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do you understand? *��һ��� ����
do you understand? (����?)
i understand. (���ˡ�)
understood? *�ȿ�����������Ҳ�������‫�ڻش‬

you have to improve. understood? (��������� ������?)

understood. (�����!)
do you understand?
is that clear?
is that clear? (������?)
it's clear. (���ˡ�)
��� ������?
get the picture? *�����picture��� ���Ƭ������� �̬‫���������̬��������������״‬do you get
the picture��������ʽ��
did you grasp the overall situation?
� �� ���� ��?
do you know what i mean?
do you know what i mean? (� �� ���� ��?)
i think so. (����������ˡ�)
you know what i mean?
are you following me?
do you get my drift?
are you listening to me? *���������ȷ�϶ �� ���‫�����ע‬Լ�������‫����������ע‬ö���hear��
are you paying attention?
� ֪����?
are you blind? *blind
� �������ġ�����äĿ�ġ��� �������������ʾ��� �û��������֪�!����� ��
it's a great deal. (���� ʴ�����)
are you blind? (� ֪����?)
can't you see?
what's the matter with you?
������� ���� �ɡ�
you know what i'm talking about. *���Լ��� ��ij������ȷ�϶
�� ����ʱʹ� Է� Ƿ á
you know what i mean.
don't play stupid. *������� ����
�������� ��?
i said that, didn't i? *��that�����Լ��� �Ļ�����������
���ȷ�ϡ� Է
i said that, didn't i?
that's okay.
did i repeat myself?
do you know that?
do you know about that?
do you happen to know...?
tom, do you happen to know mary's phone number? (��ķ�� ������֪������ĵ 绰�����?)

yes, i do. (�ǵģ���֪�!�)

� � �4��
i can't tell the difference.
i can't tell.
can you hear me? *��������������������
ܳ ����ʱ����ʱ�ġ���ֻ����hear��������listen to��

can you hear me? (����ü���?)

loud and clear. (�������
ܴ ú�����)
������� ������?
did you hear me?

�� ��
i understand. *������ˡ���
i can't go today. (�����Ҳ���ȥ��)
i understand. (֪���ˡ�)
i don't understand. (������ )
i get it.
see? *see ����‫���!�֪�����ס‬
do you see?
do you understand?
do you get it?
i understand very well.
do you understand? (�������?)
i understand very well. (��ȫ��‫)�ס‬
����� ��ˡ�
i think i understand.
������� ���ˡ�
i see what you mean.
i know that too well.
���������� ��
i see your point.
i think we need to expand. (������� �����) ��)
i see your point. (���������� ��)
i see what you mean.
i understand what you mean.
that makes sense.
i get the point.

i get it. *������ ��� �����顣��н���㡣

if you change this, it will work. (�����ı�һ���������������ˡ�)
i get it. (�‫�����������ޣ‬ˡ�)

i don't get it. (�һ�� ���‫)�ס‬

���� 4����ô���¡�
i got it. *���� ����
you see? (�������?)
i got it. (���� 4����ô���¡�)
i see.

i know that much! *��ʾ������¶���֪�#����� �ɵ�ϡ���

that solves it. *�‫���ָ� ڶ‬£���� ���ʵ�����ȫ���
i left because i didn't feel well. (��Ϊ�������һ�ȥ�ˡ�)
that solves it. ( 4������!)
well, that solves that.
that's that. *�Ƚ������ ����

all right, all right. i understand. *��� ����������ʱ�Ļ ‫�ش‬

you have to change your attitude. (��øı����̬�ȡ�)
all right, all right. i understand. (�ðɣ��ðɣ���֪���ˡ�)

i know. *��ʾ������ ���� ��Һ�������
l.a. is in california. (��ɼ��‫)�ڼ��������ݡ‬

i know. (��֪��ѽ��)
i know that.
i know it.
i didn't know. (����ô��֪�!�)
i know that person.
i'm acquainted with that person.
� ����
i know him by sight. *know... by sight ��֪�#�����桱��
do you know that man? (����ʶ�Ǹ�����?)
no, but i know him by sight. (����ʶ����� ����)
�ţ����� �ˡ�
yeah, i heard about it.
jeff got married. (�����
ܷ ˡ�)
yeah, i heard about it. (�������� �ˡ�)
yeah, someone told me.
yes, i've been told.
yeah, i know.

