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������һλ�ձ�� ��롣

i'd like to have a japanese interpreter. *interpreter ���� ���롱��

�Ҳ��� Ӣ�
i can't speak english.
no english! (��Ӣ�IJ��С�)
�ҵ�Ӣ�̫ �á�
my english isn't good enough.
�밲��һλ�� ������ �
a japanese-speaking person, please.
���� һ�顣
pardon me?
aren't you john? (� ��Լ����?)
pardon me? (ʲô?����˵һ��?)
excuse me?
i beg your pardon?
could you repeat that?
what did you say?
������һ��� ��?
would you slow down, please?
please say it more slowly.
��������һλ�� ����ĵ��Ρ�
i'd like a japanese-speaking guide, please.
what can i do for you? (����ʲô��?)
i'd like a japanese-speaking guide, please. (��������һλ�� ����ĵ��Ρ�)
i want a japanese-speaking guide.
�л� ���������?
does anyone speak japanese? *��� ��‫���ڵ‬Ӣ�ı���Լ��� ������ ��
does anyone here speak japanese?
is there a japanese speaker here?
i can't make myself understood. *make oneself understood
��ʾ��(�������)����Լ����� ���ñ�������Լ��ĸо��
i can't get my point across.
i can't get through to him. (�‫)� �������ס‬

�Ҳ�֪������Ӣ����ô ��
i don't know how to say it in english.
i don't know it in english.
i can't express it in english. (�Ҳ�����Ӣ�ı� )
�����еġ���� ��Ӣ����
�� ô ?
how do you say ��giri�� in english?
how do you say ��giri�� in english? (�����еġ���� �
� ô ?)
you say, ��obligation��.(��Ӣ����obligation. what's ��giri�� in english?
how should i say��giri��in english?
how can i express��giri��in english?
what's the english word for��giri��?
what do you call this in english?

call the police!
call the police! (�о��졣)
sure thing! (�ıġ�)
please call for help! (���� ���)
�ҵİ� � �
i had my bag stolen.
my bag was stolen.
somebody stole my bag.
�Ҹø��� ?
who should i report it to?
where is the lost and found?
What kind of bag?
what kind of bag was it?
what was in it?
how much was in it?
�����ҵ�������j �ġ�
we'll call you if we find it.
we'll contact you when we find it.
could you fill out this form? *fill out��ʾ�‫ڿ‬հ‫���״‬д��formΪ���� �
please fill out this form.
please give me a report on the theft. *theft ��� ��� �a���
please fill out a report on the theft.
where is the japanese embassy?
�ҵĻ��ն�� �
i lost my passport.
my passport is missing.
i can't find my passport. (���Ҳ����ҵĻ���� �)
i've misplaced my passport. (����� ѻ��շŵ��Ķ��ˡ�)
����л� ���������?
does anyone here speak japanese?
ܲ һ����?
can i get it reissued?
�� ���ҵĿ��š�
please cancel my card number.
what should i do?
what should i do? (�Ҹ���ô��?)
you should ask the man over there. (���ȥ�����DZ��Ǹ�� �)
what do i need to do?

it's an emergency!
please call a doctor.
help! *����ʲô��Ľ�����¶������á�
help! (����!)
what happened? (���)
somebody! (4�� !)
help me! (�����!)
С !
thief! *��С ����� ��������ĺ���4������Χ� �‫�ע‬⡣

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