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Dr. David G. Bernard


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There are 60 items in this booklet. Be careful not to overlook any pages in the examination booklet. You have 80 minutes to complete these questions. During the course of the examination students will remain in their assigned seats. If issistance is needed, the student should raise hislher hand and a proctor will then attend the individual need of that student. Upon completion of the exam, each student is to remain seated, raise her/his hand, and the exam materials will be collected by the proctors. At no time is the student to leave his/her seat and carry the exam materials to the proctors or other areas of the room. After collection of exam materials, the student is tQimmediately and promptly leave the Examination Room. NO EXTRA TIME WILL BE ALLOWED AT THE END OF THE EXAMINING PERIOD FOR ANSWERS TO BE TRANSFERRED TO THE ANSWER SHEET.



Each of the numbered items or incomplete statements in this section is followed by answers or completions of the statement. Select the ONE lettered answer or r completion that is BEST in each case. Each multiple choice question is worth 1.5 points.


Phasic receptors: are rapidly adaptive receptors B. cease firing unless the strength of the stimulus remains constant C. are not attuned to changes in a parameter D. are pressure sensitive haroreceptors for example E. A, B, andD The most ancient part of the brain in evolutionary terms is the: brain stem B. cerebellum D. cerebrum E. thalamus
In peripheral nervous system (PNS) of vertebrates:









the tbe the the

afferent afferent afferent afferent

division division division division

carries carries carries carries

information information information information

to the CNS from the CNS to effector organs from the efferent division to the CNS

the efferent division carries information to sensory organs

Wbat structure is highly vascular and closely adheres to the surface ofthe brain? @ pia mater B. arachnoid C. D. cranial plexus E. choroid plexus When graded potentials reach the trigger zone: an action potential may be initiated B. they may depolarize the membrane to the threshold voltage C. they may hyperpolarize the membrane D. they may be called IPSPs E. All of these are true.

dura mater




The sensory neuron that delivers the sensation to the CNS is a __ A. receptor first-order D. third-order E. fourth-order





Each of the following statements concerning the gray matter of the spinal cord is true, EXCEPT one. Identify the exception. A. The gray matter is located in the interior of the spinal cord around the central canal. B. The gray matter function in processing neural information. 0. The gray matter is primarily involved in relaying information to the brain. D. The gray matter contains motor neurons. E. The gray matter is divided into regions called horns. The frequency of firing of an afferent axon in response to sensory stimulation depends primarily upon: '5. the magnitude of the stimulus B. the duration of stimulus C. the properties of the afferent axon D. the size of the afferent axon E. the duration and magnitude of the graded receptor potential


Dr. Bernard - Animal Physiology - Exam 2-2 - Spring 2011 - Page 1 of 9


If an electrical synapse conducted an action potential "backward" (from what would normally be the postsynaptic neuron to the presynaptic neuron), would an action potential be conducted in a retrograde direction? Yes B. No, since tbe normally


neuron lacks receptors

for the ions carrying current from the

E. 10.

normally postsynaptic neuron. No, since the normally presynaptic neuron would be refractory to retrograde conduction. No, unless the concentration gradients for all the relevant ions were reversed. No, since there's no axon hillock at the axon terminal of the normally presynaptic neuron. the cerebellum to Jl!.e brainstem are located in the: C.

The tracts that connect A.


medulla oblongata diencephalon


pons thalamus


Wbich of tbe following A. It is composed B. It is composed C. It is composed 6'5J It is composed ~. It is composed

is true of a nerve? of bundled nerve cells. solely of afferent neuronal axons. of afferent and efferent neurons. of bundled afferent and efferent neuronal of bundles ofaxons called tracts.



An autonomic motor oeuron wbose cell body lies in the CNS is called __ A. an upper motor B. a lower motor D. a postganglionic E. a somatomotor



a preganglionic


An investigator places an isolated neuron in a calcium-free medium, gives the neuron a suprathreshold stimulus and then performs an assay to test wbether neurotransmitter is released into the medium. Wbich of

B. C.

tbe following outcomes would you predict? No neurotransmitter is detected since influx of calcium into the synaptic knob is required


neurotransmitter release. No neurotransmitter is detected since influx of calcium is required in order for the neuron to conduct an action potential. Neurotransmitter is detected since calcium is not required for action potential conduction and the initial stimulus was suprathreshold. We cannot predict the outcome without knowing None of the above. potential large enough to produce an action potential instigator ~ is called a(n): whether the neuron was myelinated.


E. 14.

A receptor A. D.

action potential external result


generator potential None of the above.





Damage to the right frontal cortex of a monkey may produce: ~ paralysis on the left side of the body B. paralysis on the right side of the body e. paralysis on the dominant side of the body D. paralysis on the non-dominant side of the body

E. 16.

None of the above is correct. of antagonistic control of visceral organs by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous

The main advantage

systems is it: A. saves energy B. economizes on volume requirements allows precise regulation D. E. None of the above. All of the above are correct.

since organs can constrict wben tbey're not heing used

of the activity ofLhe organs so innervated

Dr. Bernard _ oimal Physiology - Exam 2-2 - Spring 2011- Page 2 of 9


Increased parasympathetic stimulation: A. increases heart rate C. causes sweat glands to release sweat E. causes the pupils to dilate The action potential along an A. True. E. False, because action C. False, because action False, because action E. False, because axons


increases gastric motility causes blood vessels in the skin to dilate


axon decreases in strength as the signal moves away from the cell body. potentials move toward the cell body. potentials occur only at a synapse. potentials remain unchanged along an axon. transmit only resting potentials.