i hear you. *� ��� �������ʾ��֪���ˡ��������ˡ���

we have to work harder. (���ǵø��Ŭf�‫����ع‬ˡ�)

i hear you. (�������‫�ء‬/��֪���ˡ�)

yes, i understand.
i'm following you. *�� ���һ�α�ʾ��� ��ˡ���
so, do you get it? (������������?)
i'm following you. (����ˡ�)
i'm with you.
i'm following.
i'm not following you. (�Ҳ��������� ��)

makes sense. *��Ϊ��������顰�е��

he got fired because he was lazy. (����Ϊ�c��ű�����ˡ�)
) sense. ( ���� )
that makes sense.
makes sense to me.
you're making sense.
that doesn't make sense. (��Ҳ̫����ˡ�)


i don't understand.
i can't tell you. (�Ҳ������
ܸ 㡣)

i don't understand. (�Ҳ�֪����ʲô�¡�)

i'm not following.
i don't get it. *�Ƚ����� ����
i'm confused.
i get it. /i understand. (����ˡ�)
i don't really understand.
i don't understand very well.
that's not clear. *����� ��� ������ʱ��
so, was he the thief? (��ô �����Ǹ�С͵?)
that's not clear. (� �̫����)
�Ҳ�������� ʲô��
i can't see your point. *��ʾ���Ҳ� ������ �ģ��Ҳ������Ϊʲô������ ����
we should do this first. (��������Ӧ�������)
i can't see your point. (�Ҳ�������� ʲô��)
i don't see where you're coming from.
i don't see your point.
�Ҳ��������� ��
i can't understand what you mean.
i can't see what you mean.
i don't understand what you're trying to say.
i don't get your drift.
��Ū�������� ʲô��
i'm not sure what you mean.
that's how you do it. (����Ӧ��������ѽ��)
i'm not sure what you mean. (��Ū�������� ʲô��)
i'm not sure i understand.
i'm not sure i see what you mean.
i don't know if i understand what you're trying to say.
� �֪��������ô���¡�

i don't know what's what. *what's what ��what is what��������ʽ��ֱ��Ϊ��ʲô��ʲô����

i don't have any idea what's going on.
i don't know anything any more.
it's over my head. *ֱ��� ������� � � �������������� �����飬������⡢Ū����ʱ��, that's the way to use computers. (��֮������������ʹ�õġ�)

it's over my head. (̫���ˣ���Ū������)
it's beyond me.
��Ҳ� ����

your guess is as good as mine. *guess ���Ʋ ���롱�����Ǿ

�ñ�﷽ʽ����Ϊ����Ҫ��֪�#���� �֪���ˡ���

how many people live in this town? (�������‫)?�����˶�ס‬

your guess is as good as mine. (��Ҳ������)
the more i think about it, the less i understand it.
i don't know what he is driving at. *drive at... �������������
i don't know what he intends.
i don't know what he is getting at.
i don't know what he is trying to do.
it's not clear. (�Ҳ�����)
that's unclear.
that's clear. (� ����ˡ�)
what's she after?
what's she after? (������ʲô?)
i'm not sure. (�Ҳ�����)
what's her game?
i have no idea.
do you know where my pen is? (��֪��� ı����Ķ���?)

i have no idea. (��һ���֪�!�)

i have no clue.
no idea.
it's all greek to me.
i didn't know that.
john got married last week. (Լ�������‫���ڽ‬ˡ�)

i didn't know that. (����ô��֪�!�)

that's news to me. *ϰ���÷���
i wasn't aware of that.
i don't know.
do you know where she's from? (��֪�����Ǵ��Ķ�4����?)

i don't know. (��֪�!�/��̫����)

i have no idea.
i don't know for sure. *for sure �С�ȷ�е ‫������������ء‬ʵ ‫��ء‬ĺ��⡣
do you know the way to my house? (����ʶȥ� �·��?)
i don't know for sure. (�Ҳ�̫����)
i don't know for certain.
i'm not absolutely sure.

no one knows for sure. *���� ���롰 who knows?�������� ������Ϊ����for

sure����� �� ���֪�5ò�ȷ�У���Ҳ�и��ָ���� ������С�

how should i know? *���
‫��ڱ‬ʵ����Լ�������֪�!�������֪�!�������ʱ����� ����������ʱ������ ���Ƕ ���� � �����С�
is he married? (��������?)
how should i know? (����ô��֪��?)

who knows? *�þ���ʱ��������4��Щ�������
what is the meaning of life? (ʲô������?)
who knows? (˭��֪��?)
nobody knows.
no way of knowing.
there's no way of knowing.
it's impossible to find out.

excuse me... (� �� �)
yes? (������?)
what for?
i bought this beautiful pen. (������һ֧Ư�uĸֱʡ�)
what for? (������?)
�� ʲô?
pardon me? *��Ϊ����С��û��������һʱû����� �������� ʱ������
‫���������װ‬ˣ�������һ��Pardon me?����Ϳ�� �ʧ��
� ò ��Ի�������ȥ��
is there a post office near here? (� �����ʾ���?)
pardon me? (�� ʲô?)
i beg your pardon?
how about now?
� ����� ʲô?
excuse me?
what did you say?
what? *����û���� � ʲô��û��� ����� ʱ����������ʷ���������4��Щ��³����Ӳ��
huh? *��what?������ ����
�� ʲô4��?
did you say anything? *����û���Է� ʲ ������Լ
�ô������ ��ʱ��� ֪� �� � ��ʲô�ij��ϡ�
� ����� ʲô4��?
i'm sorry, what did you say? *ȷʵ�� � ��ʲô�� �� ����
ܹ ‫�ظ‬һ�顣
so what? *���в�����Ȥ���������������г��á�
what of it?
ʲô�� ?
what does it mean? *ûŪ�� ��� ����ʱ���������������ʡ�
what do you mean?
please explain what you mean. (�������һ������� ��)
what are you trying to say? (���� ʲô?)
what do you mean by that? (������ʲô�� ?)
���� ������?
are you saying that...? *ȷ�϶ ���������ʱ��
are you saying that it's a bad idea? (���� ������ ��?)
that's right. (�ǵġ�)
do you mean...?
are you trying to say that...?
then what?
and then?
what happened then?
what's he driving at? *��� ���‫ ����� ڲ‬ʱ��
������ һ����?
would you repeat that, please? *����û�������û����ʱ��
could you repeat that, please?
could you say that again, please?
say it again. (�� һ�顣)

