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what's today's date?
fill out the form. (�������ű )
what's today's date? (���켸��?)
it's the tenth. (����10�š�)
what date is it today?
what's the date?
what's the date today?
8��13� �
it's august thirteenth. *��ʾ���
it's the thirteenth of august.

what day is it? *what's today's date? ��ʾ�ʼ��ţ�what day is it? ��ʾ�����‫���ڼ‬

what day is it? (�������‫)?�ڼ‬

it's friday. (�����塣)

it's thursday.

do you have the time? *��ʱ��ʱ��‫��ס‬timeǰ��the��

what time is it now?
have you got the time?
what time have you got?
may i ask the time? (�ҿ����������‫)?�����ڼ‬

could you tell me what time is it now? (�����������

ܸ ‫)?�����ڼ‬

it's almost noon. *ҹ�������midnight��
it's one o'clock.
it's a quarter to two. *a quarter
���ķ�֮һ����˼���������60���ӵ��ķ�֮һ����˼����15���ӡ���� �����to�

DZ�ʾ����ǰ������˼��������15��2� ��
it's 1��45./it's one forty-five.
it's a quarter of two.
it's a quarter till two.
it's five after one.
it's five past one.
it's five minutes after one o'clock.
the clock says 3��15 (three fifteen).
it's 3��15.(����3��15�֡�)
my watch says 3��15. *watch���ֱ ��

it's a quarter after three.
it's a quarter past three.
it's ten to two.
it's 1��50 (one fifty).
it's nine thirty.
it's half past nine.

the clock is five minutes slow.
the clock is five minutes slow. (��ֻ����5���ӡ�)
thanks for telling me. (лл������ҡ�)
the clock is five minutes behind.
the clock is five minutes fast. (�DZ��5���ӡ�)
well, time to go.
well, it's time to leave now.
�� ʲôʱ��?
about when?
�� ����?
about what time?
how's the time? *���������ij� �����ѯ�ʡ�ʱ����ô��?4�ü���?��
how are we doing for time?
what's the time like? (ʱ����ô��?)
i have no time.
i'm really busy now. (��������ĺ�æ��)
i don't have time.
i haven't got time.
i don't have any time.
you must wait for five more days.
five more days to go. (�5�‫��ٵ‬ɡ�)

only five days left. (ֻʣ��5���ˡ�)

what is taking so long?
why is it so time-consuming?
i wasted a whole day.
i wasted my whole day (away).
time has come.
time is money. *��ʾ��ʱ� � ����
time is golden.
time is precious.
�ҿ���}��Сʱ�ĵ���� �ʱ�
i killed two hours watching tv.
time is up.
there's no time left.
do you have some free time?
are you free now?
are you available now?
�ҿ�ʱ�� ���ˡ�
it's about time. *about time ��ʾ�����‫�������ڡ‬ò ���ˡ���

ܰ ʡʱ�
computers save us time.
computers are efficient.

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