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���� ��ʲô?
what would you like to drink?
what would you like to drink? (���� ��ʲô?)
well, what do you have? (�������ʲô?)
anything to drink? (���ʲô��?)
��4һ����� �
coffee, please.
with sugar and cream? *cream ��ţ�̡����‫�ش‬Ҫ����yes, please������Ҫ����no, thank

you.�� �‫���ظ���ش‬һ����ò��

�����Ҫţ� ��Ҫ��?
what would you like for dinner, beef or fish?
beef or fish for dinner?
which would you like, beef or fish?
beef, please.
have you finished?
are you through?
no, not yet.
may i clear the table? *clear �С���ʰ�; �����˼��
may i clear the plates off the table?
clear the table, please.
clear the table, please. (������ʰһ�����Ӱɡ�)
yes, sir. (�õġ�)
ܸ ұ�ˮ��?
can i have some water?
ܸ ҵ��ȵ���?
can i have something to drink?
a blanket, please.
�Ҿ����/� �
i feel cold/hot.
i feel cold. (�Ҿ��� )
i'll turn on the heater.(��ȥ�ѿ � �)
i feel sick.
i'm not feeling well.
ܸ ҵ��ҩ��?
can i have some medicine?
ܸ ô�����ű���?

could you tell me how to fill out this form? *fill out �ǡ�(�‫ڿ‬հ‫׵‬ĵ

may i help you? (������?)
could you tell me how to fill out this form? (����������
ܸ ô�����ű���?)
how do i fill out this form? (���ű���ô��?)
can you help me with this form? (�����������
ܰ ű����?)

���ʾ��Ļ�� �
may i see your passport, please?
may i see your passport, please? (���ʾ��Ļ�� �)
here it is. (��)
�����9� �� ʱ��?
how long will you be staying in the united states?
how long will you be staying in the united states? (�����9� �� ʱ��?)

i plan to stay for a week. (�Ҽƻ���һ�����‫)�ڡ‬

what's the purpose of your visit?
what brought you here?
why are you here?��*���� ����� ���ò�ĸо�
i'm here on business.
����4� ‫ٵ‬ġ�
i'm here on vacation.
i'm vacationing.
where are you staying?
where are you staying? (��۴����‫���ס‬Ķ�?)

i'm staying at the benson hotel. (��‫�ס�ڱ‬ɭ��� )

do you have anything to declare?
do you have anything to declare? (��ʲô��Ҫ���‫)?���ص‬
no, i don't. (û�С�)
anything to declare? *������������ʡ�� ����
at the washington hotel.
���� ����ֽ�?
how much money do you have?
����400�=��10���� ��
four hundred dollars and one hundred thousand yen.
okay. have a nice stay.
okay. have a nice trip.
i can't find my baggage.
i can't find my baggage. (���Ҳ��������ˡ�)
what does it look like? (ʲô�������?)
please check it immediately.
please check it right away.
please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as you have located it.
please deliver my baggage to my hotel as soon as you find it.
i'd like to reconfirm my flight. *reconfirm ��ʾ������ �ϡ���
� ���� � �Ĺ�̨���Ķ�?
where is the japan airlines counter?
where is the boarding gate?
what time do you start boarding?
has this flight begun boarding?
have they begun boarding this flight?
what time will we arrive in tokyo?
what time will we arrive in tokyo? (���㵽����?)
in about two hours. (���}���Сʱ� �����)

���������п �����?
is there a room available for tonight?
is there a room available for tonight? (���������п �����?)
no, all the rooms are booked for tonight. (û���ˣ���������ȫ�������ˡ�)
do you have a room for tonight?
�� ����һ��
i reserved a room for tonight.
check in, please.
i'd like to check in.
take my baggage, please.
�����809����� �‫�ס‬

i'd like a key to room 809, please. *�����‫�� ̨���ڷ‬ʱ��

i'd like to leave my room key, please. *�� ��ʱ��
where is the dining room?
���� ��?
what time does the dining room open?
what time can i have breakfast?
where can i get some beer?
where can i get some beer? (�����Ķ������ơ��?)
there's a liquor store across the street. (�ֶ����и���Ƶ��̵ )
where can i buy some beer?
�ҿ�� ѹ�����Ʒ�������?
can you keep my valuables?
������� �����=�
yen to dollars, please.
i'd like to exchange yen to dollars, please.
cash, please.
i'd like to cash this, please. *� ���ò�� ����
would you cash this, please? (�鷳����һ�һ���ֽ�)

ܸ һ����ֽ���?)
could you cash this, please? (�����

ܰ Ұ�����֧Ʊ�����ֽ���?
could you cash this traveler's check (for me)?
would you cash these traveler's checks? (��������¡�)
can you change these traveler's checks? (��������¡�)
����Ұ���100�� ����5��20�� �ġ�
would you exchange this one hundred dollar bill with five twenties?
��� � ������?
does anyone speak japanese?
does anyone speak japanese? (��� � ������?)
no, i'm afraid not. (����û�С�)
are there any messages for me?
are there any messages for me? (�и��ҵ�������?)
yes, mr. brown called. (�У���������4��绰��)
�Ұ�� �����
check out, please.
i'd like to check out.
�����ҷ���� �‫�ס‬
here's my room key.
��û�õ 绰��
i didn't make any phone calls.
�������� ���
here's your bill.
here's your check.
ܰ ҽ�һ~��� ��?
could you call a taxi for me?
call me a taxi, please.
hail a taxi, please.
taxi, please.
can you get me a taxi, please?

�� �����
���ṩ� �����
room service, please.
a wake-up call, please.
a wake-up call at seven tomorrow morning, please. (�������糿 7��� ����ҡ�)
certainly, ma'am. (�õġ�)
i'd like a wake-up call, please.
may i have a wake-up call? (�糿��������
ܽ ?)
�ҿ�� �һ�´������?
can i borrow a hair dryer? *borrow�����롱��
����һ�� �
please bring me a pot of coffee.
please bring me a pot of coffee. (����һ�� �)
how many cups would you like? (��Ҫ������?)
���ṩ �·���
laundry service, please. *laundry �� �¡���
when will it be ready?
when will it be ready? (ʲôʱ����Ū��?)
tomorrow morning at ten. (��������10�㡣)

your room number, please.
this is room 501. *501�� ����five o one��
come in.

there is no hot water.
there is no hot water. (û����ˮ��)
are you sure about that? (�� �û����?)
the room next door is noisy.
������Ҫһ�ѷ��� ����?
could i possibly have another room key? *��Ϊ��possibly������ʹ�� ������ò��
could i please have another room key?
may i have another room key?
is it all right if i have another room key?
would it be possible for me to have another room key?
i'd like to have another key, if that's okay. (����� Ļ���������Ҫһ�ѷ���� �‫)�ס‬

�Ұ� �����‫������ڷ‬ˡ�
i locked myself out.
i locked myself out.(�Ұ� �����‫������ڷ‬ˡ�)
may i have your name, please. (����������ʲô����?)
i left my key inside my room.
i forgot my key inside my room. (�Ұ� �����������ˡ�)
i'm locked out. ������һ���i locked myself out��������Щ�� ��i locked myself
outֻ��ʾ� ��� �����‫������ڷ‬ˣ���I'm locked out�����б����������������˼��


the tv doesn't work in my room. *��� ��������豸���ˣ�����ʹ��ʱ��������...doesn't

������� �����һ�¶���?
could you send someone to fix it? *��fix4��ʾ����� ��

���λ���� 4һ�¡�
could you send someone up?
ܽ һλ���� 4һ����?)
could you send someone up? (����
what seems to be the problem, sir? (��ʲô����?����?)


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