please say it again. (���� һ�顣)

please repeat that. (�����‫�ظ‬һ�顣)

�� ��̫���ˡ�
you're speaking too quickly.
you're talking too fast.
������ ��һ���
please say it more slowly.
please speak more slowly.
more slowly, please.
please speak slower.
please don't speak so quickly. (����Ҫ ��̫�졣)
would you slow down, please? (���� ��һ�����?)
� ����� �ġ�
i can't keep up.
���‫�ٴ‬һ����� ��
please speak a little louder.
could you speak up? (�����‫�ٴ‬һ��������?)
a little louder, please? (�������)
speak up, please? (����� ��)
please speak up.
please speak louder.
i can't hear you. *���������ֻ����hear������listen��
i can't hear a word you're saying. (� ������ ʲô��)
i can't hear you at all. (�����)
i can't hear you well. (����̫����)

2005-4-18 15:27:00happybobby
��û����� ʲô��
i couldn't catch what you said. *��������(�����)����
i didn't catch that.
���� ʲô��?
what are you talking about? *������ ��� �����‫���ݣ‬û ‫ � ����ע‬ʲô�ij��ϡ�
what did you say? (�� ʲô��?)

just like me!
john is very smart. (Լ�������)
yeah, just like me! (�ţ�������һ��)*����̸���Լ��Ķ���Լ����
was it good?
we had melon for lunch at school. (�� У���緹 ʱ����� �� ��۹ ϡ�)
was it good? (��?)
did you have fun?
after school, we played soccer. (�� ������ȥ�������ˡ�)
did you have fun? (��ø�����?)
how do you like this suit?
how do you like this suit? (�����·���ô��?)
it looks great on you. (������ѽ!)
how do you like this suit? (� ���������)
i think it's nice. (� �� �á�)
how did you like it?
how did you like it? (�������)
i liked it very much. (� �ϲ����)
what did you think of it?
did you like it?
did you enjoy it?
what do you think of it? *ѯ�ʱ����кθ���ʱ��
what do you think of our new boss? (�����������ϰ���ô��?)
i think she's very friendly. (� ���� ����ơ�)
what do you think about it?

how'd things turn out? *turn out... ������ �������
how'd things turn out? (������)
they turned out to be miserable. (���ܲҡ�)
how was it?
how did it go?
how did it turn out?
how did it end up?
������ ����
to make a long story short,...
�� ����Ҫ�� �ɡ�
just tell me the story in a nutshell. *nutshell �����Ŀ ���in a nutshell�ǹ����
ܽ Ե� ����
�������Ҫ�� �����
give it to me in a nutshell.
let me know the circumstances.
let me know the situation.
����١ �

a piece of cake. *���һ�鵰��һ�� �������١ ���

how was the test? (� �Կ�����ô��?)

a piece of cake. (��ֱ����١ �)

it was a piece of cake.
it was very easy.
it was a snap.
it was no problem (at all).
it was as easy as 1,2,3.
it was as easy as a,b,c.
so far, so good.
how's your cooking going? (�����������?)
so far, so good. (������Ϊֹ���á�)
up till now, no problems.
so-so. *�����ò��������ȥ����
how's school? (���� У��ô��?)
so-so. (�������)
that's about it.
ûʲô� ���ġ�
it was nothing.
wow! how'd you do that? (��!�����4��?)
it was nothing. (��ûʲô��)
it was no big deal.
��ܼ �
there's nothing to it.
can you help me e-mail? (��������
ܽ һ��e-mail(�����ʼ�)��?)

sure, there's nothing to it. (��Ȼ����ܼ �)

it's a piece of cake. (������١ �)

nothing complicated about it. (��ûʲô���ӵġ�)
it worked!
and if you plug this in... (Ȼ������ϲ� ����)
it worked! (��������!)
it did the job!
it needs work. *����ҪŬf���ܴ ���#���ø�á�
what about the new computer system? (�Ǹ��µļ����ϵ ��ô��?)
it needs work. (����Ľ�)
it needs more work.
it needs some work.
� ���ôһ���
almost. *��ʾ���� ��������һ���
almost! (� ���ôһ���)
i thought it was a home run. (����Ϊ�Ǹ��‫)� ��ء‬
going from bad to worse. *ֱ��� ��Ӳ��õ������ġ������������ ʹ�ϵ�����û�ɼ��ȶ��ֳ��ϡ�
how's married life? (���������)
going from bad to worse. (Խ4Խ�㡣)
getting increasingly worse.
getting worse and worse (all the time).
he made it big. *make it big ���������ȡ���˳ɹ�����
he became very successful.
he is a big success.
we're set. *�����4��ʾ�� �����ˣ� �����ˡ���set������

they just fixed the car. (�� �� á�)

we're set. (�������ˡ�)
we're set. (���� �����ˡ�)

let's get going. (������� ɡ�)

our problem's solved.
we're ready.
we're okay.