Which of the following is NOT a function of neurons? A. receive information B. form the myelin sheath D. E. coordinate metabolic activities

conduct a signal integrate information

A scientist genetically engineers a neuron whose voltage-gated Na" channels lack the inactivation gate but which is otherwise normal. This neuron would be expected to: A. conduct action potentials bidirectionally ,) lack an absolute refractory period lack a relative refractory period D. All of the above are true E. Cannot be determined from the information given.



Post-ganglionic sympathetic fibers can release: A. acetylcholine (;) acetylcholine and norepinephrine E. norepinephrine and noreadrenaline Which A. B. C.

B. D.

norepinephrine norepinephrine and nicotine


E. 41.

of the following is NOT a function of cerebrospinal fluid? provides cushioning for delicate neural tissues provides buoyant support for the brain acts as a transport medium of nutrients provides a medium for nerve impulse transmission acts as a transport medium for chemical messengers

Information from the lateral geniculate nucleus project: from axons of the ganglion cells A. to the optic chiasm B. occipital lobe of the cerebrum C. to the optic tract E. None of the above is correct.



Ganglia are: clusters of neuronal cell bodies B. organisms with many (>4) tentacles C. a social group of organisms identifiable by similar external morphology D. Two of the above are correct. E. None of the above. Receptor potentials are __ the strength of the stimulus. A. unrelated to B. the same regardless of C. inversely proportional to directly proportional to E. much larger than



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All of the following are true of neural reflexes, EXCEPT that they: A. are automatic motor responses <:B:> are the simplest type of nervous response C. help preserve homeostasis D. show wide variability in response E. both B and 0 Collectively, the limbic system of the hrain is involved in: A. movements involving the extremities, such as arm gestures 1B) experiencing and expressing emotions hunger D. registering fatigue E. None of the above.




The blood-brain barrier: A. limits the direct exchange of materials between the cerebrospinal fluid and brain B. is formed in part by the tight junctions between the brain capillary cells consists of the astrocyte processes that encircle the brain capillaries D. Both A and B above are correct. E. All of the above are correct. Muscarinic receptors: are activated by acetylcholine B. are located on the surface of ganglion cells in both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems C. when stimulated always produce an excitatory response D. control sodium channels in the affected membrane E. are activated by norepinephrine. Which of the following statements concerning the spinal cord is INCORRECT? Afferent fibers enter the spinal cord through the ventral root. B. The dorsal and ventral roots at each level of the spinal cord join to form a spinal nerve. C. The spinal cord is not as long as the vertebral column. D. The ventral horn contains cell bodies of the efferent motor neurons that supply skeletal muscles.
E. The white matter of the spinal cord is organized into ascending and descending tracts.






Temporal summation refers to: A. the temporal lobe of the brain coordinating neuronal interaction B. multiple graded potentials originating from different locations simultaneously repeated graded potentials reaching the trigger zone one after the other D. suprathreshold potentials triggering action potentials that ate extra large E. All of these accurately describe temporal summation. The sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system: generally exert opposite effects of visceral organs B. are sensory and motor, respectively C. are central and peripheral, respectively D. are autonomic and automatic, respectively E. are generally excitatory and inhibitory, respectively A spinal nerve is a: A. neuron located entirely within the spinal cord, e.g. an interneuron B. neuron associated with the basal ganglia, or nuclei, which has many sites for synapse formation by virtue of its dendritic spines collection of peripheral axons collected within a connective tissue sheath D. a nerve root coming out of the spinal cord E. None of the above.



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Found on the cell bodies of neurons in both the parasympathetic and sympathetic ganglia, __

, exemplify


D. E.

nicotinic receptors; ligand-gated ion channels nicotinic receptors; G-protein coupled receptors muscarinic receptors; ligand-gated ion channels muscarinic receptors; G-protein coupled receptors adrenergic receptors; G-protein coupled receptors



The term gray matter refers to: the part of the cerehral cortex which contains neuronal cell bodies and glial cells 'lr: one of the layers of the meninges e. part of the brain affected by Alzheimer's disease and showing signs of senescence O. fiber tracts carrying information from one par to the brain to another E. None of the above. Choose all the items that are incorrectly matched. A. activation gate - closed at rest B. inactivation gate - open at rest inactivation gate - opens during repolarization D. activation gate - opens during depolarization E. None of these are incorrectly matched.


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Short Answer Questions

Please answer these questions briefly. Label diagrams correctly, with lines pointing to the proper structures. Partial credit will be given where appropriate. Write legibly!! You can use the back of the last page to continue any question. Number them, please!!
55. Draw and completely label a reflex arc. (4 points)



56. List the effere~sioos respectively! (5 points) and subdivisioos of the nervous and name the neurotransmitters found in each,



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<-57. Name the glial cells and briefly state the major functioo of each. One sentence each, please. (5 points)

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nimal Physiology - Exam 2-2 - Spring 2011 - Page 8 of 9

Dr. Bernard -


You and your lab partner have prepared a frog nerve for gathering data on action potentials. You connect an .. electronic stimulator to the nerve and ask your partner to gradually increase the voltage until you see an action potential. Your partner says that the voltage knob is stuck, that is, it will not increase the voltage. Is there another way to trigger action potentials using this stimulator? If so, what do you tell your partner to do? (4 points)

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Explain the relationship of the thalamus, basal nuclei, and cerebral cortex in the control of movement. (6 points) ,:>~l>' . (\l\.~\~

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Dr. Bernard - Animal Physiology - Exam 2-2 - Spring 2011- Page 9 of 9





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