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Epiphany I awoke this morning realizing the secrets of life, These undesirables that we all pass by.

These factors that are there but never seen, Never spoken of and put in the back of our realties. Today, I realize that what we want out of life is ambitions of TV, Episodes of comedy, climaxes of drama and love endings that were meant to be. These scenarios are always placed before our eyes, A love that is meant to exist, but never reminded of the darker sides. We are meant to think that happiness is meant to be found, We are never told that happiness is in our imaginations, As we live within these horrible conditions. We are never meant to find that special someone, Nor are we meant to be truly sincere. We are told to be nice while we lie through our teeth, Deceive our friends and read between the lines. We are meant to decipher the codes around us, Never meant to be told this information straightforward. We are meant to suffer for our errors, as we are meant to repeat them over. We live our lives making each other miserable, Lying and cheating and acting as if we were civil. But the only thing civil about us are our wars, Our greedy desires and our never ending plights. We are liars; we demonstrate that not even love is true, We show that not even color can be construed, nor is the water truly blue. I awoke this morning looking at the world in its package, A pretty box of breeze and trees, Encasing the filth that we pollute each other with, the lies and deceit. We are full of shit, But you would never know, Because lies are the truth that will never be known. I awake this morning, 21 years old, An epiphany, 21 years untold.

Im going back to sleep. Anthony K. Rosales

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