i see. *����Է���ʾ�Լ�����⣬��ʹ�Ի�˳����С�
that's why i was late. (���������Ҳ�4���ˡ�)
i see. (��֪���ˡ�)
uh-huh. *�� �� ������ʱ����� ���Yes��
you have? *��I've been to chicago. (��ȥ��֥�Ӹ 硣) ��You have? ��He's from

chicago.(����֥�Ӹ��ˡ�) ��He is? ��He went to chicago. (��ȥ֥�Ӹ��ˡ�) ��He did? ��He is

tall. (��ĸ�� ܸ �) ��He is? ��He's cooking now. (���������) ��He is? ���ϸ��Ĵ��Ҫ����Ӧ�

is that right? *����ֻ��ʾ����������?����Ҳ��� �ʾ���������?��
is that so?
is that true?
is that correct?
that's right.
exactly! *ǿ��϶�������
that's it exactly.
that's exactly it.
oh, yeah? *�Ƚ����� ����
is that so?
oh, really?
oh, do you?
oh, you do?
oh, you like it? (Ŷ����ϲ����?)
oh, thank you. (Ŷ��лл��)
it's nice, isn't it? (� ����‫�ذ‬ѽ?)
and? * �� ����� ��ȥ��� �� ����‫��ڿ‬ǣ���������������4ʱ��
��Ҳ� �
me, too. *���� �� �������뷨�� ʱ����� Ƚ����� ������ ֮� �á��‫������ڹ‬ò��á�
so am i.
so do i.
so did i.
neither do i. *���‫���� ڶ‬Ҳ��������Ļ��Ļ�Ӧ����ʾ����Ҳ�������������ʱ���ȡ�me,
tom doesn't want to go. (��ķ����ȥ��)
neither do i. (��Ҳ����ȥ��)
me, neither. * ���Ƚ���㡣��ʽ�Ĺ������ò��á�
�� ɵ����
don't be silly.
i'll pay for dinner. (� ����Ǯ��)
don't be silly. (�� ɵ����)
don't be foolish.
that's too bad. *���˶ �����õ�����ʱʹ�á�
i've lost my wallet. (� ���� �Ǯ��)
that's too bad. (����̫��ù�ˡ�)
are you sure?
what a shame!
� ���
good! *��Ӧ�����������
����˳ ���
what a surprise! *����û�뵽�����飬� ���� �������һ��ʱ��
���� ��������
i hope not.
i hope so.
see? my dog can sing. (��֪����� Ĺ�� �衣)
unbelievable! (��������!)
no kidding!
you're kidding!
you're joking!
that can't be!
you bet.
may i borrow your pen? (���Խ�����ĸֱ���?)
you bet. (��Ȼ�С�)
no problem.

well... *�����ֺܷ���ı�﷽ʽ�����������������á�(1)һʱ�����˵�˻��‫ش‬
4ʱ�����š������������������������� ����������� ��
�ɡ�������(2)� � �ʱ������ѽ!������ʲô?��������!����(3)�ı 仰


let me see. *see ����� �������� �����롱�������г���4��ʾ� �b�̴ �һʱ�벻��

‫�ش‬Ļ������� ��ʲô��
may i take your order? (���ʲô��?)
well, let me see...(��ʲô��?����)
let's see.
let me check. (���Ҳ�顣)
i'll find out for you. (�����ҡ�)
� ��� � ���
i mean... *������ ������������ʵ���� �����������‫ڻ‬Ự�в��������Լ��ķ���ʱ��
may i ask who you are? (����������λ?)
i'm a friend of john's... i mean, mr. sheehan.
(����Լ������� �
����� �
���� �
)*������ ����������
it's on the tip of my tongue.
what should i say... *����ί���������� ����飬 һʱ�Ҳ������ʵĴʣ���ȡ����ʱ������
how should i put this...
how should i put it...
���治֪�8� ʲô�á���
i don't know quite how to put this.
you said you wanted to talk to me...
(�� ���л�Ҫ���� ����)
well, i don't know quite how to put this... (�ţ����治֪�8� ʲô�á���)
i don't know how to say this.
i'm not sure how to put this.
beats me. *�‫�����˵��˱��ش‬ʱ������ѽ!������ˡ��� ����ô˵�‫���ء‬

