
he's out now.
he's not here now.(�����‫)������ڲ‬
he's out of the office right now.
ܻ 4?
when is he coming back?
when do you expect him back?
what time do you think he'll be back?
����10��� ��4��
he should be back in ten minutes. *in ָ�IJ��ǡ����‫������ڡ‬ǡ�����֮� ������ǡ�10���
��� ��
he should be back in the office next week.
���‫� ��¸����ڡ‬
he's on vacation until next week.
���绰 4 ���ˡ�

he called in sick today. *call in sick ��ϰ����� ����绰� �١���

he's out of town now.
�����‫��ڳ‬緹 ȥ�ˡ�

he's out to lunch now. *out to lunch ����� �����‫���ݡ‬

he's in a meeting right now.
he's off today. *ֻ��off� ��

����� ���������
ܹ 4�‫?��ٴ‬
could you call back later?
would you call again later?
would you mind calling back later?
��10��� ��‫�ٴ‬

please call me back in ten minutes. *in��ʾ�������‫���� �������� ������ڵ‬Ҫ�‫�ر‬ǿ���

‫�����ڡ‬ʱ��֮�‫��ڡ‬Ļ�����within����ʾ�‫�ڡ‬ijʱ��� ���after��

would you call me back in ten minutes, if you don't mind? (����10����� ��4�‫)?��ٴ‬

would you call me back in ten minutes if possible? (������

ܲ 10����� ��4�‫)?ٴ‬
may i take a message?
may i take a message? (��Ҫ����������?)
no, thank you. (�����ˣ�лл��)
is there any message?
would you like to leave a message?
shall i take a message?
could i take a message?
do you have any message?
may i take a message?
i'll try again later.
i'll call back later.
i'll call again in an hour. (һ��Сʱ�����4�‫)��ٴ‬
can i leave a message?
ܸ ʷ�� ������������?)
can i leave mr. smith a message? (��

�Ҹ����绰�ˣ����� � �
i called but your line was busy.
i called but your line was engaged. *ӢʽӢ�
would you tell him that lynn kane called?
please tell him to call lynn kane. (��������ֶ�����绰��)

��‫����������ת‬һ ‫�ظ‬绰��
please tell him to call me.
please ask him to call me.
please have him call me back. (��������Ҵ�绰��)
������j ��?
how can he get a hold of you?
how can he get in touch with you?
how can he get in contact with you?
���������ĵ 绰���
your number, please?
your number, please? (���������ĵ 绰��� )

my number is 1234-1234. (�ҵĵ 绰������1234-1234��)

what's your number?
may i have your number?
could i have your number?
�ҵĵ 绰������1234-1234��
my number is 1234-1234.
��6����ǰ��1234-1234����j ��
you can reach me at 1234-1234 until six o'clock. *reach���绰 j ����

���� ��һ�µ 绰��� 1234-1234������?

let me repeat the number. that's 1234-1234.
the number is 1234-1234. right? (������1234-1234������?)
ok. i'll tell him that you called.
i'll give him your message. (�ҽ�‫����ת‬Ŀ��š�)
how do you spell your name?
could you spell your name, please?
would you please spell your name?
could you spell that? (����ƴһ�����������?)
����ʱ��ʷ�� �������4�绰�ˡ�
mr. smith called you during the meeting.
i'll have him call you back.
i'll tell him to call you back.
i'll ask him to call you back.
�Dz����������‫ص‬绰 ѽ?
shall i have him call you back?
shall i have him call you when he gets back? (���4���������‫ص‬绰��?)
would you like him to call you back?
want him to call you back? *��do you want him to call you back?
�Ŀ���������ʽ���Ƚ����� ����

��Ҷ 绰


thanks for calling. *�‫ڽ‬ӵ�� ��绰 ʱ������øþ����绰��ʾ��ò��

so, i'll see you tomorrow. (�ǣ������)
thanks for calling. (лл���4�绰��)
thank you for your call.
well, i have to get going. (�ǣ��ҵùҵ 绰�ˡ�)

thank you for your call. (лл��4�绰��)

please call again anytime.
�ҵùҵ 绰�ˡ�

i'd better get off the phone. *get off the phone �ǡ���� 绰���Ĺ̶�˵����

�ҵùҵ 绰�ˡ�
i have to go now.
i have to get going.
�Ҹùҵ 绰�ˡ�

i guess i'd better get going. *guess���롱��get going����� 绰����

ܸ ͨ� ����ҷdz����ˣ��‫�ټ‬
nice talking to you. bye.
��ҵ 绰�ɡ�

please hang up the phone. *���Ҷ 绰����hang up,������cut��

please put down the receiver.
would you please get off the phone? (�����
ܹ 绰��?)

i was cut off.
i was disconnected.
�һ�û ���‫Ͱ���أ‬ѵ 绰�����ˡ�
she hung up on me. *hung ��hang�Ĺ�ȥʽ��
she hung up before i finished.
the phone went dead.
лл����һ ‫ص‬绰��
thank you for returning my call.
thank you for calling me back.



i'm afraid you have the wrong number. *wrong����ġ�������� ġ���wrong number����ĵ 绰


ܴ 绰�ˡ�)
i'm afraid you have the wrong number. (������
oh, sorry for troubling you. (Ŷ���Բ�� ������ˡ�)
i'm sorry, you've got the wrong number.
��ĵ 绰�����Ƕ���?
what number are you calling?
what number are you trying to reach?
who would you like to talk to?
who do you want to talk to?
who are you calling?
who are you trying to reach?
���û���� ������ˡ�
there's no one here by that name.
there's nobody here by that name.
���ǹ� û�нб�������� ġ�
there's no bob hope in this office.
there's nobody named bob hope here. (���û�нб�������� ġ�)
� ����Һ������ˡ�
i'm sorry. i must have misdialed. *�����Լ����绰 ʱ��
i'm afraid i have the wrong number.

���Ǽ�� � � ���뾡�����j�硣
this is gary mills calling. please call me as soon as possible.
����abc�� �ļ�� �4�����˹� ����һ ‫ص‬绰���ҵĵ 绰������1234-1234��
this is gary mills of abc. please call me when you get home. my number is 1234-
���ǵ 绰 ¼��
this is a recording. *¼����еĹ̶�˵����

���� ��һ�����?
please speak a little more slowly.
would you slow down, please?
i can't hear you very well.
are you free tomorrow? (�������?)
i can't hear you very well. (��������)
i can barely hear you. (��һ������)
i'm having trouble hearing you. (����̫����)
�绰� �����ë����
we have a bad connection.
this is a really bad line.
could you speak up, please?
please speak a little louder.
would you speak up a little, please?
the lines are crossed. *line ��ָtelephone line "�绰��"��cross "����"��"����"��
the lines must be crossed. (� ��Ǵ����ˡ�)
� �������õ��ˡ�
i'm sorry to have kept you waiting.
i'm sorry to have kept you waiting. (� �������õ��ˡ�)
that's okay. (û�� ��)
i'm sorry for the delay. (� �����4���ˡ�)
sorry to have kept you waiting. (��Ǹ������õ��ˡ�)
thank you for waiting.
����ҵĵ 绰�����Ǵ�ġ�
you gave me the wrong number.
the number you gave me was wrong.

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