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Production Brief Project Name Medium/Format Length Brief overview of content Quiet Riot Short Film action/comedy 5 6 minutes

es Two boys in and a teacher in detention, the teacher leaves to go to the staffroom. The two boys end up in various types of play fight, which extends into the corridor. A female student appears in the film during the fight, who defends one of the boys. The boys later arrive back to the classroom and the teacher joins them again. The teacher dismisses the two boys, and they leave the room. Our target audience may be manly male based due to the action involved. However there is also an element of comedy-romance, which may interest a female audience. Our age bracket will be people aged 12+.

Our short film can be published in film festival exhibitions to reach a wider audience. Certain websites also encourage submission. It can also be published on popular sites such as YouTube. What comparable We have researched many shorts films such Tick products have you Tock and Bitch. Our main inspiration was the short researched? Die hardly working. Our research also included comic material such as American hit comedy Scary Movie and Action films such as The Matrix and Star wars. What is the rationale The elements we plan to use in our short include, behind this text? dramatic irony, which will provoke laughter. We will include the element of surprise, conflict and opposite expectations, which are some of the many recognized elements of a comedy. How will you test whether The product will be viewed by a focus group of the the product is successful? appropriate age (our target audience) on whether the How will you check that it product is successful. We will also be conducting a accomplishes the questionnaire asking a variety of questions on the intended effect? audiences opinions and the strengths and weaknesses of our production. This will give us a clear understanding on whether our production has been successful and accomplishes the effect intended. What generic codes and Sound- As there will be no speech in our production conventions will be instead we have decided to use comical sound effects; operating in your text? these will fit the conventions of a comedy.

Target Audience - Age Group, Gender, Biases (if any), Socio-Economic Status And Lifestyle Profiling Possible scheduling/publishing suggestion:

Actions- The actors actions will match the elements action film there will be a range of different actions such as explosions, fights, gunplay and fast paced chases with a twist of comedy allowing it to fit the action-comedy genre. What are the overt The obvious message incorporated In our text is about (obvious) messages embracing that moment, everybody remembers being incorporated into the text? up to no good when the teachers back is turned and that is exactly what our production will show. Identify any resource Time management: there may be issues with timing as constraints (money, not all the cast will have the same timetables, so the equipment, human crew will have to work around the needs and times of resources) that might the cast. affect your production and Equipment: as there will be 2 days of shooting we will your hopes for your have to make sure all the equipment needed (crash product: mat, tape for the floor, classroom) will be available for use. Physical: the physical appearances of the cast will need to remain the same (i.e. no haircuts, same clothing for both days etc.) Additional notes:

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