ѽ ?)
what's the population of narita? (���������� �
beats me. (������������ˡ�)
i can't answer that. (� ɴ���4��)
what do you call it? *һʱ�벻��Ҫ �Ķ�������ֵ�ʱ� ����г�����Ϊwhatchamacallit?

what would you call it? *� �do�����ɡ�would������������һ�ֳ��ϡ��� � �������ʲô?��


you've got me. *�4���‫�ش‬ʻ�ʱ��

who's the prime minister of canada? (���ô��������˭?)
you've got me. (������‫�ס‬ˡ�)

��‫�� ��� ٱ‬
�� ��ʲô��!
say something.
say something. (�� ��ʲô��!)
i'm speechless. (��l���� ����4�ˡ�)
a penny for your thoughts. *���ǹ��ñ�﷽ʽ�����‫�� ��ڵ‬

‫���ڿ‬ʲô��ʱ��ֱ��� �����һ��ʿҲ�ã��������������ʲô����

tell me more (about it).
i want to know more about it in detail.
i'd like to know more details. *�Ƚ�����ò�� ����
how was your trip?
how was your trip? (����������)
it was terrible. (̫����ˡ�)

i'm all ears. *���‫��������۾‬

how was the meeting?
how was the meeting? (�Ὺ����ô��?)
we didn't accomplish much. (ûʲô���)
���� ѽ��
i'm listening. *�‫��̸ֹ � ڶ‬ʱ���� ���ʾ������� ��ȥ�������‫���ء����������ء‬
keep talking.
i'd like to hear the story.
did you hear about my trip? (���� �����������?)
not yet. i'd like to hear the story. (û�‫��ء‬Һ���֪�!�)
i'd like to know the story.
i'd like to hear about it.

we had small talk. *small talk ���л������ű ʵĻ�����

2005-4-18 15:28:00happybobby
��û����� ʲô��
i couldn't catch what you said. *��������(�����)����
i didn't catch that.
���� ʲô��?
what are you talking about? *������ ��� �����‫���ݣ‬û ‫ � ����ע‬ʲô�ij��ϡ�
what did you say? (�� ʲô��?)

just like me!
john is very smart. (Լ�������)
yeah, just like me! (�ţ�������һ��)*����̸���Լ��Ķ���Լ����
was it good?
we had melon for lunch at school. (�� У���緹 ʱ����� �� ��۹ ϡ�)
was it good? (��?)
did you have fun?
after school, we played soccer. (�� ������ȥ�������ˡ�)
did you have fun? (��ø�����?)
how do you like this suit?
how do you like this suit? (�����·���ô��?)
it looks great on you. (������ѽ!)
how do you like this suit? (� ���������)
i think it's nice. (� �� �á�)
how did you like it?
how did you like it? (�������)
i liked it very much. (� �ϲ����)
what did you think of it?
did you like it?
did you enjoy it?
what do you think of it? *ѯ�ʱ����кθ���ʱ��
what do you think of our new boss? (�����������ϰ���ô��?)
i think she's very friendly. (� ���� ����ơ�)
what do you think about it?

how'd things turn out? *turn out... ������ �������
how'd things turn out? (������)
they turned out to be miserable. (���ܲҡ�)
how was it?
how did it go?
how did it turn out?
how did it end up?
������ ����
to make a long story short,...
�� ����Ҫ�� �ɡ�
just tell me the story in a nutshell. *nutshell �����Ŀ ���in a nutshell�ǹ����
ܽ Ե� ����
�������Ҫ�� �����
give it to me in a nutshell.
let me know the circumstances.
let me know the situation.
����١ �

a piece of cake. *���һ�鵰��һ�� �������١ ���

how was the test? (� �Կ�����ô��?)

a piece of cake. (��ֱ����١ �)

it was a piece of cake.
it was very easy.
it was a snap.
it was no problem (at all).
it was as easy as 1,2,3.
it was as easy as a,b,c.
so far, so good.
how's your cooking going? (�����������?)
so far, so good. (������Ϊֹ���á�)
up till now, no problems.
so-so. *�����ò��������ȥ����
how's school? (���� У��ô��?)
so-so. (�������)
that's about it.
ûʲô� ���ġ�
it was nothing.
wow! how'd you do that? (��!�����4��?)
it was nothing. (��ûʲô��)
it was no big deal.
��ܼ �
there's nothing to it.
can you help me e-mail? (��������
ܽ һ��e-mail(�����ʼ�)��?)

sure, there's nothing to it. (��Ȼ����ܼ �)

it's a piece of cake. (������١ �)

nothing complicated about it. (��ûʲô���ӵġ�)
it worked!
and if you plug this in... (Ȼ������ϲ� ����)
it worked! (��������!)
it did the job!
it needs work. *����ҪŬf���ܴ ���#���ø�á�
what about the new computer system? (�Ǹ��µļ����ϵ ��ô��?)
it needs work. (����Ľ�)
it needs more work.
it needs some work.
� ���ôһ���
almost. *��ʾ���� ��������һ���
almost! (� ���ôһ���)
i thought it was a home run. (����Ϊ�Ǹ��‫)� ��ء‬
going from bad to worse. *ֱ��� ��Ӳ��õ������ġ������������ ʹ�ϵ�����û�ɼ��ȶ��ֳ��ϡ�
how's married life? (���������)
going from bad to worse. (Խ4Խ�㡣)
getting increasingly worse.
getting worse and worse (all the time).
he made it big. *make it big ���������ȡ���˳ɹ�����
he became very successful.
he is a big success.
we're set. *�����4��ʾ�� �����ˣ� �����ˡ���set������

they just fixed the car. (�� �� á�)

we're set. (�������ˡ�)
we're set. (���� �����ˡ�)

let's get going. (������� ɡ�)

our problem's solved.
we're ready.
we're okay.

