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Common Biases / Pitfalls

• Initial impression
• Central tendency
• Strict rating
• Lenient rating
• Halo effect
• Horn effect
• Latest Behavior
• Spillover effect
• Status effect / “Snob” effect
• Same as me
• Different from me
• Attribution errors
• Actor-observer bias
• Personal biases
Bias Effects
• Matthew effect (Gabris & Mitchell)
– after the Matthew of biblical fame who wrote,

"To him who has shall be given, and he shall

have abundance: but from him who does not
have, even that which he has shall be taken

– employees tend to keep receiving the same

appraisal results, year in and year out.
Bias Effects
• Support to Matthew Effect
– A study of supervisors in nearly 40

– Subordinates tend to be divided into 2 groups

• In-groupers
• Out-groupers
• Favored by their supervisors

• Enjoy a “high degree of trust, interaction,

support and rewards”

• Supervisors tend to overlook their failures

or attribute to causes such as bad timing
or bad luck
• Permanently out of favor and are likely to
bear the brunt supervisory distrust ad

• When they do poorly, it is attributed to

laziness and incompetence
• Certain employees may be unfairly advantaged,
while others are disadvantaged, by bias effects
in the judgment of supervisors.

• Because of this, it makes them feel more

frustrated about their performance and their

• Employees have become more pessimistic

because of the biases
Defense Against Biases
• Awareness Training

• Developing Poor Performers

– Incentives (financial & non-financial)

– Supervisory appraisals

• Counseling, Transfer, or Termination

– For chronic poor performers

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