i see. *����Է���ʾ�Լ�����⣬��ʹ�Ի�˳����С�
that's why i was late. (���������Ҳ�4���ˡ�)
i see. (��֪���ˡ�)
uh-huh. *�� �� ������ʱ����� ���Yes��
you have? *��I've been to chicago. (��ȥ��֥�Ӹ 硣) ��You have? ��He's from

chicago.(����֥�Ӹ��ˡ�) ��He is? ��He went to chicago. (��ȥ֥�Ӹ��ˡ�) ��He did? ��He is

tall. (��ĸ�� ܸ �) ��He is? ��He's cooking now. (���������) ��He is? ���ϸ��Ĵ��Ҫ����Ӧ�

is that right? *����ֻ��ʾ����������?����Ҳ��� �ʾ���������?��
is that so?
is that true?
is that correct?
that's right.
exactly! *ǿ��϶�������
that's it exactly.
that's exactly it.
oh, yeah? *�Ƚ����� ����
is that so?
oh, really?
oh, do you?
oh, you do?
oh, you like it? (Ŷ����ϲ����?)
oh, thank you. (Ŷ��лл��)
it's nice, isn't it? (� ����‫�ذ‬ѽ?)
and? * �� ����� ��ȥ��� �� ����‫��ڿ‬ǣ���������������4ʱ��
��Ҳ� �
me, too. *���� �� �������뷨�� ʱ����� Ƚ����� ������ ֮� �á��‫������ڹ‬ò��á�
so am i.
so do i.
so did i.
neither do i. *���‫���� ڶ‬Ҳ��������Ļ��Ļ�Ӧ����ʾ����Ҳ�������������ʱ���ȡ�me,
tom doesn't want to go. (��ķ����ȥ��)
neither do i. (��Ҳ����ȥ��)
me, neither. * ���Ƚ���㡣��ʽ�Ĺ������ò��á�
�� ɵ����
don't be silly.
i'll pay for dinner. (� ����Ǯ��)
don't be silly. (�� ɵ����)
don't be foolish.
that's too bad. *���˶ �����õ�����ʱʹ�á�
i've lost my wallet. (� ���� �Ǯ��)
that's too bad. (����̫��ù�ˡ�)
are you sure?
what a shame!
� ���
good! *��Ӧ�����������
����˳ ���
what a surprise! *����û�뵽�����飬� ���� �������һ��ʱ��
���� ��������
i hope not.
i hope so.
see? my dog can sing. (��֪����� Ĺ�� �衣)
unbelievable! (��������!)
no kidding!
you're kidding!
you're joking!
that can't be!
you bet.
may i borrow your pen? (���Խ�����ĸֱ���?)
you bet. (��Ȼ�С�)
no problem.

well... *�����ֺܷ���ı�﷽ʽ�����������������á�(1)һʱ�����˵�˻��‫ش‬
4ʱ�����š������������������������� ����������� ��
�ɡ�������(2)� � �ʱ������ѽ!������ʲô?��������!����(3)�ı 仰


let me see. *see ����� �������� �����롱�������г���4��ʾ� �b�̴ �һʱ�벻��

‫�ش‬Ļ������� ��ʲô��
may i take your order? (���ʲô��?)
well, let me see...(��ʲô��?����)
let's see.
let me check. (���Ҳ�顣)
i'll find out for you. (�����ҡ�)
� ��� � ���
i mean... *������ ������������ʵ���� �����������‫ڻ‬Ự�в��������Լ��ķ���ʱ��
may i ask who you are? (����������λ?)
i'm a friend of john's... i mean, mr. sheehan.
(����Լ������� �
����� �
���� �
)*������ ����������
it's on the tip of my tongue.
what should i say... *����ί���������� ����飬 һʱ�Ҳ������ʵĴʣ���ȡ����ʱ������
how should i put this...
how should i put it...
���治֪�8� ʲô�á���
i don't know quite how to put this.
you said you wanted to talk to me...
(�� ���л�Ҫ���� ����)
well, i don't know quite how to put this... (�ţ����治֪�8� ʲô�á���)
i don't know how to say this.
i'm not sure how to put this.
beats me. *�‫�����˵��˱��ش‬ʱ������ѽ!������ˡ��� ����ô˵�‫���ء‬

ѽ ?)
what's the population of narita? (���������� �
beats me. (������������ˡ�)
i can't answer that. (� ɴ���4��)
what do you call it? *һʱ�벻��Ҫ �Ķ�������ֵ�ʱ� ����г�����Ϊwhatchamacallit?

what would you call it? *� �do�����ɡ�would������������һ�ֳ��ϡ��� � �������ʲô?��


you've got me. *�4���‫�ش‬ʻ�ʱ��

who's the prime minister of canada? (���ô��������˭?)
you've got me. (������‫�ס‬ˡ�)

��‫�� ��� ٱ‬
�� ��ʲô��!
say something.
say something. (�� ��ʲô��!)
i'm speechless. (��l���� ����4�ˡ�)
a penny for your thoughts. *���ǹ��ñ�﷽ʽ�����‫�� ��ڵ‬

‫���ڿ‬ʲô��ʱ��ֱ��� �����һ��ʿҲ�ã��������������ʲô����

tell me more (about it).
i want to know more about it in detail.
i'd like to know more details. *�Ƚ�����ò�� ����
how was your trip?
how was your trip? (����������)
it was terrible. (̫����ˡ�)

i'm all ears. *���‫��������۾‬

how was the meeting?
how was the meeting? (�Ὺ����ô��?)
we didn't accomplish much. (ûʲô���)
���� ѽ��
i'm listening. *�‫��̸ֹ � ڶ‬ʱ���� ���ʾ������� ��ȥ�������‫���ء����������ء‬
keep talking.
i'd like to hear the story.
did you hear about my trip? (���� �����������?)
not yet. i'd like to hear the story. (û�‫��ء‬Һ���֪�!�)
i'd like to know the story.
i'd like to hear about it.

we had small talk. *small talk ���л������ű ʵĻ�����

2005-4-18 15:28:00happybobby
how was the movie?
how was the movie? (��Ӱ��ô��?)
i really enjoyed it. (� �ú����� ��)
� �Ϸ���� ��?
did you enjoy the play?
did you enjoy the play? (� �Ϸ���� ��?)
no, it was dull. (��û����)
i want to talk about it now.
let's talk about it later. (��������� ���̸�ɡ�)
i want to talk about it now. (��������̸��)
�ɣ� �ɡ�
shoot! *����shoot�С���� ������ �����‫�����ڿ‬Ҳ������4�‫ٶ‬ ������� �ɡ����� �ɣ� �ɡ���

i need to tell you something. (������Ҫ�����㡣)

shoot! ( �ɣ� �ɡ�)go ahead.
what's on your mind.
���� Ӣ��ɡ�
let's talk in english.
let's speak in english.
let's have a chat.
‫�� ��ץ�ص‬

to the point, please. *���� ���� һЩ�

�ʹ����£���û��ʱ������ ����Ҫ �������Լ�������ij��ϡ�

stop beating around the bush. *���ö��
get to the point, please.
how was your day?
how was your day? (���������)
exhausting. (���Ѿ���ƣf���ˡ�)

��� ������!
let's change the subject.
okay, okay, i'll pay you back next week... (�ðɣ��ðɣ��������һ���Ǯ����)
let's change the subject. (�ǣ���� �����ɡ�)
let's talk about something else.
let's talk about something different.
i'd rather talk about something else. (�������
ܲ ܻ Ļ�� )
� ���
let's get back to the subject.
let's get back to the subject. (� ���)
yes, let's. (� �)
let's get back to the point.
let's get back on track.
i don't want to talk about it now.
i'd prefer not to talk about it. (�Ҳ���̸���Ǽ��¡�)
���¶�� ��� �ɡ�
let's talk about it later.
we're playing golf this sunday, right? (�������������Ҫȥ�� ��� �?)
let's talk about it later. (���¶�� ��� �ɡ�)
�������� ����
to change the subject...
i can't believe it. (�������������š�)
to change the subject... (��������̸����İɡ�)
well, all joking aside,...
ha, ha, that's a good one! (�������������Ц����Ȥ��)
well, all joking aside, let's get to work. (��� ��ˣ���Ц����Ц����ȥ�ɻ��ɡ�)
well, seriously,...
by the way,...
it was really fun. (����‫��غ‬档)
by the way, how is john? (˳����һ�£�Լ����ô����?)
�� � ʲô4��?
you were saying? * ������л���ı�ʱ��
carry on.
please go on.
that reminds me.
the party gonna be great! (�Ǹ����һ�����
ܰ )
oh, that reminds me. i can't go. (����������4�ˣ���ȥ���ˡ�)
�� �ˡ�
let's stop talking.
i'm tired of talking. (� � ���ˡ�)
i don't want to talk anymore. (�Ҳ��� �ˡ�)
i've heard the story before. *���‫ �ظ�� ڶ‬һ����ʱ��
you've already told me.
i'm sick and tired of hearing that. (� � ����ϼ��ˡ�) *sick and tired of... ���
����� �ˡ���
i've heard enough about it (already).*��already��ǿ�����á�
i don't want to hear about it anymore. (����Ҳ�������Ǽ����ˡ�)
���±��� �ˡ�
let's drop the subject. *drop ���ˡ����¡�֮�⣬����ʾ��(��� �¼��������)���ˡ����� ֹ����
let's drop it.
i don't want to talk about it anymore. (����Ҳ���� �Ǽ����ˡ�)
������ ��
don't say it so loud.
don't say it so loud. (������ ��)
i thought you were hard of hearing. (����Ϊ��û����‫)�ء‬
don't say that kind of thing so loudly. (�����±���ô�������¡�)
(please) lower you voice. (�����)

i've decided.
i've decided to move. (���Ѿ������ˡ�)
really? (���?)
i've made up my mind.
i've come to a decision.
it's up to you. *up to... ��Ӧ�á���������� ��������ȫ�ɡ������ �
what should we do tonight? (�����������Ǹɵ��ʲô?)
it's up to you. (һ�ж�������ˡ�)
it depends on you.
it's completely up to you. *�� ǿ�������
it's all up to you. *�Ƚ�ǿ��� ����
you decide.
do you want to go out or stay home? (�����ȥ�������‫)?�ڼ‬
you decide. (����!)
���ǹ ��Ե�һ�㡣
this is the important point.
this is the main point.
this is crucial. *�������‫�ء‬
����� �� ����
this is my personal problem.
let me help you. (��4������ɡ�)
this is my personal problem. (����� �� ���� )
this is my private affair.

it's a matter of life and death. *���� ��‫�ش‬ʱ�á�

it's extremely important. (����һ��������Ҫ���¡�)
you're free to go or stay.
you're free to leave anytime.
i'm not keeping you here.
�Ѿ�� �����ˡ�
there's no turning back.
are you going to patch things up? (���Ǵ���ͺ���?)
no, there's no turning back. (�Ѿ���������ˡ�)
we can't turn back now.
��һ����һ����!(��ʱ���� ��!)
let's play it by ear. *���Ǿ�̶� ����ֱ��� �ƾ���4��� ����Ϊ��˳����Ȼ����һ����һ������

should we go to the party tonight? (���ǽ�������� ��Ǹ�ȥ�μ ‫)?�ۻ‬

i don't know. let's play it by ear. (�Ҳ�֪�#���ʱ���� �ɡ�)

let's leave everything to chance.
let's just see what happens. (�����ɡ�)
i'm sure i can do it. *��ʾ �����а�� �
are you sure you can do it? (����Ŀ�������?)
yes, i'm sure i can do it. (��ȷ��������á�)
i certainly can do it.
i believe i can do it. (���������ܸɡ�)

����Ȼ� ���� ���ʲô��

i'm still unable to decide what to do.
what are you going to do? (�������ʲô?)
i'm still unable to decide what to do. (����Ȼ� ������ʲô��)
i'm still undecided. (�һ��²�� ��ġ�)
i still can't decide what to do. (�һ�� ���� ø�ʲô��)
i'm still unsure. (����Ȼû�а�� �)
� �����
i'll follow her.
i'll go after her.
let's all get together and act as one.
let's work together as a team.
i have to do it anyhow. *anyhow��ʾ�������������Ρ���
i must do it anyway.
it's now or never. *ֱ�롰���4����‫ ��ڲ‬û����ˡ���
should i go to college? (��Ӧ��ȥ�ϴ� ��?)
yeah, it's now or never. (��Ȼ�����ʧ��ʱ����4��)
no time like the present. *ֱ��� �û�������������ʱ���ˡ���

seize the day. *ֱ�롰���ս��족�����‫�����ھ‬á�

carpe diem. (���‫���ص‬δ4����ʱ���֡�)��*����-��� Ӣ����Ҳ��ʹ�á�

the sooner, the better.
when should i go? (��ʲôʱ��ȥ?)
the sooner, the better. (Խ��Խ�á�)
i'll take a chance.
can you jump over the river? (��������������?)
i'll take a chance. (��������)
i'll take a gamble.
i'll go for it. (� ���һ� �)
i'll give it a try. (���Կ���)
have more guts!
ܵ 취��ɡ�

let's finish it somehow. *somehow ���뷽�跨��������������

it's getting late. (�Ѿ���ô���ˡ�)
let's finish it somehow. (��������
ܵ 취��ɡ�)

let's try our best to finish it. (� �ȫf��ɡ�)

let's get it over with. (�Ͽ��������ɡ�)
ֵ��һ� �

it's worth a try. *worth ���м�ֵ������ֵ�á�����Ҳ� ˳�������4̫��ǿ����ֵ��һ� ���

i don't think i can beat him. (������Ӯ������)
well, it's worth a try. (����ֵ��һ� �)
��� ��� �� �¡�
we must function as one mind and one body.
we have to work together.
we must be a team.
we have to cooperate with each other. (��� ���� ��)
you just wait.
ܼ ‫��ס‬
it's all or nothing. *����һ���� �����
we're betting all of our money. (���ǰ����е�Ǯ�����ϰɡ�)
yeah, it's all or nothing. (�ðɣ���‫ע‬һ�!�)

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